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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



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  • 枫下家园 / 保安防身 / 偷车贼现在偷车猖狂到如此地步 +1
    • 邻居网每天基本都有车被偷的 +1
      • 就是nextdoor上转发的。还有关于amazon雇员偷盗的事情,似乎越来越频繁了。有看到雇员门口扔了一扔包裹,拍张照,然后把包裹带走。 +1
        • 估计也有跟着送货车的,人家送,他偷 +2
          • 听说有一些人专门开着车在小区里转,看有没有谁家门口有包裹。
          • 一家人,一人管送货,另一人管收货??
            • 下次来个钓鱼执法,假装家里没人,看他把包裹拿走就向amazon投诉
              • 网上有人发录像的,但是Amazon最多辞掉这一个,没人能保证下一个雇员就是干净的,再说另一人拿走就说不清楚了 +1
                • 确实
            • 下文的翻译:亚马逊目前面临着严重的诚信问题,特别是在大多伦多地区,该地区有超过 75 人成为邮件盗窃的受害者。 +1

              随着假期的临近,邮件失窃事件往往会增加,收件人保持警惕至关重要。 据报道,亚马逊司机未能交付包裹,而是转而在网上销售,这使得情况更加恶化。 这不仅表明亚马逊的配送系统出现故障,而且还揭示了利用供应链漏洞的有组织犯罪分子。 盗窃的情况不仅限于邮件; 还报告了住宅社区邮箱和广场遭到盗窃的情况。 亚马逊仓库已成为员工盗窃的热点,并导致刑事指控。 这些指控通常被归类为严重违反信任行为,会导致犯罪者入狱并留下犯罪记录。 值得注意的是,安大略省的各个运营中心都报告了收费,强调了该问题的广泛性。 多名亚马逊员工被指控在安大略省的所有运营中心盗窃,包括:省略

              亚马逊对这些盗窃事件的反应被批评为不充分。 该公司倾向于提供样板回复,声称无法验证详细信息并要求提供更多信息,这可能会让受影响的客户感到沮丧。 该公司在应对日益增多的盗窃事件方面所付出的努力及其可疑的响应程序导致了消费者信任的削弱。

              此外,客户的不满不仅仅限于盗窃问题。 关于亚马逊 Prime 服务恶化的抱怨已经浮出水面,许多商品的运输时间不再满足承诺的两天送达要求。 这导致 Prime 续订被取消,因为顾客质疑会员资格与沃尔玛等替代品相比的价值,沃尔玛无需订阅即可提供次日免费送货。

              鉴于这些挑战,解决亚马逊的诚实问题需要采取全面的方法。 加强司机和仓库员工的审查流程、提高供应链安全以及加强客户支持程序是重要步骤。 此外,亚马逊必须重新评估并透明地传达其 Prime 服务的变化,以重建信任并保持客户忠诚度。

        • 现在10家里9家有监控,这样不行吧 +1
          • 如果一个人送另一个人拿,监控拍下了也没办法 +1
          • 在amazon送货中心就开始偷盗了。你装监控也有用?
    • What can you do about Amazon Delivery / Mail theft? +1

      What can you do about Amazon Delivery / Mail theft?

      #Amazon is currently facing a significant honesty issue, particularly in the Greater Toronto Area, where more than 75 individuals have fallen victim to mail theft. With the approaching holiday season, incidents of mail theft tend to rise, making it crucial for recipients to remain vigilant. The situation is exacerbated by Amazon drivers who have reportedly failed to deliver packages and instead resorted to selling them online. This not only indicates a breakdown in Amazon's delivery system but also reveals an organized crime element exploiting vulnerabilities in the supply chain.

      Instances of theft are not limited to mail alone; break-ins at residential community mailboxes and plazas have also been reported. Amazon warehouses have become hotspots for employee theft, leading to criminal charges. The charges, often categorized as serious breaches of trust, result in jail time and a criminal record for offenders. Notably, charges have been reported across various fulfillment centers in Ontario, emphasizing the widespread nature of the issue. Multiple Amazon employees have been charged with theft from all fulfillment centers in Ontario, including:

      1. YYZ1 – 6363 Millcreek Drive, Mississauga
      2. YYZ2 – 2750 Peddie Road, Milton
      3. YYZ3 – 7995 Winston Churchill Blvd. Brampton
      4. YYZ4/YYZ6 – 8050 Heritage Road, Brampton
      5. YYZ7 – 12724 Coleraine Drive, Caledon (Bolton)
      6. YYZ9 – 6451 Steeles Ave. E, Toronto

      Amazon's response to these thefts has been criticized for being inadequate. The company tends to provide boilerplate responses, claiming an inability to verify details and requesting additional information, which can be frustrating for affected customers. The company's struggle to handle the increasing instances of theft and its questionable response procedures contribute to the erosion of trust among consumers.

      Furthermore, customer dissatisfaction extends beyond theft issues. Complaints about the deterioration of Amazon's Prime service have surfaced, with shipping times no longer meeting the promised two-day delivery for many items. This has led to canceled Prime renewals, as customers question the value of the membership compared to alternatives like Walmart, which offers next-day free shipping without a subscription.

      In light of these challenges, addressing Amazon's honesty issue requires a comprehensive approach. Strengthening vetting processes for drivers and warehouse staff, improving supply chain security, and enhancing customer support procedures are essential steps. Additionally, Amazon must reevaluate and transparently communicate changes to its Prime service to rebuild trust and retain customer loyalty. 
