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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



Are Job Interviews Allowed on a B-1 Visa?
Job interviews and contacting prospective U.S. employers are not specifically forbidden while visiting the U.S. using a B-1 visa.

However, if you state to the consular official that your purpose in visiting the U.S. is to interview for employment, he or she may infer that you intend to move to the U.S. permanently and deny your visa. While you should always be truthful in your applications and statements to U.S. government officials, you may want to state that your business purpose is to confer with associates unless asked specifically whether you are planning to interview. If you do reveal that you are interested in eventually working in the U.S., make sure to have plenty of evidence to prove that you would return to your home country and apply for the appropriate employment-based visa or green card before starting a position with a U.S. employer.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 请问各位大侠:去西雅图面试,入美国海关时应该说面试还是旅游或出差?多谢先
    • 当然是旅游
      • 谢谢回复,可他们能知道是面试公司买的机票吗?另外要出示预订旅馆的收据吗?万分感谢
        • 如果不能自圆其说,不如实话实说。直接说面试,海关没理由拦你。但如果他们发现你说慌,不单你去不成,还可能上黑名单。 +1
          • 谢谢
          • 不好说,去美国找工作,理论上违反B1/B2签证,加拿大公民虽然不用签证,但B1/B2也是status
            • 违反吗?有出处吗?谢谢!
              • 也不是完全不可以,就是你得证明你会在interview后会回到你的母国,这个看运气
                Are Job Interviews Allowed on a B-1 Visa?
                Job interviews and contacting prospective U.S. employers are not specifically forbidden while visiting the U.S. using a B-1 visa.

                However, if you state to the consular official that your purpose in visiting the U.S. is to interview for employment, he or she may infer that you intend to move to the U.S. permanently and deny your visa. While you should always be truthful in your applications and statements to U.S. government officials, you may want to state that your business purpose is to confer with associates unless asked specifically whether you are planning to interview. If you do reveal that you are interested in eventually working in the U.S., make sure to have plenty of evidence to prove that you would return to your home country and apply for the appropriate employment-based visa or green card before starting a position with a U.S. employer.

      • LOL 嫉妒楼主引他上黑名单 +4
    • 面试 +2
    • 讲实话就这么难吗?
      • 你们申请TN的时候难道没有定居美国的意向?你们都向移民官表示这个意向了?LOL
        • 当然没有了。加拿大去美国临时工作天经地义。至于将来回来不回来,谁也不知道。你就说没有意向定居美国,加拿大好得很。临时去为美国奉献一会儿。合情合理。理直则气壮。你心虚啥啊?去了之后,想干啥干啥。鬼才回来呢。
        • 口是心非,完全可以。口都非了,容易被人抓住辫子,你问题大了你。智商有问题吗?
          • 你理解力确实有问题
    • I don't think there will be any problem. I once entered US from Canada and told them I was going to a job fair to look for a job. The border officer just wished me good luck. That's in 2004.
    • 感谢各位回复
      • 不必客气。祝你好运。
        • 多谢!
    • 必须实话实说,去面试
      • 对头。
    • 回来了,说面试,没问其它,顺利过关
      • Great! That's exactly what I did last time. I just said I was going to a job fair. No problem at all! Sometimes we are just over worried.
    • 再次感谢各位热心,回复