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Very good! Thanks for sharing. I wish I could see this a few years ago when I hunted for a job. Some additions...

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I polished my resume with the help of one of my relatives in the US at that time. One thing worth mentioning is that he set up a simple access database to keep track of all the resume sent, etc.

Usually when people hunt for jobs, they sent tens or even hundreds of resumes. For specific potential employers, the resume might need to be modified to adapt the requirements. Keeping track of all these is important for job hunting.

The database can be extremely simple that it can only have one table. Some suggestions on fields:

* Company/Job Agent Name - who is hiring (with contact info, or this can be a separate field)
* Job posting Date - when this position was posted
* Where it was posted - (optional) newspaper, newsgroup, website, etc.
* Job requirement - the requirement for the position
* Date Resume sent - the date you send your resume
* Current Status - can be: resume sent (waiting for response), got first interview, got phone call, dead(oh well), etc.
* Resume - this is the resume content you actually sent to the company, preferably with cover letter

This is just an outline, use your imagination to include whatever fields you think is important or useful.

Have your machine always on during daytime, with this database open. Then when you get a phone call from the company or job agent, you can easily look it up in the database instead of saying:

"Huh, sorry, could you please tell me what the position is all about?"

You might need to design a simple query if you need to keep track of hundreds of resumes.

Anyway, I might still have the database. If anyone need it, I'll post it on the net when I got home tonight (provided I can still find it).更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 看了部分朋友的简历,一些意见
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛看了部分朋友的简历

    (可能这些东东在knock'em dead --- resume篇里都有了,我还没看过)
    1、简历最好用rtf文件格式,比较通用,几乎所有的格式文本编辑软件都能打开它。用word格式的话,万一看你简历的人狠MS入骨呢?当然,还要看招聘信息里的具体要求,没有特别说明,就用rtf. 另外,再准备一份txt格式的,有些网站让你把简历post上去,这时起美化作用的字体、网格就没用了,只要段落整齐就行。
    3、我个人认为,简历的格式没有某些文章说的那么重要,特别是对IT行业来说,skill and experience是关键,格式很fancy的简历未必能弥补这两者的不足。但是,简历必须层次分明,清晰易读。字体可以小点,但行间距一定要大!每个段落的标题与段落内容分开,独立一行,并且用粗体,大的段落间要有空行。正文当中粗体不要滥用,只在特别关键的地方用1-2次,比如很少见的证书,很著名的公司的名称等。
    6、我的简历采用的是objective, summary, skills & knowledge, work experience, education, professional training, archivements, activities, reference 的顺序写的。请注意,objective不要总是to seek a ... in a dynamic and challenging environment ...如果应聘的是个老牌很稳定的公司,你还要dynamic,明摆着告诉人家我这人喜新厌旧,待腻了就会跳槽。
    7、第一页按照这样的原则写:把你最突出,最与众不同的东西放在第一页。如证书(mcse就算了),著名公司工作经验,参与过的大规模的项目,特殊的工作行业如银行、保险公司等。每项要单独一行,要写全称及缩写!不要“IT Certificates: CLP, SCJP, IBM CSE, etc.”要:
    “ - Certified Lotus Professional (CLP) on System Administration and Application Development
    - Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP)
    - IBM Certified Solution Expert (CSE): DB2 UDB admin and appl. dev.

    我的agent跟我说过“your certificates make the difference”有证书很重要的!特别是有1000人和你竞争的时候。工作中经验比证书重要,但面食之前,证书比经验重要。证书可不要编造,兴许人家会要求你拿来复印一下(我遇到过)
    8、第一页的下三分之一要写你的最后一份工作经验。工作经验要具体,详细。最好能列出project名称和大致内容,用户和数据规模,不要笼统的写“system installation and maintenance”
    10、不要用太多的中国特有名词,用“nationwide, provincial, citywide”来形容其规模,什么“863”,“green card project”之类的,你认为老外能懂吗?
    12、对IT Professional来说,太简单的常识性的东西不要写,如会用word, excel之类的。

    先写这些,请其他大侠指正补充。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 写得真好!虽然我在短期之内用不上,不过我已经把它全部COPY下来,留着以后用。谢谢!
    • 好! 简历的命名方法很有启发
    • Have you been worked in Motorola? IT? Which city, TJ or BJ?
      • eglinton:有事相求,本人被面试已经两个星期了,当时说是两周后告诉结果,但一直没有消息,您知道什么好方法去讯问结果吗?不是代理。谢谢。
        • Make a call, perhaps it could make a difference. Follow up is very important!
          • thank you very much
      • no, I haven't got any chance working with Mot. I was in BJ before my immigration.
    • 我正要写,被你抢先了。除第一条外,写得很好。
      • so what is your opinion about the document format?
        • 我个人不喜欢RFT,至少可以和极个别仇恨MS的人打个平手,所以,我认为用DOC没问题。但是,如果向对方邮寄软件,一定要正确的编辑格式。否则,你用空格进行缩行、用多次回车换页、用 * 而不用BULLET,等等,让人一看就觉得你外行。
          • 有道理。In fact, I have three resumes, one is .txt, one is .doc, and one is .rtf.
    • 写的不错 // 对了,你具体是做什么的?有空交流交流
    • Very good! Thanks for sharing. I wish I could see this a few years ago when I hunted for a job. Some additions...
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I polished my resume with the help of one of my relatives in the US at that time. One thing worth mentioning is that he set up a simple access database to keep track of all the resume sent, etc.

      Usually when people hunt for jobs, they sent tens or even hundreds of resumes. For specific potential employers, the resume might need to be modified to adapt the requirements. Keeping track of all these is important for job hunting.

      The database can be extremely simple that it can only have one table. Some suggestions on fields:

      * Company/Job Agent Name - who is hiring (with contact info, or this can be a separate field)
      * Job posting Date - when this position was posted
      * Where it was posted - (optional) newspaper, newsgroup, website, etc.
      * Job requirement - the requirement for the position
      * Date Resume sent - the date you send your resume
      * Current Status - can be: resume sent (waiting for response), got first interview, got phone call, dead(oh well), etc.
      * Resume - this is the resume content you actually sent to the company, preferably with cover letter

      This is just an outline, use your imagination to include whatever fields you think is important or useful.

      Have your machine always on during daytime, with this database open. Then when you get a phone call from the company or job agent, you can easily look it up in the database instead of saying:

      "Huh, sorry, could you please tell me what the position is all about?"

      You might need to design a simple query if you need to keep track of hundreds of resumes.

      Anyway, I might still have the database. If anyone need it, I'll post it on the net when I got home tonight (provided I can still find it).更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • A good method. Pls post it here. We\
      • 好建议! 我就干过这事. 把给A公司的简历和COVER LETTER发给B公司. VERY VERY EMBARASSING!
    • 给简历文件起个合适名字是容易被大家忽视的“小事”,但多少可以反映你做事的条例性,有时在条件差不多的情况下,累积起来的小事可以使你make difference.
      我的做法是在每发一份简历的同时建立一个子目录,目录的名字是公司名和日期,如IBM-01-07-24或职位IBM-process engr等。简历的名字一般是resume+name+position。如resume.hearts.process eng.等,对于直接往招人的公司投简历来说,我觉得这样做可能更好。如果通过代理,则用egg的方法比较好。
    • What is rtf file?BTW, should I send the resume as an attachment, or just copy and paste the resume to the e-mail content? Thanx.
      • RTF (rich text format) is a format for text files. When using word, you can choose to save your document as *.rft file.
        The most important fact for rtf files is these files could be read by any word version, and a lot of other text editors.

        Send your resume as an attachement or in the body or your email, depends on the requirement of the employer (agent). Some times, they only want plain text files (its size is small than rft or doc files, and no virus possible in it).
        • Thanx.
    • 想补充一点:北美的缺省纸张大小是letter,而不是A4。刚从国内过来的容易忽略。
    • 不错的经验,补充一点,在用email发简历时,要在标题栏里就著名你要申请的职位,方便HR的人分类forward
    • 再补充一点,针对EGG提到的5,我的经验是做一个Cover page,简述你的经历,关键是你符合招聘的部分,让人一开始就对你有兴趣,然后在通过简历了解你
      Cover page一定要限制在一页以内,
    • 唉, 自从上次见到你之后, 我们这里也shrink了
      • you mean I carried bad luck to you? BTW, which FB or other activity did we meet each other? sorry for my bad memory.
    • hoho, egg也和摩老大有关系乐?另外真的很相知道文中那位做过green card的是谁,俺做green card的时候简直就是炼狱一般的生活啊 :((
      • 这Green Card是美国的绿卡还是邮政储蓄的绿卡啊?
    • 请问何为archivements?
      • things that are difficult to get, for example, awards, girlfriends, certificates
      • I think it should be "Achievement".
        • How about your job hunting ? Songl.
          • just finished the interview and wait their response.
    • 多谢EGG,有几点很值得注意。Thanks.
    • 我想写上WORD, EXCEL之类还是必要的。我面试时,经理告诉我他关心这些东西,但在我的简历上找不到。