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For the president to suggest that people should protest (whether peacefully or not) and that the result of the judicial system has him angry, this should be akin to treason, as he is suggesting that people oppose one of the very core foundations our country is built upon: that everyone should have a fair trial and that the results of a fair trial should be accepted for what they are. This is worse than Trump wanting a recount and the results of the election to be investigated and for people to protest the election results because there was no transparency in how the votes were counted or that they were even counted fairly. Meanwhile Biden is speaking to oppose one of the 3 pillars of our government...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 看看红脖子右右们对法律和道义的理解:
    For the president to suggest that people should protest (whether peacefully or not) and that the result of the judicial system has him angry, this should be akin to treason, as he is suggesting that people oppose one of the very core foundations our country is built upon: that everyone should have a fair trial and that the results of a fair trial should be accepted for what they are. This is worse than Trump wanting a recount and the results of the election to be investigated and for people to protest the election results because there was no transparency in how the votes were counted or that they were even counted fairly. Meanwhile Biden is speaking to oppose one of the 3 pillars of our government...
    • 总统号召人们抗议法庭的判决?哈哈。。有意思。这种事只有美国佬才会有。老中看不懂
      • 总统就职誓词里有这么一句:will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." 老百姓理解为the law of the land,也不算离谱
      • 拜登在演讲中表示尊重rule of law这个宪政底线,比川普只有政治利益没有底线比要好太多
        • 中國人的老朋友
    • 显然红脖子右右的眼里只有川普,没有法律和道义,他们在欢呼凯尔无罪时候,并不是因为法律和道义,正如他们抗议法庭不理会川普对选举污蔑一样,现在倒打一耙不过是双标而已 +2
      • 这个判决和当年辛普森的判决一样,是程序正义的范本。
        • rule of law是美国社会的底线,没有程序正义,法律就会成为政客的工具,推翻这个的话,美国就完了,
          • 这个判决不是rule of law,还能是什么?
            • 判决在程序上没问题,拜登也承认这点,作为政客,他同样要为自己的选民说话。。。I urge everyone to express their views peacefully, consistent with the rule of law,就这点来说,拜登是个有底线的总统
              • 在位总统早早就对被告定了罪,如此强悍的政治压力之下,他能被陪审团做无罪推断,的确很不容易
                • 这事定性,对美国人来说,会有更多人被枪杀,倒霉的同样会是右右
                  • 蠢得好像巴结上命贵就不会挨揍了,最近被打死和被打的呢。 +5
        • 你的意思这个判决只是程序正义?
          • 和理科生对话真是费劲。你喜欢不喜欢,律条就在那里。你同意不同意,公道在于程序。人性和法律的公正往往并不重合。所以法庭上讲良知,纯属添堵
            • 俺觉得在这个案例上的判决,人性和法律的公正是重合的,跟辛普森不一样。 +1
              • 一半,甚至一大半美国人,包括美国总统,认为平民持枪杀人,甚至有可能是基于种族偏见,是罪行,是不符合人性的,你觉得他们的感受和观点就一定不符合人性?
                • 你觉得kyle开枪有可能基于种族偏见?我看到的是fear for his life. 至于“一大半”美国人,不要看到CNN胡说八道就觉得代表一大半人。Biden? 从他上台干的一系列事,符不符合人性不知道,不觉得符合common sense. +5
    • 美国人民心中有正义在。拜登挑拨离间不成,怒火中烧。😂 +7