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大数据表明,所有疫苗,是的,没看错,是所有疫苗,全部有害。可以参考steve kirsch在MIT的演讲。

VSRF Live #104: Exclusive MIT Speech by Steve Kirsch

Support the work of VSRF at https://VacSafety.org/donate

Donations are tax deductible and we need your support to continue our work into 2024. Or to text-to-donate, text LIBERTY to 53555

Talk begins at 13: 45

Thursday, November 30, 2023

6 pm ET | 3 pm PT

Data bombshell from Steve Kirsch in speech at Kirsch Auditorium at MIT

Watch an exclusive special episode of VSRF LIVE as we come LIVE from Kirsch Auditorium at MIT for a speech by VSRF Founder Steve Kirsch where he will deliver a data drop that according to Dr. Pierre Kory has the potential to change the entire narrative on the Covid-19 vaccines. The record level data will be revealed for three countries.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 美国德州司法部长起诉辉瑞新冠疫苗欺诈,造假疫苗有效率,试图阻止公众质疑 +13
    Attorney General Ken Paxton alleges Pfizer also attempted to silence critics of its vaccine.
    • 诺贝尔奖疫苗被起诉了 +9
    • 帕克斯顿在起诉书中称,辉瑞疫苗有效率95%的说法具有误导性,是通过“相对危险降低率”的统计手段得出的结论,临床试验数据则表明,辉瑞疫苗实际的“绝对危险降低率”仅为0.85%。他指责辉瑞公司没有透露有关其疫苗的真实情况。 +8
      • 辉瑞疫苗实际的“绝对危险降低率”仅为0.85%, 相信民主政府的智忧们得努力沉思一下了。。 +4
        • 很多人用他们自己的健康慢慢开始搞清 ‘阴谋论与实际正在发生的阴谋是两回事。如果你把这两者搞混,把人类世界正在发生的各种阴谋都贴上“阴谋论”的标签,对正在发生的阴谋视为“阴谋论”而视而不见、嗤之以鼻,你就成待煮的青蛙了’ +3
          • 瞧着青蛙真的比癞蛤蟆多得多呀
            • 不拉黑了?晚节不保~ +3
              • 你很荣幸,反疫苗人士里俺拉黑的只有你1个,知道为啥吗?
            • 这个论坛里积极参加讨论的‘青蛙’们都从温水里跳出来了, 都停止打疫苗了。不过不是因为‘温水’的温度太高,是因为揭露疫苗真相的人们不停搅动这盆温水,让他们呆不下去,只好跳出来了 LOL +4
              • 没有变成癞蛤蟆的
    • 大数据表明,所有疫苗,是的,没看错,是所有疫苗,全部有害。可以参考steve kirsch在MIT的演讲。 +5
      VSRF Live #104: Exclusive MIT Speech by Steve Kirsch

      Support the work of VSRF at https://VacSafety.org/donate

      Donations are tax deductible and we need your support to continue our work into 2024. Or to text-to-donate, text LIBERTY to 53555

      Talk begins at 13: 45

      Thursday, November 30, 2023

      6 pm ET | 3 pm PT

      Data bombshell from Steve Kirsch in speech at Kirsch Auditorium at MIT

      Watch an exclusive special episode of VSRF LIVE as we come LIVE from Kirsch Auditorium at MIT for a speech by VSRF Founder Steve Kirsch where he will deliver a data drop that according to Dr. Pierre Kory has the potential to change the entire narrative on the Covid-19 vaccines. The record level data will be revealed for three countries.

      • YES.以前的疫苗能防要防的病,但引起其它更严重的问题。现在的新馆疫苗更先进了,不但不防要防的病,且引起其它更严重的问题, 还更容易得要防的病 +4