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Four Alberta doctors are suing the provincial health authority and its president over its mandatory workplace COVID-19 vaccination policy.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 终于有医生起诉强制疫苗了 +5
    Four Alberta doctors are suing the provincial health authority and its president over its mandatory workplace COVID-19 vaccination policy.
    • +5
    • One second flash
    • 如果只是用” "Any medical procedure performed on a patient without their informed consent amounts to assault”這個理由提起訴訟,可能言不達意,6月1日到10月20日,87%阿省ICU是未打疫苗的病人
      似乎阿省政府 "unvaccinated are to blame for the pandemic and hospital overcrowding."的聲明也沒有太大的問題,控方還是要提出更多的證據.
      • "the minute a physician is placed on unpaid leave, their status is immediately apparent." I thought they were proud of themselves for their bravery to stand out. This statement rather sounds to me that they feel they are cornered.
        • 把打疫苗當成”medical procedure” performed on a “patient”,的確令人感到驚訝,這幾位醫生重新定義了什麼是medical procedure和patient,他們需要快從牆角出來,好好想一下,如何提出訴訟
          • I think legally it is. Think about it: Can a non-medical person administer a COVID shot to someone else? +2
            • 還是希望這4位醫生訴訟順利吧,阿省最近是挺慘的,強迫打疫苗應該不合理,但是行業要求疫苗接種完整,合不合法,可能只有法院審理之後,才說的清楚