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Why Nikon (D)SLR -->

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛DESPITE refinements in both body and lens designs to keep Nikon technologically current, like the past 35 years' developments of TTL Autometering (stopdown), Full Aperture Metering (AI), Autoexposure and Autofocus, their SLR lens mount has never changed shape. Since 1959, every Nikkor lens made for their SLRs has fit every Nikon camera made. The compatibility is bidirectional - you can use a shiny new ED-IF "I" series AF lens on a 1959 Nikon F and you can use a 1959 stopdown F lens on a Nikon N90 body. Automation is limited to the capabilities of the older component, but every Nikon SLR can be used with every Nikkor SLR lens and vice versa - a claim to which Nikon is the sole possessor. A commitment to the investment YOU have made in their optics.

Contax has changed it's SLR mount four times, Pentax twice, Canon three times, Minolta twice, Leica couldn't get it right OR keep up to date - and every pro who invested in a suite of expensive optics from them lost the capability to upgrade their technology without annihilating their entire pre-existing and extremely expensive system. No established manufacturer of a major pro SLR system has maintained Nikon's dedication to avoiding inherent (planned) obsolescence.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 摄影艺术 / Why Nikon (D)SLR -->
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛DESPITE refinements in both body and lens designs to keep Nikon technologically current, like the past 35 years' developments of TTL Autometering (stopdown), Full Aperture Metering (AI), Autoexposure and Autofocus, their SLR lens mount has never changed shape. Since 1959, every Nikkor lens made for their SLRs has fit every Nikon camera made. The compatibility is bidirectional - you can use a shiny new ED-IF "I" series AF lens on a 1959 Nikon F and you can use a 1959 stopdown F lens on a Nikon N90 body. Automation is limited to the capabilities of the older component, but every Nikon SLR can be used with every Nikkor SLR lens and vice versa - a claim to which Nikon is the sole possessor. A commitment to the investment YOU have made in their optics.

    Contax has changed it's SLR mount four times, Pentax twice, Canon three times, Minolta twice, Leica couldn't get it right OR keep up to date - and every pro who invested in a suite of expensive optics from them lost the capability to upgrade their technology without annihilating their entire pre-existing and extremely expensive system. No established manufacturer of a major pro SLR system has maintained Nikon's dedication to avoiding inherent (planned) obsolescence.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 就我所知,尼康和佳能在性能上不相伯仲,但是由于佳能性价比较高,所以在爱好者中更为流行。新闻摄影工作中,体育摄影,几乎清一色佳能。在人物摄影,尼康可能稍占上风。
      • 佳能的优势在于对焦快,快门安静,所以记者们爱用;尼康的镜头够利,拍写实性的人像一流,但快门确实响。我偏爱尼康,FM2,经典。
      • 尼康、佳能之争在业余选手之间永远没有结论;
    • 讲讲你新买的那个相机的使用心得吧:)
      • Sharp, 12 megapixal, great skin tone even with 黄脸爷, fast focus, good battery life, low noise, nice handle, everything... you name it, it has it...
        except the case isn't metal..:(
        • can you give me a link please:)
          • S2 -->
        • 你的不是S2 pro吗?12M?插值的?
          • interpolated, yes. but it works really.
    • 个人的感觉,尼康太保守了。很难想象奔腾4CPU还能用286/386的插座,尼康就是要这样干,结果先进的技术实现起来很难,比如镜身马达驱动对焦,佳能的USM不要比尼康的快多少,特别是大口径长焦距的镜头,
      • 说得对。讲专业,就得说新闻摄影工作者,他们的选择就代表了专业。
      • 我都蒙了,那300D对胶快吗,我这么菜,是不是不配用这些DSLR呀:(
        • 实话实说。如果你以前没有爱好过摄影,再好得机子你也体会不到。你体会到得只是花了大把钞票买了那些高端技术。
          • 大部分原因是为了工作,手上有一部4M的point and shot,不能满足需要,主要是光线弱的时候拍不号,还有就是细节不够清晰。
        • 对于佳能来说,对焦速度主要取决于镜头,有超声波对焦马达的就快,口径大的镜头对焦也快,和机身的关系不太大。300D要是用超声波马达镜头,对焦速度没问题
          • 天,那个镜头是什么东东,哪有卖的,给个连接吧
        • 越是菜鸟,越要用好器材啊。个人体会.....
          • 哈哈,反过来成立不成立啊?
          • 同菜:-)相机也可以说是成年人的玩具吧。能不能成“大师”不知道,但这个玩具外形越酷功能越多越好,至少能骗骗MM:-)
      • 同意。虽然佳能的DSLR有点“Soft”,FujiS2确实很好(用Nikon镜头而已)。但性价比300D显然高出不止两筹。如果Nikon不赶快拿出跟300D竞争的产品,后果大家都不难想到,呵呵
    • 别又弄成派别之争:-)纵向兼容性好固然对老玩家合适,但也确实限制了新技术的引进。很多人不知道现代SLR的十项发明里有5-6项是Pentax做出的,虽然现在Pentax几乎已放弃135市场了。
      • 倚老卖老是导致落后的原因之一,尼康也快了
        • 别这末说。我是无门无派的,刚开始钟情的是Nikon,后来又玩过Pentax,Contax,只是偶然的机遇才定型为CanonDSLR,这些相机都很好,能不能拍出好照片还得靠自己修行啊。:-)
          • 同感.
            • 据我所知,尼康刚刚购买了佳能的电动AF镜头专利,以后也有尼康的EF镜头了。佳能有专利,不花钱不行的。
          • 对。我觉得摄影这个东西,光靠器材是不行的,当然到了一定水平之后,没有好的器材也是万万不能的。:)
            当年刚刚开始工作的时候,受同事影响,曾经对摄影极度发烧,加上经济条件许可,eos5,usm镜头一一添齐。一有机会外出,总要带上器材,有空没空,还要炫耀眼控对焦,互相比较相机性能。结果是,发现自己不是摄影的料,对光线、构图的洞察力永远不入流,终于返朴归真,回到了point and shoot 的阶段。
            • 我正想这里的摄友组织一下,大家切磋提高技术呢。
              • 好,我列席。我是永远的初学者,没有头续
              • 希望有些讲座啥的
                • 用不着讲座,只要大家一起出去,对着太阳拍一通,就明白该如何取景,及调相机的各种设定了。
            • 那是EGG的同党了
              • 哈哈,算不上了,早就不怎么玩了,现在在这里夸夸其谈,也是以前的发烧时候留在脑子里的。再说,egg的717是我不喜欢的机种之一。