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能够提前在2016年底就准确预测多伦多房市在2017年上半年能够涨+25%!——— 舍我其谁?!


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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / RECO论毁约:《履行失败的买卖合同》英文《Failed Agreements of Purchase and Sale》 +1
    • 英语文字: +2
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Failed Agreements of Purchase and Sale

      March 25, 2015
      An Agreement of Purchase and Sale (“Agreement”) may not be completed for a number of reasons, including unsatisfied conditions relating to matters such as financing, rezoning approval, a home inspection or the sale of a buyer’s current home. This failure to satisfy a condition may raise an issue about the return of the deposit held in a brokerage’s real estate trust account.

      The wording of a condition clause in an Agreement, for example, “This offer is conditional upon the buyer obtaining satisfactory financing within five banking days, failing which the deposit shall be returned to the buyer in full without deduction” may appear to be clear in terms of the return of the deposit if the condition isn’t waived.

      However, in some cases the courts, in reviewing a condition clause in an Agreement, have imposed obligations on the party who is to satisfy the condition. For this reason, a party to the Agreement may dispute the return of the deposit and the issue of entitlement to the deposit may have to be resolved by the courts.

      Sec. 27(1) of the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002 (the “Act”) requires a brokerage to maintain a properly designated trust account at a recognized financial institution. All trust funds must be deposited in the account of the brokerage named in the Agreement to hold the deposit. Sec. 17(1) of Regulation 567/05 (GEN) made under the Act requires that a deposit received by the brokerage who under the Agreement is to hold the deposit must be deposited in that brokerage’s real estate trust account within five business days of receipt.

      A brokerage may only disburse the funds held in the real estate trust account in accordance with the terms of the trust. This is important to the purposes of the Act – consumer protection and regulation of trading in real estate. Breach of trust is an offence contrary to Sec. 27(1) of the Act; a criminal offence under the Criminal Code of Canada; and may create a civil cause of action against the trustee, i.e. the brokerage.

      Brokerages as trustees of a consumer’s money have important responsibilities, including a legal duty to observe a high standard of care and to act impartially when dealing with potential beneficiaries of a trust. The proper course of action in the case of a failed Agreement is to disburse the trust money in accordance with a release or direction signed by the parties to the Agreement or pursuant to a court order. The parties to the Agreement are the seller and buyer. If the parties to the Agreement are or become involved in a court action it may be possible to arrange to have the deposit money held in trust paid into court. The advice of a lawyer may be advisable in any of these situations.

      In summary, in the case of a failed transaction, a brokerage should only disburse the deposit in two circumstances:

      1. In accordance with a release or direction signed by all parties to the Agreement (Mutual Release) or;
      2. Upon receipt of a direction from the Court (Court Order).


      Section 27(1) of the Act

      27. (1) Every brokerage shall,

      (a) maintain in Ontario an account designated as a trust account, in,

      (i) a bank, or an authorized foreign bank, within the meaning of section 2 of the Bank Act (Canada),
      (ii) a loan or trust corporation, or
      (iii) a credit union, as defined in the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994;

      (b) deposit into the account all money that comes into the brokerage’s hands in trust for other persons in connection with the brokerage’s business;

      (c) at all times keep the money separate and apart from money belonging to the brokerage; and

      (d) disburse the money only in accordance with the terms of the trust. 2004, c. 19, s. 18 (18).


      Section 17 of Regulation 567/05

      17. (1) If an amount of money comes into a brokerage’s hands in trust for another person in connection with the brokerage’s business, the brokerage shall deposit the amount in the trust account maintained under section 27 of the Act within the five business days.

      (2) In Subsection (1), “business day” means a day that is not,

      (a) Saturday, or
      (b) a holiday within the meaning of Subsection 29(1) of the Interpretation Act.

      http://www.reco.on.ca/failed-agreements-of-purchase-and-sale/更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 另外,因为合同嘛,总会有无法履行的情况发生。所以,也有专注于《毁约》的律师,比如这家律所就叫Failure to Close Lawyer!请看:
        • Buying or selling a home is a complicated process, and not every transaction is actually completed. Occasionally, a seller needs more time, or a buyer encounters unforeseen problems with their financing.
          • Usually, these problems can be managed and the transaction can be saved with intervention from the lawyers and realtors. Rarely, but sometimes, the whole deal transaction can fall apart. So, what are the consequences if the transaction fails to close?
    • 贴这个纯粹是找骂,都深吗时候了,现在还不赶紧去买房,再晚又是卖家毁约了。别一天到晚搞这些乌七八糟。 +9
      • jpmgs(高盛大摩); 2016-12-17 (#1367380@9)温馨提示:不要助纣为虐跟几个炒楼花的瞎起哄!形象尽损! +6
      • 你们一伙在四月份的时候就鼓动别人买入,结果5月份就暴跌。 +5
        • 说你钟点工水平。你还不承认。
          • 能够提前在2016年底就准确预测多伦多房市在2017年上半年能够涨+25%!——— 舍我其谁?!
          • 能够提前在2017年7月25日预测多伦多房市一路高歌,唱进2017年下半年!——— 舍我其谁?!
    • An Agreement may not be completed for a number of reasons, including unsatisfied conditions relating to matters such as financing, rezoning approval, a home inspection or the sale of a buyer’s current home. +1
      • This failure to satisfy a condition may raise an issue about the return of the deposit held in a brokerage’s real estate trust account. +1
        • 试译:购房合同可能由于种种原因未能履行,诸如不满意的各种条件贷款、更改规划请求未获批准、验房或者买家现住房未能卖出。合同的履行失败,常常产生的一个问题就是,存入地产经纪公司信托账户上的定金返还的问题。 +1
      • 这些根本不需要你宣传。买卖房谁不知道。 +2
        • 无良经纪们为什么那么害怕消费者知道“the sale of a buyer’s current home”也可以成为条件之一呢? +4
    • 除了验房、贷款条件,还可以包括“the sale of a buyer’s current home”,这种情况消费者知道吗? +1
      • 你以为卖家傻?条件苛刻,没人卖给你。 逗人玩? +3
        • 精明的卖家、卖家经纪,就会问清楚买家的基本情况是属于换房的呢还是另买的。 +1
      • 买家划掉了验房和贷款的条件,但合同并没有把“the sale of a buyer’s current home”放进去然后划掉,极有可能是因为双方经纪根本就没有涉及此事!——— 买卖双方经纪,都有不可推卸的责任! +1
        • 很多房市场不火的地区都有这个条款的 +2
        • 验房和贷款只不过是最普通的,你可以放任何不违法的东西,但Agent 不需要exclusively 列出所有。无语啊 +4
        • 等到了买方市场,你甚至都能写上close前你不能丢工作为条件 +5
    • 涨派是不是已经疯了?不是说个个都是长线投资,买楼花放租吗,跌了一个月就坐不住了? +11
      • 他们不是真真正正的涨派!
        • 嗯,真真正正的涨派不会在暴涨前夜唱跌。
          • 真真正正的涨派,是能够预知风险、控制风险、规避风险的、以长期可持续发展的房市为根基的房地产投资人! +2
        • 涨派是认为未来房价会涨的。认为未来房价不会涨的,鼓励买家毁约的,怎么可能是涨派?手里没房的,也不太可能会唱多。手里有房的,则不太可能会唱空。 +2
        • 只有满仓盼跌才是真涨派。 +4
          • 白嗤逻辑!满仓状态下的心态,不是只有两种的!——— 至少,还有另外一种心态:满仓,但只想稳定上涨,而不想暴涨,因为担心暴涨招致暴跌! +1
            • 所以一定要核心区跌1m,这可都是你找出来的例子,老人家你又得健忘症了/?
    • 支持毁约,支持探长,好样的! +3
      • 俺不是支持毁约。 +1
        • 你不知有多少贴子反复谈毁约,现在矢口否认,不过玩些文字游戏的小儿而已。 +6
          • gta15心里很阴暗,处处都是想害人。不是钻空子,就是害人。大家要远离这种人啊。 +13
            • What a pity ! +1
              • What an armpit!
      • 谢谢卡大将军支持探长!但是请不要说您“支持毁约”,因为毁约对买卖双方都是心理煎熬。
        • 呵呵,houseful无可抵赖了。连跌派长老都公开支持你鼓吹毁约!
          • 逻辑白嗤7折松!
    • 又一个毁约的:看看这个倒霉的人,四月二日下了无条件的单以2.25M买了这个叫DEREK人的GTA北面的独立屋(现在估价1.8M), DEREK卖的时候许多人哭着求着买。现在可好这个买房的极度后悔了,不CLOSE而且雇律师跟卖家打官司。 -bigpower(nannan); 12:07 (#10860879@0)
      • 抢offer本身就是溢价,如果是顶部抢,马上能有-20%。
        • 个人是否违约是个人的事情。。。不过书面合同就是专门针对GTA15这样的人准备的。。。这世界上后悔药是很贵的。。
    • 『房市探评』评《买家必须先CLOSE,再向JJ追讨损失》既是同一个Deal Fell Through事件,作为中间被告的买家,又可诉其经纪严重误导(大众总是忘记JJ购买E&OE执业保险)要求索赔并收回Deposit,故买家当然可有抽身基础。请个好律师,要求合并审理。(#10799298@0) +1
      • 作为专业人员的地产经纪,他们的伦理课程中,至少应该包括一条:买家失去理智的出价,不应该被利用。 -houseful(探长); 5-15 (#10799372@0)
        • 加拿大的所有的地产局,如果还是继续保留严重过时行规而任由他们的会员经纪胡乱忽悠买家卖家,那么,这些机构都可以宣布解散了! -houseful(探长); 5-15 (#10799379@0) +1
          • 这也就是为什么说,加拿大公平竞争局对多伦多地产局多次进行敲打的原因。 -houseful(探长); 5-15 (#10799399@0)