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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛从0开始,幼儿园,十个礼拜:学习运算,分数,指数,代数,几何,根,对数,二次方程,方程组,函数图形,二进制十六进制,积分,线代概率和统计。我估计也是教概念的笼统理解,而不拘泥于具体计算。速度要快,才能跟上小孩理解的速度,那个问一年级的进度的问题,可以参考这个每天30分钟,自己设计题目。看看你小孩十周后有何变化,是不是继续喜欢数学。

I have been homeschooling my kindergartener for the last 10 weeks due to the closure of his kindergarten class resulting from the covid19 pandemic. Before this I didn’t teach my kid anything!

We do about 30 mins of math together 3–4 days per week. We started with arithmetic, order of operations, fractions, exponents, geometry, algebra, exponents, roots, logarithms, quadratics, systems of equations, graphing functions, binary/hexidecimal number systems, as well as calculus and linear algebra and basic probability and statistics.

you might be wondering how this is possible in just 30-minutes every other day in less than 3 months.

well basically we did only around 2 worksheets a day (10-20 questions), so around 70 worksheets.

here’s the key: unlike school which makes you spend years drilling how to count and add, we eliminated repetitive stuff. A kid’s mind is better suited for learning concepts rather than repeating the same pattern over and over. So we would spend one or two days on a topic, then move on to the next one.

For example, our section on trigonometry was maybe 5–6 worksheets and that was all. I didn’t want to make my kid repeat the same questions hundreds of times so to keep it interesting, as soon as it was clear he understood the concept and could answer a sample of questions on his own we moved on to the next topic!

We would also give him rewards for finishing new topics. Like he got a notebook computer for finishing 10 worksheets. And he earns screen time and books that he wants.

in general I don’t think teaching math to a kid will make him successful but rather it’s just a framework for learning how to listen and problem solve. This I think is the key to success in life.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 关于数学推速:可以参考这篇文章。这个是外国人,划重点: +2
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛从0开始,幼儿园,十个礼拜:学习运算,分数,指数,代数,几何,根,对数,二次方程,方程组,函数图形,二进制十六进制,积分,线代概率和统计。我估计也是教概念的笼统理解,而不拘泥于具体计算。速度要快,才能跟上小孩理解的速度,那个问一年级的进度的问题,可以参考这个每天30分钟,自己设计题目。看看你小孩十周后有何变化,是不是继续喜欢数学。

    I have been homeschooling my kindergartener for the last 10 weeks due to the closure of his kindergarten class resulting from the covid19 pandemic. Before this I didn’t teach my kid anything!

    We do about 30 mins of math together 3–4 days per week. We started with arithmetic, order of operations, fractions, exponents, geometry, algebra, exponents, roots, logarithms, quadratics, systems of equations, graphing functions, binary/hexidecimal number systems, as well as calculus and linear algebra and basic probability and statistics.

    you might be wondering how this is possible in just 30-minutes every other day in less than 3 months.

    well basically we did only around 2 worksheets a day (10-20 questions), so around 70 worksheets.

    here’s the key: unlike school which makes you spend years drilling how to count and add, we eliminated repetitive stuff. A kid’s mind is better suited for learning concepts rather than repeating the same pattern over and over. So we would spend one or two days on a topic, then move on to the next one.

    For example, our section on trigonometry was maybe 5–6 worksheets and that was all. I didn’t want to make my kid repeat the same questions hundreds of times so to keep it interesting, as soon as it was clear he understood the concept and could answer a sample of questions on his own we moved on to the next topic!

    We would also give him rewards for finishing new topics. Like he got a notebook computer for finishing 10 worksheets. And he earns screen time and books that he wants.

    in general I don’t think teaching math to a kid will make him successful but rather it’s just a framework for learning how to listen and problem solve. This I think is the key to success in life.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我儿子正式开始学高数是三年级8岁,从宇普西隆 代尔塔开始,没有必须要用高中教材,直接用MIT的18.01即可。
      • 看完18.01可以上spivak的Calculus on Manifolds,然后上Serge Lang的Algebra,然后随便选一本Grad text就可以,恩,你儿子12岁就可以数学博士毕业了。
        • 高中毕业达到本科还是有可能的,不是这个老外比我推得更快吗?但我认为做一点meaningful work还至少要8岁。
          • 你是台湾人么?epsilon-delta有这么翻译的么? +2
            • 你们大学是如何翻译的?
          • 深度vs进度?
            • 我儿子都6年级了,还是不严谨。希望他上高中能做到完全rigorous。 但计算简单解释没大问题了。
              • 你儿子6年纪了还没生孩子?这也太晚了吧?我教授James Arthur和你儿子一样大的时候已经有3个孙子+2个外孙了,人生也太不完整了吧。给儿子检查一下身体吧,别是No精症。 +3
                • 你是不是真多大毕业的,一个人的言行代表了他毕业的学校。 +3
                  • 呵呵,我都在讽刺你,你读不懂么?你的言行代表了你的思想,个人建议去看看医生了可以。 +3
      • 哇塞,厉害,请记得经常更新一下你儿子的进度,说不定初中就可以进国家奥数队为国争光了
        • 要说这坛子里最不要脸的, 就是我老人家了。你看楼主的孩子都学大学数学了, 还有那谁家得孩子都考高中竞赛了, 可他们从来都不敢提进国家队这码事。我老人家孩子的学了2个多月的电脑, 我就喊着他会进国家队了。 +4
          • 小匹的高智商让你有底气
            • 大海捞针的事, 哪有什么底气?
          • 我只能得出一个结论,您确实是坛子里最 +1
          • 我看到这个老外推的进度,我都冒汗了。感觉我都是放任型父母了。
            • 同学, 你还是要给这里的家长们留口活气。。。 +7
            • 好嘛,想吓死我们咋的?三年级学大学数学还算放任型家长?您是想当教育网红还是咋的?刚中国有个一得爸爸怪吓人的 +3
      • 有没有申请吉尼斯世界纪录?我觉得阔以 +6
        • 我觉得这个老外肯定可以,这个是幼儿园10周0基础。这个是人类的极限了。
      • 现在几年级?
      • 这是要干啥? 推那么快,是准备12岁读博吗?
        • 同样疑惑。想早上大学,其它学科也需要提前。而且数学学完一遍不需要不时review吗?不用不会忘吗?
          • 再说这么小的孩子成长应该是是全方位的发展
        • 子坛越来越厉害了。以前一般在讨论各种竞赛,最近牛爸牛妈讨论小学生学高中大学的课程,进入少年班的话题。我层次太低看不懂这是也要干啥。
          • 我们踏踏实实养自己的孩子 ,不是copy别人家的娃,别被其他人带着跑了,也不是所有的孩子都适合这么快跳着学。 +3
        • 典型的拔苗助长呀 :) +2
    • 推荐视频: 李永乐老师 妈咪说 眼见为实 3Blue1Brown blackpenrdpen Mathologer flammableMath vcubingx
    • 看来都是牛爸牛妈
    • 8岁?我家有快18岁的,学个微积分还不情不愿。真是人比人得死,货比货得扔。 +4
      • 我觉得18岁时学微积分,对微积分的理解和8岁学微积分不在一个层面。 +4
        • 我28时也弄不懂微积分 +1
          • 微积分学来是为了应用。如果工作中不用,不可能总记得啊,多耗费内存啊?
          • 我大学学了三年高数,全忘了,没觉得难,没用上就觉得没用了~ +1
        • +1
        • 大一学的高数就是微积分吗,当年混过来的,什么都没学会 +1
      • 我最近在给丫头辅导微积分,终于觉得当年没有白学啊 +1
        • 人和人差距咋这么大,记得微积分当年学挺好的,现在啥也不记得了.....
          • 我也不是所有都记得,把孩子的教科书翻一下还是比较容易能拾起来的
      • 你这样是最好的。我是对神童教育非常厌恶的,亲历过那种,知道那是毁人的东西
    • 厉害了👍
    • 这是打算把屁哥急死吗? +5
    • 孩子会快乐吗?我真不是嫉妒。我女儿学校就是这么推,一个星期考一次数学,七年级学十一年级的,搞得孩子压力很大。我都有点烦了。搞得孩子压力那么大有啥用啊,那么超前,能吃能喝呀? +1
      • which school?
        • 我不是安省的
          • 看你这进度,美国私校无疑
    • 再说我女儿这种跟着努力,是为了跟好朋友们一个班,为了social. 可是如果仅仅是自己孩子提前学,不怕被看成nerd呀
      • 数学is most fun, most enjoyable, most rewarding thing because 数学 is created by GOD。 all other thing:like video game, +1
        gourmet food, entertain is created by human.
        nothing compare with the joy of understanding mathmatics and apply in real every day every minute life.

        数学is nothing to do with enter which university which career you will take, it's self is so enjoyable.
        • 如果孩子就是热爱数学,家长没办法,只能支持。但千万不要硬推,孩子跟同学不一样,对心理不好的
        • 我家小朋友同学有个这样的。。。把数学书当小说看。。。要去多大数学系。。。
        • 推娃已经上升到哲学高度了,当思想家的后代真心不容易啊
          • 这人典型的精分,我玩数学那么多年都没觉得和god扯上蛋,他一个外行给孩子补补数学就立马god,buddha啥都出来了。 +5
            • 人家学数学都学出上帝视角了
        • 我通常在成龙论坛里都是吹捧的,一般不会说坏话。但你的这种态度真的让我有点担忧,孩子的心理健康最重要,咱们做家长的,千万不要因为自己喜欢什么,就加给孩子什么。最重要小孩要做小孩。 +2
          • 这人从他的对话看似精神有点不正常。我高中前父母从来没推我过任何玩意,整天放鸭子玩在学校里泡俄罗斯妹子,我不还是多大理论数学系+理论计算机系毕业了? +1
            • 也有可能孩子是真的聪明,热爱数学,那也是父母的幸运。 +1
              • 真喜欢就在家喜欢去,何必想来论坛炫耀,这论坛里的人可不是吃素的,还夹杂一口浓重的Chinglish,结果被我这个真数学系打脸了。 +1
            • 你是移2代,还是留学生啊?这么这么早就来家长论坛啦。
              • 我移2代单身汉一个,来家长群专业撕b.
            • roliaer真强!就喜欢这个坛子,藏龙卧虎的,过嘴瘾的得提高水平了
        • 这Chinglish说的实在好棒! UwU +2
    • 除非是孩子就一定是酷爱数学,家长不得不支持。但作为家长,千万千万不要把孩子往神童方向推,真的会孩子不好
    • instagram上关注了这人,韩国人确实比华人推的凶多了
    • 最后一句很赞同👍