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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



这是我客户给我 SUBCONTRACTOR 的信节选。Construction Project。FYI。



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 刚拿到美国的码农offer, 需要申请TN,但是边境关了。请问最近有在边境拿到TN签证的前辈吗?
    • need your employer give you an essential service letter to claim your position is essential service, my employer give one from a federal officer to enter office during lockdown.( YOU need similar one for you TN) +1
      • 昨天回帖了,今天重新发了?
        • there is a typo, a essential vs. an essential
          • gave vs give, 我经常犯这样的错误,检查自己的时候经常发现不了!
      • 多谢指点. 不过有点疑问, 码农职位也可以是essential sevice 吗? 我一直理解为医生护士之类的医疗相关的。
        • depends, if your employer's business can fall into the category , e.g. your employer is AT&T, telecom is essential service, your employer is Wal-Mart, grocery is essential service, etc.
          • 明白了。非常感谢!
            • ...

              这是我客户给我 SUBCONTRACTOR 的信节选。Construction Project。FYI。


              • 这个太有用了. 非常感谢!
                • Good luck
                  • 多谢:-)
                    • I have received many letter like this. Federal contractors are mostly required to work because fed contracts are under federal justification.
            • share a goverment letter in the telegram group , print it out and bring it , make you looks like legitimate.
              • page 14 provide the list of COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
                • 收到! 多谢您的帮助!
          • 专业,赞👍 +1
    • 不是泼你凉水,就现在这形势,还敢去美国? +5
      • 勇敢的逆行者总是有的,致敬并祝安好。 +3
      • 敢买美股,为什么不敢去?
      • 这有啥不敢去,我都准备好了,订了部大车,维护好trailer,备好一周干粮,一路不停,全程高速直奔目的地。
    • 来多伦多领事馆
      • 请问是美国领事馆吗?他们那也可以办TN 签证吗?我看网上说的是边境或者机场办理呀。
        • 是美国领事馆, 办好后,不能马上拿护照, 护照邮寄
          • 好的。 我研究研究步骤和材料。多谢指点。
            • 有消息吗,谢谢,我也要去办
              • 美墨边境是开了!我丫头上周五刚刚去办了TD转F1 successfully.
                • 这是啥意思,飞去墨西哥申请从墨西哥入境?
                  • 原来飞去美国是一直可以的

                    • 我听说Buffalo -Toronto 对开的megabus仍然运行,只要是两国的居民仍可乘
                • 请问下为什么要从TD转成F1呢?
                  • treat as international student, won't worry lost status if TN status change.
                  • Because she needs SSN
                    • F1 doesn't mean you have SSN , unless TA or RA which will have campus income.
                      • I am not very clear about this, my daughter is doing some projects and getting some sponsors, so she needs to have SSN...
                        • that's right, she has income.
              • 我还没去呢. 准备去peace bridge. +1