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Further information..!!!

Go to U 0f T businness school take a look graduate (master) course list . Check the program with Administrator.
Banks at bay st need experts to analysis the data, to evaule risk , to create new financial product and build forecast model, such posistions require good maths backgroud, and finanical knowledge. These guys support investment banking, wealth management and risk controll. I agree investment downsizing passing before, but analysis side still need expansion...
"canadians hate maths..." i mean in real life around us, most canadian think maths boring. and from other hand show that why so many chinese working as computer programmer (coder) and Accounting professional.
If you guys have chance might come to bay st & king st,at lunch time in the foodcurts of big banks , you'll find some manderin speaking Chinese
there, Chances are they are IT guys or Financial engineers.
The world is small, I won't tell in details. make your judgement.
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 加拿大财会行业CA CMA CGA, CFA CISA CIA (修改中)
    • I've been reading your articles all the time.
      I've been reading your articles all the time, which are very helpful. Could you give some ideas on how to write an attractive resume? I think "summary of qualification" is very important. What kind of points should be included? Your opinions will be appreciated.
      • 列3点足够(按重要性排列):1工作经验 2考证情况 3用过的财务软件。不要抄花哨辞句,没有意义。3点都强足够拿到面试,有弱点也可以想法弥补。下次讲座我可能会讲改简历,欢迎参加。
    • "通过后再有2年的Leadership Program,这时你必须做财务工作" CMA的网站只是说做management accounting的工作,并不是指一定要做财务工作吧?
      • 是指财务相关工作,定义比较模糊,一般你的经理肯签字就没什么问题了。我先生正数着月份等正式持牌呢 :-)
        • 先恭喜一下!:)还有个问题,CMA在国内的前景如何?好像没有人认啊。。。
          • 我见过报道,CMA是中国政府正式承认的DESIGNATION之一.不过国内应该还极少,CMA是美国始创,安省平均年薪9万加币,美国更高.去中国的不会很多
    • 吴音mm,探讨一下哈。你的系列文章写得很好,对大家帮助很大。不过,你对CGA的看法似乎比较偏颇和局限。我是说,你对CFA和CMA的比较了解,所以介绍得很好,如果对CGA等不是很了解,是否可以在文章中注明一下呢?
      • 有没有过年请本主席吃饭的打算
        • 好啊。CA赚的多,请赚的少的CGA to be吃饭。:D
          • 我在北方菜馆里好几次都没有吃饱, 还是觉得大草草的肥豆泡好, 过年我们暴磋一吨吧
            • ft,你怎么对大草原一见钟情呀?回头我们email讨论吧。
              • 那个重庆那妹子真是欠干, 牛肉又旧口又分散, 配菜都很恐怖, 服务太呆滞了, 我请那谁谁吃一顿结果自己没有吃饱...
      • 有了跟贴她8就没法改了吗?还8如你直接知无不言.
        • 呵呵。你说话够精炼的,我看了半天才看明白。问题是我现在也不敢说我非常了解我选择的这个designation。我感觉CGA的最大特点其实是灵活,在三大会计师组织里面比较万金油,CGA同学里面干什么的都有,没有吴音说得那么局限。
          会计入行起薪普遍比较低。读完MBA出来上来就做财务分析师Financial Analyst,薪水肯定高,自然不能和刚入行的CGA、CA学生比。
          • 不是一CXA就灵的, 这个要讨论一下
          • 可连我这个外行都知道 CA 比 CGA 厉害。
            • 我们好像很久没有说话了, 这个晚会又没有见面, 最近都在干什么呀, 让本主席挑一挑, 批判一下
              • 您一开口就是批判我,打电话又是说英文,我实在怕怕。:-)
            • 你都说了你是外行了,嘻嘻。正经地说,我有说过哪个A比哪个A厉害吗?这种比法对于真正想选择一个A的财会人士没有任何帮助。
              • 财务DESIGNATION确实有门第之分,进入业界你就知道了,很多CA公然看不起CGA.CMA进入管理层还好说,否则真得是CA说了算.安省CGA不能在最后报表上签字,地位确实低些.(我还什么A都不是,不敢看不起谁的,说点实情,别砸砖哟)
            • 听说CA比CGA难考得多
          • It is quite difficult to move up on the corporate food chain if you don't have a designation -- especially if you want to work for big corporates.
            staff accountants don't make a whole lot money. Controller, CFO or VP of finance are the ones that are paid big bucks.
            depending on what kind of company you are working for lack of designation may or may not stop you from moving up. I know people making 6 digits salary without any certificate or designation.
          • 呵呵,其实CGA是最纯的会计,CMA才是万金油.持牌CA CMA们干什么的都有,转移到其他部门非常容易.我们公司的CEO和一大堆高层经理是CA出身.
      • 是这样的,我大部分同学攻CFA CMA,大部分同事攻CGA,也不能说全不知道.CGA相对CA CMA确实好考些,但PAY得就低,升职机会少.我们财务部目前只剩1CA,其他全高高高升了.我有说错的地方请原谅阿 :-)
    • 还有一个问题,不知你对finance engineering的就业前景有无了解?
      • some usful information for refence
        one lady enrolled in finanical enginering of U of T (only need Tofel, no gmat , $$$) after 18 months. still in school, but some big banks in Bay street went to school gave her offer, 80K+, such position = maths+finance analyst, Canadians hate Maths, so you know.....
        • 应该是传说吧?有事实根据吗?我认识几个加拿大人非常喜欢数学。。。如果以前没有finance的背景,能找到工作吗?谢谢!
        • 传言不可全信。即使理工科里最优秀的学生仍是加拿大人,紧跟的是一批优秀的亚裔。同学会说起BAY ST上的银行投资部在过去两年里很多只裁员,没有进过1名新人。SCOTIA BANK投资部刚开始招人,是2年来的第一次
      • 我也有点疑惑,和几个加拿大本地同学聊过,都不知道这个专业?希望是我们见识少吧。这个专业可能很偏很专,多做些研究再报名,很多东西不是我们新移民从字面理解的那样
        • Further information..!!!
          Go to U 0f T businness school take a look graduate (master) course list . Check the program with Administrator.
          Banks at bay st need experts to analysis the data, to evaule risk , to create new financial product and build forecast model, such posistions require good maths backgroud, and finanical knowledge. These guys support investment banking, wealth management and risk controll. I agree investment downsizing passing before, but analysis side still need expansion...
          "canadians hate maths..." i mean in real life around us, most canadian think maths boring. and from other hand show that why so many chinese working as computer programmer (coder) and Accounting professional.
          If you guys have chance might come to bay st & king st,at lunch time in the foodcurts of big banks , you'll find some manderin speaking Chinese
          there, Chances are they are IT guys or Financial engineers.
          The world is small, I won't tell in details. make your judgement.
    • 最讨厌就是你这种人, 懂点皮毛, 就爱臭炫耀. 真要写加拿大财会行业系列, 拜托先好好进修下. 装满自己那瓶水再开口.
      • 如果你有什么高见,尽请发表出来。上来就这样说话,只能让人瞧不起你。
        • hi, are you back in town?
          • 偶还在乡下呢。
      • 开骂就不好了, 大家探讨一下嘛
      • 你也是CGA???呵呵
      • 唉,怎么能这样说话呢。 只有新入行的人才有这个热情和大家分享她的成功和经验啊。
    • 呵呵,这儿可是正宗美国MBA+CMA啊!不过光凭这俩儿头衔,不懂office politics 不混个什么长当,只是个Senior FA 什么的 挣9万难哪!
    • 写的好!
    • 有关CFA, 说点不同意见。 语言非常重要。 RBC里就有华人CFA,他是从TELLER做起的,进入RBC后就不断学习。功到自然成嘛。