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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


why not buy the strip light instead. Way cheaper. Like 4 CAD for 5 meter..


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  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / LED Undercabinet Lighting +3





    • 需要注意的一点是如何选择那个12伏的电源。你需要事先计算究竟要接多少个这种module。按照每一个module 能耗0.72瓦,
    • why not buy the strip light instead. Way cheaper. Like 4 CAD for 5 meter..


      • The problem with the strip light is that you can't cut it, it's hard to hide the connecting wire between the cabinet segments. +1
        • have no idea what you are talking about. you can cut it to length and buy aluminum channel.


        • Aluminum channel cost <1CAD per meter. And you can cut both to length. My total cost is around $1CAD for each cabinet (excluding the transformer).


          • 再问个问题,为什么要装在铝槽里?我看到卖LED带的带不干胶,可以粘在柜子上。是为了以后维护方便?
            • Looks more professional,
              nicer, and the light is softer when you look at it directly. You don't have to. For example, the one on top of the cabinet I don't bother to put it in aluminum channel. But the one in the cabinet and under the cabinet I put them into aluminum channel.
              • 哦,明白了。谢谢
        • The led light here, under cabinet, over cabinet, in the cabinet, plus transformer, cost about 50 dollars only. All cut the length, with aluminum channel.


          • 这张效果图键盘前的高光是哪里来的?线形LED多数亮度不够,贴主说的0.72W,不可能亮到哪里,你的细线形,可能更省电,亮度更低,装在书房不够阅读要求,厨房柜下,需要冲咖啡做饭调汁装碟看菜色,反正我需要亮度高无色温偏差的灯
            Builder 给的传统日光灯管挺合适。至于省电,灯的耗电只占家庭用电很小一部分,不论用哪种灯,省不出多少
            • 那张是我家书房成品图,不是效果图哈。From under cabinet led strip light... 5050 led strip light is pretty damn bright. 11 watt per meter. Puts out about 800~1000LM per meter. The set up you saw above is about 160 watt...
            • 书房3000k的灯柔和一些,厨房还是要白一些好看
              • You can buy any color from taobao...
          • Did you cut the light strip to the length? And how you connected them together?
            • Yes I did. Buy extra 20 gauge wire and solder them. The wire is cheap. 25 dollars for 100 meter. Will last me for a lifetime...


              • Thanks, you are much more creative. It's not recommended to cut the led light strip, so I installed the module one.
                • Not sure why it's not recommended. The major benefit of led strip light is you can cut to length. Also it is low voltage,
                  either 12V or 24V. It's very safe. Soldering is not hard as well. I just watch youtube for 20min and tried it with success. It's fun making them!
              • 就是说买一根长的,剪成几节都可以,只要把断的地方焊上就行了?
                • 是的,焊上电线其实很简单,就30秒的事。那个焊也就10几块钱。
      • 没看出有什么本质区别。都是现状,低压,LED。我举这个例子是跟其它类型的灯比较:日光灯管,puck lights等。
    • 真不错,家里收拾得太干净了
      • 新家。刚入住一个月。
    • Costco有类似这种的卖,3个一组,一个电源控制的。亮度可以调节,手势控制开关灯(这个有点不太灵)。我自己装了一组,还是比较满意,没有记错的话20多刀3个,一个柜子下面一个就够了。
      • 就是样子有点粗笨
        • 我装的就是这个,还可以,在柜子下面,看不见。
      • 我注意到了。最不理想的就是手势控制。挥手亮了,一会又灭了,再挥手。拜托,我在厨房做事需要一直亮。这种灯可能适合放衣柜里,开门就亮,关门就灭。
        • 主要问题是这个手势控制不太灵,有的时候工作,有的时候不工作,看它自己的心情,习惯了以后好很多。
      • 我也刚好装了一组,发张照片


    • 这柜子不错,自己做的?
      • 本地一家老字号做的。15年前从builder手里买的新房也是这家公司做的。觉得不错,就再用他们做。橱柜门选了额外配置。