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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



A fire ripped through a hostel in New Zealand's capital overnight, killing at least six people and forcing others to flee the four-storey building in their pyjamas in what a fire chief on Tuesday called his "worst nightmare."

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 前一段时间的热门话题HOSTEL,有人提到是否安全。刚刚看到新闻,新西兰HOSTEL火灾,死了六个,还有失踪的。
    A fire ripped through a hostel in New Zealand's capital overnight, killing at least six people and forcing others to flee the four-storey building in their pyjamas in what a fire chief on Tuesday called his "worst nightmare."
    • Hostel很多房屋都比较老旧, 住的人又多,安全隐患有的,我住过很多明显有隐患,但我想通了,如果有那么一天该来的就来吧
      • 看文章里面写没有安装自动喷水系统。还有就是经常有狼来了的假火警,等真火警来了,没有被重视。挺可怕的。我没有住过HOSTEL,也不习惯独行,还是找安全靠谱的地方住更妥 +1