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首先,针对疫苗的诉讼越来越多,战争罪行的审判现在已经是板上钉钉的事情了。这方面的最新消息是,韩国政府已经开始对在接种 mRNA 疫苗后90天内死亡的家庭进行赔偿,即使尸检无法确定死亡原因。韩国疾病控制和预防机构表示,这些措施具有追溯效力。

For one thing, lawsuits against the vaccines are piling up, and war crimes trials are now a certainty. The latest on this front is that the South Korean government has begun compensating families if a member dies within 90 days of the mRNA vaccination, even if an autopsy cannot determine the cause. The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency said these measures apply retroactively.

首先,针对疫苗的诉讼越来越多,战争罪行的审判现在已经是板上钉钉的事情了。这方面的最新消息是,韩国政府已经开始对在接种 mRNA 疫苗后90天内死亡的家庭进行赔偿,即使尸检无法确定死亡原因。韩国疾病控制和预防机构表示,这些措施具有追溯效力。

“Korea had a higher vaccination rate than the rest of the world because people trusted the state and got vaccinated,” People Power Party lawmaker Park Dae-chul said at a meeting between the party and the administration in the National Assembly. ….In this context, the state must address the blind spot in helping those harmed by the vaccination policy….Korea has recognized 11 side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine, including anaphylaxis, myocarditis and pericarditis,

人民力量党(People Power Party)议员朴大哲(Park Dae-chul)在该党与政府在国民议会(National Assembly)举行的一次会议上表示: “韩国的疫苗接种率高于世界其他国家,因为人们信任政府,并接种了疫苗。”。在这种情况下,国家必须解决帮助那些受到疫苗接种政策伤害的人的盲点。韩国已经认识到2019冠状病毒疫苗的11种副作用,包括过敏反应、心肌炎和心包炎,


As soon as a government officially recognizes something like this, the floodgates are open. Most heads of state in the West are tough on this issue.



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 首先,针对疫苗的诉讼越来越多,战争罪行的审判现在已经是板上钉钉的事情了。这方面的最新消息是,韩国政府已经开始对在接种 mRNA 疫苗后90天内死亡的家庭进行赔偿,即使尸检无法确定死亡原因。韩国疾病控制和预防机构表示,这些措施具有追溯效力。 +8

    For one thing, lawsuits against the vaccines are piling up, and war crimes trials are now a certainty. The latest on this front is that the South Korean government has begun compensating families if a member dies within 90 days of the mRNA vaccination, even if an autopsy cannot determine the cause. The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency said these measures apply retroactively.

    首先,针对疫苗的诉讼越来越多,战争罪行的审判现在已经是板上钉钉的事情了。这方面的最新消息是,韩国政府已经开始对在接种 mRNA 疫苗后90天内死亡的家庭进行赔偿,即使尸检无法确定死亡原因。韩国疾病控制和预防机构表示,这些措施具有追溯效力。

    “Korea had a higher vaccination rate than the rest of the world because people trusted the state and got vaccinated,” People Power Party lawmaker Park Dae-chul said at a meeting between the party and the administration in the National Assembly. ….In this context, the state must address the blind spot in helping those harmed by the vaccination policy….Korea has recognized 11 side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine, including anaphylaxis, myocarditis and pericarditis,

    人民力量党(People Power Party)议员朴大哲(Park Dae-chul)在该党与政府在国民议会(National Assembly)举行的一次会议上表示: “韩国的疫苗接种率高于世界其他国家,因为人们信任政府,并接种了疫苗。”。在这种情况下,国家必须解决帮助那些受到疫苗接种政策伤害的人的盲点。韩国已经认识到2019冠状病毒疫苗的11种副作用,包括过敏反应、心肌炎和心包炎,


    As soon as a government officially recognizes something like this, the floodgates are open. Most heads of state in the West are tough on this issue.


    • 看来没去起诉的,是号称反疫苗,其实真相信疫苗自己偷偷打针的
    • 摘自主贴,韩国政府无条件理赔的原因是:韩国政府正式承认2019冠状病毒疫苗的11种副作用,包括过敏反应、心肌炎和心包炎,Korea has recognized 11 side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine, including anaphylaxis, myocarditis and pericarditis, +3
      • 疫苗坛高级会员发主贴已成气候
    • 仁政。