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严重同意 - the property manager treat you like a shit

I have been living here for more than one year and is planning to move out.

The property manager and some stuff here are very rude and arrogant. They don't care about the tenants at all. They also use low price to attract new tenants, but increase the rent sharply after one year because they think people will be too lazy to move out just for cheaper rent.

By the way the management company is called "METCAP LIVING" and they have other buildings in GTA. But at least stay away from the builds at Parkway Forest (Don Mills/
Sheppard) if you can.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 所有Toronto中国同胞注意了,如果你想入住Parkway Forest (Don Mills and Sheppard) 110/125/80/65,请三思。
    他们物业管理非常差,几乎每周都发生盗窃案。 我就住在那,前天遭窃。因为房门上有个mail box的缝,小偷能用hook轻易打开房门。我损失巨大,跟Building manager讲,他已习以为常,他告诉我,每周这些builging都被盗,what a shame they are!所以我强烈建议三思。因为他们不想让tenant知道,所以未提醒大家注意。really bad!而且这里房租也很贵,别的地方也能找到比它更好的。
    • 严重同意,我一直不喜欢那边,价格还基本是附近最高的.
      • 盗贼最新进展:今天Apt. 1203 (or 1202?)被盗,16楼17楼各有一个unit被盗。
    • 谢谢提醒。我还想着那里靠地铁,打算明年搬过去。那附近还有什么地方好些的吗?
      • 图书馆对面的据说不错
        • Yes, North side of Fairview mall road is much better than South side.
          • 我去过图书馆旁边的啊,电梯里面味道很很不好的,不过希望附近其他的好些。
          • 那里有好几栋, 那栋好些呢?
        • 我曾经在图书馆对面的白楼(8 Godstone Rd)住过一年半, 除了走廊有些味道, 其它感觉还不错. 但是租金较贵.
      • 20 Graydon Hall 不错.
        • 听说那个楼不错, 好像对口的小学不太好, 是吗? 那里华人是不是特别少?
      • 35 Esterbrooke. Not that bad. But it is expensive.
    • thanks
    • Thank u
    • thanks for your 提醒
    • 非常感谢提醒,本来想租80号来着,看来租房前一定多打听为好。那请问2775 Don Mills怎样?
      • DON MILLS上PEANUT周围的都不怎么样
      • 不好, 楼内的质量差, 住的人杂. 但价格几乎是周边最便宜的.
    • Thanks a lot. What's the rent for two bed rooms?
    • 那一带都很贵,管理还差,早晚把人都吓跑。这不现在开始降价了,可是管理还是那帮人,我才不信会好起来呢。那里新移民多,管理员经常欺负人不知怎么保护自己。
      • 暗自庆幸没有租那里的房子,上个月搬家去看过,当时印象就不怎样.
        如果想在这一带租房的,可以试一试我这栋,或者DON MILLS以西,SHEPPARD以东一栋棕色的(好象是31,LEITH HILL),还有就是靠近图书馆的一栋白色的(DEERFORD). 这是我当时找房看过那一带房子后,比较满意的几栋.
    • 严重同意 - the property manager treat you like a shit
      I have been living here for more than one year and is planning to move out.

      The property manager and some stuff here are very rude and arrogant. They don't care about the tenants at all. They also use low price to attract new tenants, but increase the rent sharply after one year because they think people will be too lazy to move out just for cheaper rent.

      By the way the management company is called "METCAP LIVING" and they have other buildings in GTA. But at least stay away from the builds at Parkway Forest (Don Mills/
      Sheppard) if you can.
    • 谢谢提醒. 我今天还去了25 parkway forest 看房子, 可惜没看上, 想搬到那里是觉得那个小学排名还行, 谁能讲讲那几栋到底怎么样?
      • 我也是看上那边儿的小学了,不知有没有对口小学好点房子也好点的,请住在那一带的朋友给点建议。
        • 看来只有咱俩关心这事, 帮你up一下吧.
          • 因为考虑到儿子上学的问题,9月以前,我也差一点要搬到那儿。谢谢提醒!不过,附近的小学(forest manor)不错。
        • 745 & 755 York mills road. The one of the best school in Ontario ( Denlow Public School).
          • 1275/month, 太贵了, 不如买房子了.
      • I have asked "745 York mills " 2-bedrrom apartment, If you want to share with me, please contact me ASAP,. NOt only is Delow a very good schoo, but also the community.
        • 那里好像不能share的. 因为管理员是白人, 住的几乎都是白人, 中国人太显眼, 一旦share被发现, 会被撵走的.
    • 我以前在那儿住过一年, 管理极其差, 态度极为恶劣. 与大楼管理员吵了一架, 虽然后来他被开除了, 发现后来的也一样, 整个公司上下都一个德性.
      • 我朋友的儿子昨天告诉我他同学家的车前日在BASEMENT车库被盗了。就是110 building。Building Manager拒不负责。可怜那家爸妈都打labour工,买了这个4000多的车。
    • office里有个老妖婆子最可恨,找她办事就像欠她800 吊。去年搬走时受尽百般刁难,如不是在这,我会抽她。110大楼管理员也很混帐。
      • Yes, that SB lady is a bad one, I mean really really bad one, she is about 50-60 years old, I deal with her one time, then I knew what is bad person looks like.
    • You talk about the highrise? how about those not-so-highrise? (10 floors?)
      • As long as the building managed by METCAP LIVING (highrise or not, ), you are dealing with the same group of people.
    • move out from apartment.!!!