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The definitive profile an unfaithful wife. —Best Life editors

Worried your wife may be cheating on you? Unfortunately, that might not just be paranoia. One report from Indiana University found that nearly a fifth of women polled had admitted to cheating on their current partners, while a study published in the Journal of Couple&Relationship Therapy found that up to a whopping 55% of married women “engage in an extramarital sex at some time or another during their marriage.”

If you’re worried your wife might have something going on the side, here are the biggest warning signs you should be aware of.

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 人们喜欢说buyer beware。 其实是用错了主语,应该说hubby beware 才对。想想当个老公真辛苦,当牛做马就不说了,还得留神揣摩各色博士们精心研究总结出来的这么多信号:
    • 等待博士们对先生们出轨之15个信号儿的研究报告。
    • 【帮你一条一条列出来,方便大家学习领悟。】这个研究报告是美国印第安纳大学的专家总结出来的。报告说,五分之一被调查的女生说,她们确实有欺骗先生的行为。同时,研究指出,55%的已婚女生有过婚外性行为。
      The definitive profile an unfaithful wife. —Best Life editors

      Worried your wife may be cheating on you? Unfortunately, that might not just be paranoia. One report from Indiana University found that nearly a fifth of women polled had admitted to cheating on their current partners, while a study published in the Journal of Couple&Relationship Therapy found that up to a whopping 55% of married women “engage in an extramarital sex at some time or another during their marriage.”

      If you’re worried your wife might have something going on the side, here are the biggest warning signs you should be aware of.
    • 【女生欺骗信号儿共15条。】1. She's in her 30s. 她正三十多岁。(画外音:是不是歧视三十多的女生啊?)
      Rates of infidelity start to rise among women in their mid-30s after they've been married for 7 years, according to infidelity experts.
      • 2. She works. 她不是全职主妇,而是职业女生。(喂,你们看着办。)
        Working women are more likely to cheat than stay-at-home moms. And they're most likely to cheat with a coworker, according to the late Shirley Glass, Ph.D., who was an expert on female infidelity. Ditto with men who cheat. It's partly an opportunity thing; we tend to love the ones we're with, according to research by Cindy Hazan, Ph.D., associate professor of human development at Cornell. But it also reflects the reality of today's office life, where intense side-by-side work forges deep connections.
      • 3. She makes more than $75,000 a year. 她年薪七万五以上。(七万五以下的就没问题了?)
        Same goes for men. The highly paid are more likely to cheat, according to National Opinion Research Center data-obviously because they can afford the bar tab. Also, be sure to read up on The Secrets of the Best Relationships.
      • 4. She was married before. 她有婚史。
        "Second marriages are higher in divorce and adultery than first marriages," according to marriage therapist Bonnie Eaker Weil, Ph.D.
      • 5. One of her parents had affairs.她双亲中有一方也有过出轨记录。(喂,出轨还有遗传基因哪?)
        Children of cheaters are more likely to repeat family history, says Weil.
      • 6. She is unhappy with you.
      • 7. She has a 1-year-old child. 她有一岁左右的孩子。
        Two-thirds of wives report a significant decline in marital satisfaction around this time, according to a 6-year University of Washington study of newlywed couples.
      • 8. She doesn't go to church or synagogue.她不去教堂或者犹太庙。(画外音:这个研究的博士是犹太人吗?那么特别地指出犹太庙,如果去中国寺庙,日本寺庙呢?不算数?)
        Women who never attend religious services are 2.5 times more likely to cheat than those who attend more than once a week, according to data from the NORC survey.
      • 9. She's watching "The Bachelorette" while you're at poker night.她在你打扑克牌的时候,看 Bachelorette。(怀疑这个研究的博士和 Bachelorette节目有仇呢。)
      • 10. She has low self-esteem.她自尊心自信心不强。(不知道最亲爱的战友AVEENO咋看这条儿信号儿,据我们所知,强大的邓文迪楷模在婚姻里也出轨呢,她自尊心自信心不强吗?)
        A major benefit of an affair, say women who stray, is the ego boost, according to a study by University of Texas evolutionary psychologist David M. Buss, Ph.D.
      • 11. She's a little bit nutty...(不是说,男生都喜欢女生出得厅堂,入得厨房,而且也在卧室表现很良好吗?这么说,在卧室不能表现良好了?因为如果表现太良好,那么可能就是出轨的信号儿?)
        A number of studies suggest that women who tend to be narcissistic and who crave sexual variety and excitement are more likely to jump ship than women with less neurotic personality traits. Also, women who are friendly and extroverted get propositioned the most, according to a study by David P. Schmitt, Ph.D., an associate professor of psychology at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois.
      • 12. She's hot. 她很性感。(难怪好莱坞女明星出轨的多?)
        In which case, face it: She's getting plenty of feelers. "Such people get used to being adored," says marriage therapist Pepper Schwartz, Ph.D., in her book Everything You Know About Love and Sex Is Wrong.
      • 13. And getting hotter.天啦,还越来越性感。LOOOOL
        Is she working out at Bally's? Changing salons? Buying new clothes? Enhancing her physical appearance is a top tactic of female "mate poachers," according to studies by psychologists Buss and Schmitt.
      • 14. She wants you to wear this harness.(看着办)。
        If your wife introduces sex toys or has a favorite new position that seems outside of her usual repertoire, she may have learned from a substitute teacher, says Don-David Lusterman, Ph.D., author of Infidelity: A Survival Guide.
      • 15 She's ovulating.(哈利路亚。)
        New research by Steven Gangestad, Ph.D., at the University of New Mexico, reveals that women's sex fantasies of other men nearly double during their days of peak fertility. In other words, she's thinking about her boss on the very day he could become the father of her next child. Not that you're worried.
      • Do not worry about it. You are a couplr of years far from that age.