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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 晒一下我的生日鲜花 +3



    • Time to upgrade your camera/phone... +5
      • 老大,你醒了?:),我的还是iphone6 yet, 我老公说收到message, iphone10 $999让我upgrade, 他可能看错了
      • 秘密是,照片放大截屏了,就会不清楚^
        • Naturally people only enjoy nice photos. They share nice photos too, the nicest if possible. +1
          • Naturally it's true. But sometimes we have to cut some parts of the pictures to be safe and keep privacy.
            • Understand your concern. With that in mind, there's really no need to share blur photos. +8
              • Why not, we are not showing nice pictures in this situation, we are showing the contents.
                • There is no need to present contents using a crappy photo, IMHO. +5
                  • that's your opinion, not mine. I would like to and I did. Btw, I don't think they are crappy. I don't like crappy pictures either in some sense.
              • or the parts or "language" we want to show
      • 这照的不是挺清楚的吗?
    • 那位网友,没关系:),确实是残了
    • 看样子它是远道而来,一路很辛苦。 +5
    • 这么次的花,直接扔垃圾桶。iPhone 6 Haha +3
      • 是,我刚抱怨两句,我老公立刻把我制止了,“你不应该说这种话,是一份心意”。
    • 生日快乐,小天蝎:D
      • 你忘了一个“-”, 应该是这样,“-小天蝎敬上”:D
    • 要显摆只能显摆自己在美国藤校的儿子的GPA,和10来套房子的人去忙了
      • 要继续努力提高自己啊,不能总上网玩了^
        • WC,真的玩不起,去给孩子买校服,捧你贴,竟没查时间,到了不开门,在停车场说两句
          • 孩子送私立,蛮有钱的嘛,土豪姐
    • 坐马桶时间结束 +2
    • 水瓶男寄来的?也不写几个字? +3
      • 是金牛男 +3
    • 生日快乐先!
