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Good article! I am on your side. Learning from mistakes is an efficient way of grasping a language.

A.J Hoge has written a book titled "Effortless English: Learn To Speak English Like A Native". In his book, Hoge addresses a very popular question: why so many diligent students in the world study English for many years but they can barely speak good English?

One reason he found out is that those students are constantly discouraged by their English teachers. How could this happen, you may be wondering? Simply put, those students are continuously discouraged through exam, low grade, and punishment, for the mistakes they have made. When this process goes over and over again, students finally develop negative emotions with English. When these negative emotions are formed, whenever they try to use English, they automatically feel nervous and stressed. And they are afraid of making mistakes. Thus, they miss the most efficient way of learning.

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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 外语学习:完美主义者还是犯错主义者 +3

    “不不不, 要认真听清楚每个发音, 确保你的每一个发音准确, 在没有确定你讲的是对之前, 尽量不要张口, 否则错误的发音会伴随着你一辈子.”

    “不, 不同意你的看法, 我们要尽量的尝试的开口, 即使发音错误也没关系, 我们要不断的试错然后不断的纠正错误.”

    没想到在我们小小的八国外语学习小组里面, 也有两种不同的学习外语的路线, 一种完美主义者的路线, 另外一种是犯错主义者的路线.

    而这两种路线并不像阶级斗争一样的非你死我活, 狭路相逢勇者胜不可. 这两种学习外语的方针路线各自有各自的拥趸, 而且各自都有外语学习而且学习了一段时间之后外话讲得很好的的佼佼者.


    因为我不可能一开始就把发音讲得非常的准确, 而且跟人用外语讲话的时候总是会忘记了一些东西:要么忘记了主语要么忘记了谓语要么忘记了宾话要么漏掉了元音要么漏掉了辐音, 我们我不可能把一句话在外语一开始就完美的表达出来.


    面对着可能的错误, 聪明的人会把口闭上. 从而让别人看不出犯错误.

    而“愚昧”的人只会不停的开口, 不停的犯错.

    而在外语学习中, 当“愚昧”的人不断开口, 不断重复同一句话的时候, 不怕掉面子, 不断纠正错误, 令很多聪明的人掉眼镜的是:愚昧的人到最后反而会讲一口顶呱呱的外语.

    我曾经自己以为自己是聪明人, 阳春白雪的, 聪明绝顶的, 所以我怎么能丢掉自己的面子呢?所以我怎么能让愚味的人知道我也不那么聪明呢?每当我遇到不懂的事情, 我都尽量闭嘴不让别人知道, 而自己独自研究闭门造车.

    有时候闭门能造出好车, 而很多的时候往往是闭门的也造不出车. 从后感到压力山大, 到最后变得紧张兮兮的, 越来越不能开口了.

    而“愚昧”的人碰到自己不懂的事情的时候, 会告诉别人自己不懂, 会去做, 会犯错误, 但会开口会咨询会寻求帮助会努力去提升, 到了最后反而全部都懂了.



    可能有一条最短的路, 可是那条最短的路并不一定适合我们.

    而那条迂回崎岖的路, 那条一会儿上山一会下山的路, 那条有时候为了往前走反而要先往后走的路, 可能还会更适合我们, 更让我们最后到达罗马.

    2022年12月06 多伦多

    • Good article! I am on your side. Learning from mistakes is an efficient way of grasping a language. +1

      A.J Hoge has written a book titled "Effortless English: Learn To Speak English Like A Native". In his book, Hoge addresses a very popular question: why so many diligent students in the world study English for many years but they can barely speak good English?

      One reason he found out is that those students are constantly discouraged by their English teachers. How could this happen, you may be wondering? Simply put, those students are continuously discouraged through exam, low grade, and punishment, for the mistakes they have made. When this process goes over and over again, students finally develop negative emotions with English. When these negative emotions are formed, whenever they try to use English, they automatically feel nervous and stressed. And they are afraid of making mistakes. Thus, they miss the most efficient way of learning.

      • thanks for your feedback. the negative emotion your described does exist and It is important to remove it. thanks.
        • You are welcome! Glad that you think it useful.
          I am still dealing with my negative emotion with English. :)