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If you don't behave that way, where is the shame come from?

I don't want to insult anyone, but I have to say the reason you feel offended may have something to do with the difficulty of undersanding the context in the letter.

As I said before, the letter was to her clients. It is not professional to write a letter like that. But I can understand her frustration if what she said on the letter is true. Since I do not know any of her clients, I can not justify the letter and I will leave the whole issue to her clients and her. It is proper for her clients to complain, not any of Rolia guys here because all of the accusation is to not to them.

In case you misinterprete anything here. No, I am not showing off my English here(nothing to show off anyway). Currently I can only type in English because I have not found Chinese SW for Linux.

I just present my view, nothing personal.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 这里大多是不需要帮助的老移民,所以对铲除一个中国内奸有极大的成就感.....为新移民想想呢,如果我是york的同事,我以后接待亚洲人要掂量掂量,但我是决不会在SB到写什么公开信了。
    • 小人-龟心
      • hand,hand
      • #1291867
        • dear, have you got money from insurance?
    • 刚才有人不是说了吗, 她们搂里涨房钱了, 老印们都动起来抗议了, 拉中国人,也没见几个动的. (#1292549). 呵呵, 人家种族是很实际的为自己的腰包奋斗. 中国人是不懈于干的, 中国人谈论的都是大问题, 原则问题, 比如种族问题,
      民族气节问题等等. 我K, 那种感觉比争几块钱房租伟大多了.

      所以, 当其它种族这么一块块钱攒富起来的时候, 中国人还只是拥有两张嘴皮子.

      别想改变啥了, 这么多年了, 中国人基本也就这德行了.
    • 如果你是york同事,#1281389 这种言行还会有吗?如果不敢有这种言行了,小金的目的就达到了。如果你敢不接待或接待不好,小金还会投诉,1直到你端正态度,干了对得起你薪水和良心的工作时,小金的目的就完全达到了
      • 言肯定是不会有了,至于行嘛,不那么好抓把柄的吧。
      • A good social worker can be professional, but it does not prevent him/her to look down upon those who abuse the service and to sterotype the clients.
      • 你怎么就可以肯定这不是一面之词?
        • 和yoke的公开信里的言行很符合,你的意思是另一面之词 “莫,须有“所以这个人就不可信了。要你说法庭如果有单方证人也不用找了,1面嘛,不能相信呀。
    • That is right . You want to play the game, you have to follow the rules. ontherwise you are out of game. That's simple. Yoke Is a " SB " because she think she can play game with chinese without following rules.
    • 我庆幸自己已经是老移民了,没有遇到这样的人接待我,不然的话,哭都没地方,因为那时还没找到rolia
      • You mean you are going to behave like her clients too?
        • 你没有看到她是发给all my Chinese clients的吗?不管她的Chinese客户做了什么,她是send all。至于我,努力改正缺点,从自己做起。btw, 你的思路很尖刻。
          • No I am not 尖刻, at least not nearly close to any of your words.
            Anyone with some sense can tell what kind of people the letter was targetting at. If you are not that kind of people, you should not have any concern. I wonder why you think she would treat you badly if yourself know how to behave decently. It is not logical.
            • I have no words with you because we are totally different. I hear from the email that sentence" Shame on you Chinese." So I feel unhappy though I did nothing like that. I feel unhappy for Chinese.
              • If you don't behave that way, where is the shame come from?
                I don't want to insult anyone, but I have to say the reason you feel offended may have something to do with the difficulty of undersanding the context in the letter.

                As I said before, the letter was to her clients. It is not professional to write a letter like that. But I can understand her frustration if what she said on the letter is true. Since I do not know any of her clients, I can not justify the letter and I will leave the whole issue to her clients and her. It is proper for her clients to complain, not any of Rolia guys here because all of the accusation is to not to them.

                In case you misinterprete anything here. No, I am not showing off my English here(nothing to show off anyway). Currently I can only type in English because I have not found Chinese SW for Linux.

                I just present my view, nothing personal.
            • There you go. Especially the last few paragraphes.
        • OF COURSE NOT
    • 在外国受了气,千万别抱怨。你看金字塔一抱怨,把洋大人的工作都搞丢了,多不好呀? 以后洋大人会不会恨我们呀?
      你看我们的祖先在这里修铁路,条件那么艰苦都没抱怨,后来人家虽然反华法案, 但也没有把这些中国人像印弟安人一样赶到保护区去呀?这些抱怨对我们的民族素质提高有什么好处呀?


      • :P
      • 劝劝就想埋头苦干争取感化洋大人们,把我们带入主流社会的人们,最实际的做法是统统回国去,因为你在这就得跟人家抢工作、抢福利,记得吗?去年统计说移民比本地人用医疗设施的少多了,可是人家就认为移民滥用,就不爽
      • 坚决团结在以东北饺子,小人等拥护洋大人的大虾为核心的团队中,继续发扬中国人谦让,懦弱的优良传统。
    • If i were the lady, i will sue the guy who said i have 种族歧视. i can apologize for my attitude of working, but i will go to court . 种族歧视 is criminal, need evidence.
    • 你在那里发财?是不是你特别想干,不给钱也去干的工作么?如果不是你在工作里一样要摆出不符合自己心愿的态度,那能怎么办?吃这碗饭的,态度就得好,管你是发自内心的不是?又不是白干,谁还得顺你的心外带送你钱呀?