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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛BLOOD IS ON THE SQUARE

words and music by Phillip Morgan

A song was heard in China
in the city of Beijing.
In the spring of 1989
you could hear the people sing.
And it was the song of freedom
that was ringing in the square,
the world could feel the passion of
the people gathered there.
Oh children, blood is on the square.

For many nights and many days,
waiting in the square.
"To build a better nation"
was the song that echoed there.
"For we are China's children,
we love our native land,
for brotherhood and freedom
we are joining hand in hand."
Oh children, blood is on the square.

Then came the People's army
with trucks and tanks and guns.
The government was frightened
of their daughters and their sons.
But in the square was courage and
a vision true and fair,
the Army of the People would not harm
the young ones there.
Oh children, blood is on the square.

On June the 3rd in China,
in the spring of '89,
an order came from high above
and passed on down the line.
The soldiers opened fire,
young people bled and died,
the blood of thousands on the square
that lies can never hide.
Oh children, blood is on the square.

For four more days of fury
the people faced the guns.
How many thousands slaughtered
when their grisly work was done?
they quickly burned the bodies
to hide their coward's shame,
but blood is thick upon their hands and
darkness on their names.
Oh children, blood is on the square.

There are tears that flow in China
for her children that are gone.
There is fear and there is hiding,
for the killing still goes on.
And the iron hand of terror can
buy silence for today,
but the blood that lies upon the square
cannot be washed away.
Oh children, blood is on the square.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 血染广场(转贴,一首英文歌)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛BLOOD IS ON THE SQUARE

    words and music by Phillip Morgan

    A song was heard in China
    in the city of Beijing.
    In the spring of 1989
    you could hear the people sing.
    And it was the song of freedom
    that was ringing in the square,
    the world could feel the passion of
    the people gathered there.
    Oh children, blood is on the square.

    For many nights and many days,
    waiting in the square.
    "To build a better nation"
    was the song that echoed there.
    "For we are China's children,
    we love our native land,
    for brotherhood and freedom
    we are joining hand in hand."
    Oh children, blood is on the square.

    Then came the People's army
    with trucks and tanks and guns.
    The government was frightened
    of their daughters and their sons.
    But in the square was courage and
    a vision true and fair,
    the Army of the People would not harm
    the young ones there.
    Oh children, blood is on the square.

    On June the 3rd in China,
    in the spring of '89,
    an order came from high above
    and passed on down the line.
    The soldiers opened fire,
    young people bled and died,
    the blood of thousands on the square
    that lies can never hide.
    Oh children, blood is on the square.

    For four more days of fury
    the people faced the guns.
    How many thousands slaughtered
    when their grisly work was done?
    they quickly burned the bodies
    to hide their coward's shame,
    but blood is thick upon their hands and
    darkness on their names.
    Oh children, blood is on the square.

    There are tears that flow in China
    for her children that are gone.
    There is fear and there is hiding,
    for the killing still goes on.
    And the iron hand of terror can
    buy silence for today,
    but the blood that lies upon the square
    cannot be washed away.
    Oh children, blood is on the square.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 不少中国同胞好像有种心态,哪怕她他自己已经意识到中国什么地儿不对劲,哪儿哪儿不是味道,但也绝对不容洋人染指,“非我族类其心必异”。听一听这首民歌风的洋人歌曲吧!
      • "To build a better nation" "For we are China's children, we love our native land, for brotherhood and freedom we are joining hand in hand."没有半个人权民主的字眼!
      • 这个心理我就有. 到底咱中国的事情还得咱自己办呀. 如果就民主这点屁事儿还非人外国人帮忙办不成,叫咱中国爷们儿脸往哪儿放呀.