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Background: Population-based cross-sectional serosurveys within the Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada, showed about 10%, 40% and 60% of residents were infected with SARS-CoV-2 by the sixth (September 2021), seventh (March 2022) and eighth (July 2022) serosurveys. We conducted the ninth (December 2022) and tenth (July 2023) serosurveys and sought to assess risk of severe outcomes from a first-ever SARS-CoV-2 infection during intersurvey periods. Methods: Using increments in cumulative infection-induced seroprevalence, population census, discharge abstract and vital statistics data sets, we estimated infection hospitalization and fatality ratios (IHRs and IFRs) by age and sex for the sixth to seventh (Delta/Omicron-BA.1), seventh to eighth (Omicron-BA.2/BA.5) and eighth to ninth (Omicron-BA.5/BQ.1) intersurvey periods. As derived, IHR and IFR estimates represent the risk of severe outcome from a first-ever SARS-CoV-2 infection acquired during the specified intersurvey period. Results: The cumulative infection-induced seroprevalence was 74% by December 2022 and 79% by July 2023, exceeding 80% among adults younger than 50 years but remaining less than 60% among those aged 80 years and older. Period-specific IHR and IFR estimates were consistently less than 0.3% and 0.1% overall. By age group, IHR and IFR estimates were less than 1.0% and up to 0.1%, respectively, except among adults aged 70–79 years during the sixth to seventh intersurvey period (IHR 3.3% and IFR 1.0%) and among those aged 80 years and older during all periods (IHR 4.7%, 2.2% and 3.5%; IFR 3.3%, 0.6% and 1.3% during the sixth to seventh, seventh to eighth and eighth to ninth periods, respectively). The risk of severe outcome followed a J-shaped age pattern. During the eighth to ninth period, we estimated about 1 hospital admission for COVID-19 per 300 newly infected children younger than 5 years versus about 1 per 30 newly infected adults aged 80 years and older, with no deaths from COVID-19 among children but about 1 death per 80 newly infected adults aged 80 years and older during that period. Interpretation: By July 2023, we estimated about 80% of residents in the Lower Mainland, BC, had been infected with SARS-CoV-2 overall, with low risk of hospital admission or death; about 40% of the oldest adults, however, remained uninfected and at highest risk of a severe outcome. First infections among older adults may still contribute substantial burden from COVID-19, reinforcing the need to continue to prioritize this age group for vaccination and to consider them in health care system planning.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 看帖有感:支持疫苗又不(再)打疫苗的都是家里没有老人吧?政府说了,老人自己打疫苗没用,必须身边人都打才行。ZT反疫苗的都是家里没有老人吧?新冠对老年人可能是致命的。最近养老院又有封的,因为疫情。没到那个年纪是可以不在乎的,可以不负责任地闹腾(#15742701@0) +2
    • 哈哈,照政府說的,家里老人打疫苗而自己不打的等于在害老人这怎么行,赶紧的听政府的快去打 +14
    • 你这个是说给没打疫苗听的吧?全加近九成以上的都至少打过一针,还有人根据需要再继续打针,倒是那些不打针的才是这样不负责任闹腾,也许ta们家里老人很想打,可ta们就是不打,也不让老人打,很执着的要直面病毒 +1
      • Re:你这个是说给没打疫苗听的吧?是说给那些“说疫苗安全有效,可又不(再)打疫苗,不肯FULLY VACCINATED的人说的”.这些人嘴上说一套(疫苗安全有效),让其他人打针,可行动上完全是相反的另一套,坚决不再打,在行动上反到和那些坚决反对疫苗的一个样了 LOL +7
        • 几个反疫苗人士的能量还是很大滴 +1
          • 您是说”反疫苗人士"揭露的事实让拥护疫苗的都不敢(再)打针了? +7
            • 让她们瞎咧咧去吧,自己的事情自己决定,我已约好了打第5针
              • 是,另外那几个拥护疫苗的都是瞎咧咧,根本就不肯(再)打疫苗。 +11
              • 打完第五针记得给网友看你的打针记录。你可以把你的私人信息遮盖掉,别到时候没影了。 +10
                • 打与不打都面临的都u还是不依不饶呀
                  • 你拍个现场照片也可以。你去真打了,我们就佩服你,至少言行如一。 +10
                    • 能给你们的荒唐要求+10的话我就考虑免为其难露个针眼哈
                      • 这么低的要求都达不到?网上撒谎成习惯了? +6
                        • 表面上尊重个人选择,不依不饶还是坐实了
                          • 怎么叫一刀切?只是证明你打过五针疫苗,这有什么?一张现场照片的事儿。 +3
                            • 同理,你一定带着你家的老人偷偷打针了,如不出示啥疫苗记录的话哈
                          • 我相信小嘴说得是真的:确实计划去打疫苗。等打完了,可以写一篇‘5针疫苗平安归来记’ LOL +3
                            • 第1针排大队时我写过哈,现在太稀松平常不出彩了,尽管在反疫苗人士的眼里还是好彩头
                              • :-) 在这个论坛里,打满5针/按政府要求FULLY VACCINATED的已经相当少了 +4
                                • 在这个论坛里,年过80的几乎没有
                                  • 用不了80,按政府要求,6个月一阵,现在所有成人都该打满5,6针了。 +3
                                    • 你开贴谈的是老人呀,家里没有老人就可以胡咧咧了吗?
                                      • 主贴是说给那些“说疫苗安全有效,可又不(再)打疫苗,不肯FULLY VACCINATED的人“听的.这些人嘴上说一套(疫苗安全有效),让其他人打针,可行动上完全是相反的另一套,坚决不再打,在行动上反到和那些坚决反对疫苗的一个样了 LOL (#15747144@0) +3
                                        • 尾巴还是要露出来的哈
                                          • LOL
        • 你的意思是说,“发烧好了,因为发烧药有效,所以应该继续吃药“?如果是这个意思,你肯定发烧过,也好了,那现在还在继续吃发烧药么?你连个自己健康状况如何,是否需要继续吃药打针都没法做主么?这个也和那些反疫苗的一样一样的,天天听别人说啥,然后出来嚷
          • 换句话说,你是拥护疫苗,认为疫苗安全有效;但在行动上,不(再)打疫苗了,也不听政府的,不自己打针保护老人了。不像小嘴,已经约好打第5针了。(#15747173@0) +7
            • 嗯,看来你觉得打针吃药就如同吃糖,这爱好,咱比不了,正常人在健康上只会按需选择,小嘴选择是他自己根据自身需要选择的,很合理。还是那句话,你认为退烧药有效,你会一直吃么?这个问题都不敢回答,你就别匿名跳出来谈有效和服用了
          • 疫苗只管半年,半年后免疫力就近乎于没有了,所以才有追加针。现在不打,两针到现在已经都一年多的时间了,相当于从没打过疫苗的结果。 +9
            • 疫苗作用大家应该都清楚,只是给了人体免疫系统一个病毒描述,让免疫系统记住并识别病毒,产生对应抗体进行健康保护,所谓免疫力近乎没有,这个因人而异吧,如果你觉得没了,就可以去补打,如果你觉得还有,可以不打,这都是正常人的判断吧,反疫苗的天天喊打,可笑
              • 这是土豆政府的专家说的,你们不信专家的话?你能感觉自己体内有没有免疫? +9
                • 你们总是不给自己留余地,你以前打过疫苗,你知道是否还有效免疫么?你是不是该去补打?专家给专业的推荐和解释,正常人根据医学科学正常概念选择对自己有效的是合理的做法。专家知道每人什么状况么?就算很安全的药,医生也要根据你身体状况,给出合理剂量或替代药物吧?
            • 要看传染率。传染率低风险低,就像流感,也能致死,也传染,但是大多数人不打流感疫苗
              • 那些人就是无脑疯,说的话都可笑之极,不是极端的听专家的,就是极端的啥也不敢做,无聊的很
    • 这新冠疫苗是史上第一个,自己打了不管用,要别人打了才管用的药。相当于,我得了癌症化疗不够,要我的家人邻居同事都化疗才行,哈哈哈。 +13
      • 最好这些底层的都化成灰才好。 +5
        • 哈哈,80岁以上一针不漏的新冠感染率才60%
          • 这针看来是”白打了“,还不如反疫苗的喊两嗓子,精神胜利法,就能病毒绕身不入,感染率 0%,人类的免疫奇迹啊
            • 这里是原文
              Background: Population-based cross-sectional serosurveys within the Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada, showed about 10%, 40% and 60% of residents were infected with SARS-CoV-2 by the sixth (September 2021), seventh (March 2022) and eighth (July 2022) serosurveys. We conducted the ninth (December 2022) and tenth (July 2023) serosurveys and sought to assess risk of severe outcomes from a first-ever SARS-CoV-2 infection during intersurvey periods. Methods: Using increments in cumulative infection-induced seroprevalence, population census, discharge abstract and vital statistics data sets, we estimated infection hospitalization and fatality ratios (IHRs and IFRs) by age and sex for the sixth to seventh (Delta/Omicron-BA.1), seventh to eighth (Omicron-BA.2/BA.5) and eighth to ninth (Omicron-BA.5/BQ.1) intersurvey periods. As derived, IHR and IFR estimates represent the risk of severe outcome from a first-ever SARS-CoV-2 infection acquired during the specified intersurvey period. Results: The cumulative infection-induced seroprevalence was 74% by December 2022 and 79% by July 2023, exceeding 80% among adults younger than 50 years but remaining less than 60% among those aged 80 years and older. Period-specific IHR and IFR estimates were consistently less than 0.3% and 0.1% overall. By age group, IHR and IFR estimates were less than 1.0% and up to 0.1%, respectively, except among adults aged 70–79 years during the sixth to seventh intersurvey period (IHR 3.3% and IFR 1.0%) and among those aged 80 years and older during all periods (IHR 4.7%, 2.2% and 3.5%; IFR 3.3%, 0.6% and 1.3% during the sixth to seventh, seventh to eighth and eighth to ninth periods, respectively). The risk of severe outcome followed a J-shaped age pattern. During the eighth to ninth period, we estimated about 1 hospital admission for COVID-19 per 300 newly infected children younger than 5 years versus about 1 per 30 newly infected adults aged 80 years and older, with no deaths from COVID-19 among children but about 1 death per 80 newly infected adults aged 80 years and older during that period. Interpretation: By July 2023, we estimated about 80% of residents in the Lower Mainland, BC, had been infected with SARS-CoV-2 overall, with low risk of hospital admission or death; about 40% of the oldest adults, however, remained uninfected and at highest risk of a severe outcome. First infections among older adults may still contribute substantial burden from COVID-19, reinforcing the need to continue to prioritize this age group for vaccination and to consider them in health care system planning.
      • 好可爱。癌症传染吗
        • 好好想想,你打疫苗是你产生抗体,还是你邻居产生抗体? +8
          • 你好好想想吧。公共卫生的基本都不懂。遏制传播,不单是从个体角度。小孩的疫苗本为啥track得那么紧?100个人打3个,遏制的了吗? +2
      • 各种各样匪夷所思的洗脑大行其道,这是其中之一。还有那个能打到的疫苗就是对你最好的,混打一样效果,拉长间隔打没啥不同,我当年做实验拼命苛求实验条件一致原来是“反科学”啊🤣🤣 +4
    • 我们家族里有老人自己不乐意打疫苗,人家平稳过渡,得新冠二天就好了,我妈老老实实打齐了三针,病了一个多月才好,再让她去打,她也不愿意去了 +2
      • 我几个同事也是这样,打了3针疫苗,开始经常生病。所以再也不打疫苗了。 +1