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Lake o'Hara

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 2022年夏天可以去Lake O'Hara 暴走,第一次申请就拿到Bus Ticket🚌 +1

    3月初申请了两个最想去的地方,美国的波浪谷和加拿大Lake O'Hara bus. 今天收到两封邮件,1个拒绝,1个成功。

    可能跟申请人数有关系,波浪谷6人,Lake O'Hara 2人。波浪谷年底再申请😄

    • 恭喜!
      • 分享经验,大家都能抽中!
    • 恭喜!我们几个朋友一共交了六份申请,全部被拒。
      • 找个新手去抽,最多4个人
    • 和人数没关系,你就是运气好 😊。我们就两人,波浪谷抽了两天都没抽到。
      • 9月份再抽波浪谷4个人,如果抽中一起去😀
        • 这么好。Fingers crossed for you 😘
    • :) me too, 4个人,提交了1个申请,花$10, ohara 第一次就抽中,今晚买了彩票,看看好运会不会继续。
      • 哇,好运气,我也买了两张彩票。
    • 运气真好,等你的游记 :-)
      • 好的,回来分享^_^
    • Lake O'Hara 抽奖没中。请问有徒步走上去的可能吗?
      • 可以,单程12公里,下山的时候车随便乘。
        • 谢谢!只要下山时有bus就可行。就担心下山bus没位置呢。
      • 不是体弱胆小的就成
        • 胆小?有什么危险的情况吗?
          • 可能碰到熊
            • 啊?那有些危险啊!😯
              • 汽车来来往往的马路,熊不会常来
              • 在Banff碰到好几次熊了,确实很危险
                • 听说要带bear spray?
                  • 要距离熊10米才能喷到,你可以吗?
                    • 至少5米以内吧
                      • 我看熊喷剂罐子上说10米
                • 那你怎么应对呢?
                  • 我打开手机大声放音乐,熊不喜欢就走了
                    • 听你这么说更不敢走那种深山密林的trail 了,一路上提心吊胆的有何乐趣可言呀?😅
                      • 人多一起走,熊会吓跑的🤣
                        • 这倒是,不过每次走还是难免担心,所以走的很少:)
      • 大老远来的, 能省点时间就省点时间吧
    • 运气真好,我没抽上。 +2
    • 夏天的班芙啥都贵, 必须尽快预订租车+住宿+机票

      我和女儿的母女行选择了租RV Class B+6晚班芙公园RV 营地, 比单独租车和订酒店便宜。

      RV-- CanaDream.ca

      • 恭喜恭喜。我没抽到,我们四口RV+9晚营地
        • 如果时间是7月底,我们会在营地遇到。
          • 我是7月底8月初,tunnel -3 night, louis -2, icefield 1, jasper -3
            • 我们6晚都在班芙营地,Yoho营地是先到先得,只能去碰运气。
    • 恭喜恭喜。 羡慕呀!
    • 运气真好, 当年, 我花了两周时间, 两部电话,才定到。好好享受吧!Lake O'hara绝对是徒步和摄影的天堂! +1
      • Lake O'Hara 只有一个白天时间,20公里的徒步是我的极限, 好好欣赏美景高于打卡。
    • Lake o'Hara +2

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    • 顺便问问,你们打算走那条trail? +1
      • 这次主要是徒步YOHO 和 Lake Louise。还在取舍之间。你们有徒步计划吗?
        • 我是指lake O'Hara 的hiking trail,有好几条,时间有限,只能挑选一条路线走,不知道走那条路好。
          • 如果只走一条,肯定是那条到三色湖的那条哦!
            • Thanks! +1
            • 请问这个是哪条?名字是什么?
              Yoho is a hiker’s paradise, with more than 400 km of trails, ranging from easy self-guided interpretive trails to difficult all-day guided hikes to the Burgess Shale fossil beds
          • Lake o'hara


          • 体力如何?
            • 一般,拖着2娃
              • test
              • 这两条 Lake Oesa trail 和 Opabin Plateau Circuit 中间有ledge 可以连起来一起走.

                Lake Oesa trail

                Length : 3.2 km one way
                Elevation Gain : 240 metres

                The trail begins on the Lake O'Hara Shoreline Trail near the eastern end of the lake and ascends a number of switchbacks to the top of a cliff at the end of the lake. Above the cliff, cross wide talus and scree slopes swept clear by avalanches every year. After passing through a stunted forest, climb over several steep, rocky outcrops on stone steps built by Lawrence Grassi. Just past the top of the steps is the trailhead for the Yukness Ledge Alpine Route, and Lake Victoria.

                The Lake Oesa Trail continues from this junction through delicate meadows enclosed by copper-coloured quartzite cliffs and at several points along the way, tiny pools of Oesa Creek are visible below to the right. Finally, after climbing to the top of a short grassy slope, the trail passes through a trough cut in solid bedrock to the tilted rock slabs which contain Lake Oesa. The Wiwaxy Gap/Huber Ledges Alpine Route joins the trail from the north just before the lake.

                Opabin Plateau Circuit

                Length : 5.9 km circuit
                Elevation Gain : 250 metres

                Opabin Plateau is a beautiful hanging valley atop a rocky headband cliff above Lake O'Hara. West Opabin Trail and East Opabin Trail climb to the head of the valley from both sides of the cliff. By starting up either of these arms of the circuit and returning via the other, a tour of the valley can be made.

                Via West Opabin: A sign on the southwest end of Lake O'Hara marks the beginning of the west arm of Opabin Plateau Circuit. The trails climbs quickly to Mary Lake, follows the shore and then climbs steeply up an open talus slope for approximately 120 vertical metres until it mounts a grassy cleft onto the rolling terrain of Opabin Plateau. At this point, the All Soul's Prospect Alpine Route joins the circuit from the west. Another small path travels east back out to the head of the cliff, a point called Opabin Prospect.

                The Opabin Plateau Circuit continues into the little valley of Opabin Creek. It crosses a bridge over the creek and travels upstream, passing southwest of Hungabee Lake. Climbing over a knoll through more talus, the circuit arrives at Opabin Lake. A glacier about 800 metres long lies at the foot of Opabin Pass - the narrow gap in the peaks at the end of the lake. Hikers are warned to stay off the glacier because of dangerous crevasses.
                Opabin Plateau Highline connects East Opabin and West Opabin trails on the plateau.

                The return arm of the circuit begins on the east shore of Opabin Lake. The trail descends back along the plateau past Hungabee Lake and follows the foot of the slope of Yukness Mountain, where the Yukness Ledge Alpine Route to Lake Oesa begins. Continue through grassy meadows back to the brink of the valley and a 0.8 km series of switchbacks that drop to the shores of Lake O'Hara.

                • 感谢 我先读一读
    • 恭喜了,我们没拿到
      • 借帖子问一下 对不起,不会发帖子。在这里问一下有没有6月6号到9号参加天宝班夫国家公园四日游的女士网友?我一个人五十多岁,随和。6号卡加接机开始。至少需要五天。我电话9058055768,谢谢!
        • 建议老大开个新栏目: 寻伴同游。年纪大了,可以搭伴参团旅行🙂老实说找个合适的驴友旅伴不容易。
          • 谢谢建议

            记得2013年大家在这里组的古巴团,有7、8 户人家,玩得很开心。就是组织者比较累。现在年龄大了,孩子不跟你玩了,再遇上老公认为YouTube , google earth 可以随便看,为啥劳民伤财跑去呢?!看来只有一个人我行我素了。
    • 一天少了,天气难测,下次连续抽两天的。
      • 抽中就知足了,班芙可以一去再去的地方
    • 请问这个lake O’hara就是Yoho 公园的 shuttle bus吗?
      • 应该是的吧?我也没有去过
      • 对的,需要预约的shuttle bus,抽中以后还要缴纳bus 费用
        • 我申请两个都没有抽中😂