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第一条 liability 就是自杀条款。如果是我,我会这样写:

There are no personal injuries or death involved.

Neither party shall be liable to compensate the other party for any loss or damages (direct or indirect) incurred or to be incurred as a result of the accident.

Without any admission of liability, ___________________________________ (party paying compensation) has paid a sum of $ ________ which _____________________________ (owner receiving compensation) hereby acknowledges receipt thereof in full and final settlement of all damages and costs incurred and/or to be incurred as a result of the accident.

Both parties have not and will not make a police report of this accident

Both parties will not claim from any insurance company



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 大家看看,这个可以吗?

    Letter of settlement

    To whom It my concern

    Traffic incident

    Mr A (dl **********)drove**** hit B car at time location


    Mr A paid $ to car owner as settlement for the damage so caused in the incident .the B owner aceted the settlement

    Proposed by Accepted by

    A B

    Data and time signature Data and time signature

    • 君子协定 你只要确保双方都是谦谦君子签字不赖皮就行😂
    • 不需要witness 签字的吗?不需要人身伤害免责的条款吗?这个才是最重要的。
      • 对方写的,不肯改
        • 不肯改那就各自回各自保险公司 +1
        • 看来这个人不是省油的灯,如果是我 我会走保险。有几个族裔的人要小心。保险公司的人都知道的。 +1
          • 香港人
    • Use this.
    • 没有最重要的部分:“当场未发生任何人身伤害,从此免除一切责任”。——你是真糊涂还是装糊涂?
    • here you go

      Agreement for Car Accident Settlement

      This agreement is made on [insert date] between [Party A] and [Party B] in relation to a car accident that occurred on [insert date of accident].

      1. Liability: The parties agree that [insert name of party responsible for the accident] is liable for the accident.

      2. Payment of Damages: [Name of party responsible for the accident] agrees to pay [Name of other party] the sum of [insert amount] in full and final settlement of all claims arising from the accident.

      3. Release of Claims: In exchange for the payment of damages, [Name of other party] agrees to release [Name of party responsible for the accident] from any and all claims arising from the accident, including but not limited to claims for personal injury, property damage, and other damages.

      4. Confidentiality: The parties agree to keep the terms of this agreement confidential and not to disclose the terms of this agreement to any third party except as required by law.

      5. Governing Law: This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [insert state or jurisdiction].

      6. Entire Agreement: This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and agreements, whether written or oral.

      7. Amendment: This agreement may be amended only by written instrument executed by both parties.

      8. Counterparts: This agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

      9. Signatures: This agreement shall become effective when executed by both parties.

      [Party A signature]
      [Party A printed name]

      [Party B signature]
      [Party B printed name]

      • 呵呵,和君子何必签协定,我要是私了,不会要签啥东西,因为毫无约束力
        • 这要看谁求谁了。停车场撞到别人的trailer,各种拍照留条子热心证人留电话,结果对方trailer没保险,白忙活了。 +1
        • 有约束力的,如果你有这个私了协定而对方报了保险,你可以给保险公司看这个,就免除你的责任了。这是实例。
          • 那这个可以吗?
            • 网上有专门的doc文件样本的。你这个似乎有些简陋。上面那个有太过专业容易引起对方疑惑
              • 这是对方发来的,他不肯改。

                • 你赔他当然应该你写。见下面
          • Case by case, 取决于具体经办人员(Adjuster)
            • 如果你有实例也可以给出来。
              • bc省没人私了 只有一家垄断保险公司 很难糊弄
          • 求个样本
      • 第一条 liability 就是自杀条款。如果是我,我会这样写:

        There are no personal injuries or death involved.

        Neither party shall be liable to compensate the other party for any loss or damages (direct or indirect) incurred or to be incurred as a result of the accident.

        Without any admission of liability, ___________________________________ (party paying compensation) has paid a sum of $ ________ which _____________________________ (owner receiving compensation) hereby acknowledges receipt thereof in full and final settlement of all damages and costs incurred and/or to be incurred as a result of the accident.

        Both parties have not and will not make a police report of this accident

        Both parties will not claim from any insurance company


        • 这个写得很专业。为啥要匿名?想赞一下也不知道赞了谁
        • 写的再好,也是防君子不防小人
          • 想要防小人只能报保险,买保险的用处就在这里
            • 不给他报保险,给了他要是还报,我损失300
              • 你没办法的了, 你们已经交换了信息,跟他说你准备报保险
                • 老实说我不是很明白他为啥会报保险。车连个划痕也没有。
                  • 我要是你 第一拒绝交换信息 第二拒绝私了 有本事你报警 拜拜👋了您啦 你凶一点走了就没事了
                    • 个人亲历,停车场被撞,对方拒绝交换信息,call 911,警官到场并出具报告。

                      • 收据和字条?
                    • 有你这本事就好了
          • 明白你还不报保险?报了保险你再来一次就会被拒保 但签了这玩他还是会报保险😂
            • 啥事报了保险你再来一次就会被拒保
              • 责任事故,一般接连两次就拒保
                • 那有个第一次免责的算进去吗?
        • 你的意见很中肯,Chatgpt 的确考虑 不周。
    • 可以参考这个帖子
    • 哪个大侠觉得哪里可以改的,麻烦给改一下,我明天就拿改好的去,要不肯签就走保险了
      • “Owner receiving compensation waives the right to any and all future claims against paying party” 能把这个写上去就差不多了,就$300 对方不会再报保险的。也没什么损失,对方只是想敲你点钱而已。
        我有一次私了对方分三次Etranfer 我好几千刀我才签字Scan 给对方,人家也不怕呢。$300 刀你就算买一个对方不报保险的机会都值了,你碰了对方只好认为!
        • 谢谢
    • 相对标准的文本是这样的,当然是支付方写的。

      Car Accident Private Settlement

      1. Details of Accident:
      Date ( ) Time:

      2. Party A:
      License Plate:
      driven by
      owned by
      Party B:
      License Plate:
      driven by
      owned by

      3. There are no personal injuries or death involved
      4. The parties have agreed to settle this matter as follows:

      Without any admission of liability, ______ has paid a sum of $ which hereby acknowledges receipt thereof in full and final settlement of all damages and costs incurred and/or to be incurred as a result of the accident. Owner receiving compensation waives the right to any and all future claims against paying party

      Name (paying party):_________________________________


      Name (owner receiving compensation):_______


      • 重新写了一个,

        Letter of Settlement
        1. Traffic Incident
        what happened here
        2. Party A: Party B:
        License Plate: License Plate:

        3. There are no personal injuries or death involved
        4. The parties have agreed to settle this matter as follows:
        Without any admission of liability, has paid a sum of $300 which hereby acknowledges receipt thereof in full and final settlement of all damages and costs incurred and/or to be incurred as a result of the incident. receiving compensation waives the right to any and all future claims against paying party
        Name (paying party):____ _____________________________
        Name (receiving compensation): _ ________________
        Signature:___________________________________Date: ________________
        • liability, has之间缺了你的名字
          • 哪啊?

            • Without any admission of liability, 【你的名字】has paid a sum of $300
              • 这个等会写上去。谢谢,希望这个有用,如果再安省有实列的话
                • 当然是安省的。没问题的。安了
                  • 谢谢