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CBC News hunts down Canada's stolen vehicles in West Africa

CBC News hunts down Canada's stolen vehicles in West Africa
Nearly all cars stolen in Canada are exported overseas by organized crime. In West Africa, where many vehicles end up, authorities are pleading with Canada t...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / (学舌)友情提醒,您不喜欢我不要紧,您真不爱钱可以捂耳朵不听。去开德国造!人家不仅保你的车壳6年以上不生锈,那些发动机的革命性发明,那些奔跑时在不同的路面上出现的不同的问题和解决方案,都来自欧洲佬 +1
    • 你在公众场合大声嚷嚷,凭啥让别人捂着耳朵?其实不是不爱钱,是真没钱,有钱的话,我每一个国家的车买一辆,拖一辆,一种路面换一辆,谁偷我的车,让保镖拿枪突突了 +3
    • CBC News hunts down Canada's stolen vehicles in West Africa
      CBC News hunts down Canada's stolen vehicles in West Africa
      Nearly all cars stolen in Canada are exported overseas by organized crime. In West Africa, where many vehicles end up, authorities are pleading with Canada t...
      • The Breakdown
        The Breakdown
        Thousands of stolen Canadian cars are popping up for sale in Ghana. The National goes there to find out why and uncovers vast criminal networks and lax penal...
    • 我信!昨天看的实战报道,50年前德国造的自走防空高射炮,打伊朗刚刚造的无人机,又稳又准。
      • 50年前的高射炮打现在的无人机?大哥,你别开玩笑了。我相信有命中的几率,但是又稳又准,过头了。
        • 无人机飞得比50年前的战斗机慢多了
          • 硬件和炮弹的引信有关,炮弹的射速。无人机的体积普遍比较小,不知道能不能触发炮弹的近战引信。
        • 是的。不然说德国人厉害。而且是自动的,自动发现自动瞄准,人工操作的唯一功能是批准射击。
          • 前几天微信推送的文章讲中国一款老炮当初从苏引进的,二战末期开始研制的,就是可以在自动指挥仪控制下自动瞄准射击 +1
    • 日本车都买不起啦,还惦记德国车,做梦。