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"Don't let anyone tell you that you can't get a green card from a TN" 有些人的想当然,你要是盲从,会吃大亏的。

I140 is owned by your employer. Theoretically they could file 140 without your consent. Therefore, 140 isn't generally considered immigrant intent. Check out Curious George's tn to gc thread where he quotes different memos on this.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / Question for GC application
    Dear Rolians,
    I have been working with my current company for 1 year with TN Visa, now my boss and HR are working towards to get me H1B Visa (don't know how long will it take). So now should I start to apply for the Green Card or just wait till my H1B Visa done? Can I apply for the GC by myself or have to work with company HR?

    Many thanks in advance!
    • You can start GC process anytime you can. Not much to do with H1B or TN. You cannot do it yourself. Employment based GC is petitioned by employer.
      • Ok, understand!
      • 假如公司不愿意帮申请,那就永远没戏了?
      • 假如你H1B最后没弄下来,你怎么办? 你以TN申请绿卡吗?那可不保险啊。 还有,你申请绿卡时,不问你是啥签证吗?
        • 用TN 申请的话 只要你有足够时间递表在3年TN renew之前。不过象我们的大公司可能不让这么干!
          • 往往你三年绿卡批不下来。这样,你下次TN也就不会批了。从此你就断了美国这条路。偷鸡不成折把米。所以,我觉得,H1B不下来,你还是别申请绿卡为好。还是老老实实一步一步走吧。TN是非移民签证 +1
            • 有道理!但我听说有的人就是走TN---GC这条路!
              • 我相信有这样的人。第一,不多。第二,他们很可能都是做学问的,学历很高,有论文发表,走E1A之类的,是快。这些人工资往往不高,但是办移民却很快。你我工业界的,恐怕仿效不了。不服,你就冒险试试看好了。 +1
                • Sometimes you don't know TN's advantage ,
                  just google "Trump H1B" or "Trump eliminate H1B" , though he doesn't like NAFTA either, let's see which visa over first. US will change if Trump is next president, let's wait and see, that time, wish TN won't admire H1B at all.
                  • too simple. sometimes naive
                    • evidence , please, like to learn your sophisticated opinion, thanks.
                      • 1. 政客竞选的话不可信,2. H1B那么多人,取消不了。3.能拿HB的人都是精英,绝对是贡献大于报酬。美国不傻 4. 倒是TN人数不多。容易被川普冤枉干掉。5.其实他哪个也取消不了。所以无需担心。
                        • google Disney H1B scandal , please
                          • 因哽废食吗?
                            • 作为TN不自恨,不想当然,多研究学习对大家都没坏处。
                  • H1,TN没太大问题,只是以后PREM审查要严因为必需工资要提高到10W,现在EB3才6万多。想T->G,可以去文学城移民版查一下many case, also 下月485又可以用filing date
                    • 你的意思是工资越高,办移民越方便吗?美国移民有年龄限制吗?
                      • 工资只要过了劳工部根据你的职位给出的必需工资的门槛既可,低了当然有麻烦,现在的提议是那个必须工资门上涨,如果门槛大涨,实际上就等于减少工作移民,老川头的团队是不喜欢移民多
                • 你现在在哪个城市?很高兴认识你!
            • TN直接申请绿卡没问题。只要没有file 485,就可以renew TN。file 485之后pending超过半年就可以拿到EAD,不再需要TN。除非你的TN正好是在file 485之后而还没拿到EAD的半年中过期, 那样无法renew TN,否则就没问题。
              • 我觉得不妥。原因如下:1.TN是非移民签证。你有移民倾向,则违反了人家给你签证的目的。2. 只要你一申请移民,边境就知道了。因为一个大部门,美国的计算机管理特。就以上2条,你就立即死定了。
                搞不好,都不用等到你下次去review TN,移民部就会主动请你离开美国,永远走人,再也别想回来了。这个,我和律师讨论过。人家都说强烈建议你先申请H1B,因为H1B可以允许移民。而TN则绝对禁止移民。
              • "Don't let anyone tell you that you can't get a green card from a TN" 有些人的想当然,你要是盲从,会吃大亏的。 +1
                I140 is owned by your employer. Theoretically they could file 140 without your consent. Therefore, 140 isn't generally considered immigrant intent. Check out Curious George's tn to gc thread where he quotes different memos on this.