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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



I would like to share one of my real story.
A few years ago, I went to India to learn Raja yoga and I met a great mentor Gita. I respected her a lot in many ways until three weeks later something happened. One day, we went to a shop together and each of us picked up something, then she asked me to pay together because she didn't bring money with her and promised to pay me later. It turned out she never paid me back. Another two weeks later when I left, I told myself she wasn't as good as I had thought. But one day three month later, suddenly I realized it's all my fault, I made it by myself to bother. It's me to make the judgement that she took advantage of me. Maybe she did, maybe she didn't, It really doesn't matter what she was thinking at all. If I had believed she just gave me a chance to serve, I would have felt much grateful. Now she is even greater than before in my mind, since I learned so much from her.

So, it's more important how we think instead of other people's behavior.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 金秋年华 / 人生是篇交响乐, 每个时段有不同的乐章, 要会翻篇才能奏完。 不论其圆满与否。。。
    • 其实人生最难的事情就是翻篇。道理大家都知道,树挪死,人挪活,但是操作起来却没有那么容易。翻篇就是止损,职业翻篇,雇主翻篇,婚姻翻篇,国籍翻篇,子女翻篇。往往得有点儿刮骨疗毒的勇气才翻得过去。 +5
      • 壮士断腕好像更贴切些。:)
        • 你说得对。断腕更准确。
          • 也不全对,看你上面提到的五翻篇,咱凡人只有四肢,断不够啊。
            • 还是对的。当年夏明翰就说过砍头不要紧, 只要主义真,所以加起来刚好是五件套。
              • 哈哈哈,五件套,怪不得很多人不敢/不愿轻易翻篇呢。
    • 问题是你只知道自己是否翻篇了,你咋知道人家是否翻篇了?,他人和这个世界在你眼中是怎样的,其实就是你是怎样的,所谓境由己造吗。说出这话,是因为你还有翻篇不翻篇概念,根本未翻篇,或许人家早已把一切放下,真正活在当下,随心所欲,随性而为。。。谢谢 +7
      一个真实经历,以前在心坛讲过。若干年前在灵性大学里我和我的guru 一起到校园里的超市买东西,结账时她说没带钱,我先帮忙垫付一下。当然没问题。但直到我离开时她也没还给我。

      • 多年前俺的亲身经历 +4
        I would like to share one of my real story.
        A few years ago, I went to India to learn Raja yoga and I met a great mentor Gita. I respected her a lot in many ways until three weeks later something happened. One day, we went to a shop together and each of us picked up something, then she asked me to pay together because she didn't bring money with her and promised to pay me later. It turned out she never paid me back. Another two weeks later when I left, I told myself she wasn't as good as I had thought. But one day three month later, suddenly I realized it's all my fault, I made it by myself to bother. It's me to make the judgement that she took advantage of me. Maybe she did, maybe she didn't, It really doesn't matter what she was thinking at all. If I had believed she just gave me a chance to serve, I would have felt much grateful. Now she is even greater than before in my mind, since I learned so much from her.

        So, it's more important how we think instead of other people's behavior.
      • 是因为我自己有了借钱就要还的这个观念,然后就用它来judge他人,她这样做的初衷究竟为何并不重要,重要的是由此我最终看到了自己的问题。我们被灌输的观念越多,烦恼便越多。你看婴幼儿,没有任何mind的干扰,是最无忧无虑的。 +4
      • 所以才有了老子的“为学日益,为道日损”,就是不断扫除掉我们多年累计的心灵上的尘埃,回到婴儿时的状态,这便是“慧”。大家注意一下慧字的写法,是不是一把扫帚扫掉心上面的双丰,这双丰便是堆积在心灵上的各种杂物和杂念。 +3
      • 损之又损,直至No—body无我,No mind无“法”(各种观念,念头),这时你就perfect了,(Nobody is perfect,无我了便是完美的)你就成佛了,与上帝永恒同在。。。谢谢 +3
      • 所以要想不再suffer真正喜悦,必须除尘增慧。而定能生慧,故须meditation坐忘。。。谢谢 +4
    • 老农昨天晚上木有吃饱,一早就上鸡汤😛 +2
      • 佛经。。短短几句,引出那么多的理论。嘿嘿 +1