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消除疫苗危害(迅速长成的超级癌症)的一种方法. 研究人员向动物注射芋螺毒素和眼镜蛇毒素(新冠病毒的刺突蛋白)的实验。他们发现它会穿过血脑屏障..它的目标是神经胶质瘤 C6 细胞上的 α-7 尼古丁受体。 72 小时内,他们可以确认毒液附着在尼古丁受体上形成了胶质母细胞瘤

“在 2022 年的大流行期间,研究人员……实际上正在进行向动物注射芋螺毒素和眼镜蛇毒素(新冠病毒的刺突蛋白)的实验。他们发现它会穿过血脑屏障......它的目标是神经胶质瘤 C6 细胞上的 α-7 尼古丁受体。 72 小时内,他们可以确认毒液附着在尼古丁受体上形成了胶质母细胞瘤。

“在观察脑肿瘤生长 72 小时后,这些科学家向动物注射两种不同剂量的尼古丁,他们以每毫升血液 1 微升的剂量显示结果。当他们在 72 小时内注入尼古丁时,胶质母细胞瘤溶解了一半只是尼古丁的大小。然后他们在72小时结束时暂停了研究。我不断地问自己,作为一名研究人员,看到脑肿瘤在72小时内溶解一半的如此惊人的结果,你会不会感到震惊像尼古丁这样简单的东西?”

For free access to the full Cancer Secrets series, streaming March 4-15th, 2024, go here:https://takebackyourpower.net/cancersecrets* * *“During the pandemic in the year 2022, researchers... were actually doing experiments injecting animals with conotoxins and cobratoxins, the spike protein of COVID. And they found that it will cross the blood-brain barrier... It targets the alpha-7 nicotine receptors on glioma C6 cells. Within 72 hours, they can confirm a glioblastoma was being formed by the venoms' attachments to those nicotine receptors."After 72 hours of watching the brain tumor grow, these scientists would inject the animals with two different doses of nicotine and they show the results at 1 microliter per milliliter of blood. When they introduced nicotine within 72 hours, the glioblastoma was dissolved by half the size just with nicotine. They then suspended the study at the end of 72 hours. And I keep asking myself, wouldn't you as a researcher be shocked to see such an amazing result of a brain tumor being dissolved by half in 72 hours with something as simple as nicotine?"