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Overall, the results indicate that Cesarean section has negative impacts on children’s senses of smell, touch, and vision and on sensory integration abilities.

The increasing popularity of Cesarean birth has become a social concern in many countries. This paper reviews the literature on the effects of Cesarean section on children’s psychological health. The results show that Cesarean birth may have adverse ...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 为什么顺产的孩子要比剖腹产的孩子来得健康?
    • 脑袋夹过? +5
      • 笑我肚子疼。 +1
        • 司马夹头专门去美国做的
      • 是滴,正解,不光脑袋,全身都挤压按摩过一遍,娃自己也是努力过了。 +1
    • 提早体育锻炼了。 +1
    • 这个结论如何得来的? +2
      • 自然生产加母乳喂养,就是这边医院的一贯原则。
    • 顺产的起码说明母亲年轻健康有足够的力量deliver, 被剖的有各种各样的原因。 +2
      • 据说剖腹的话医生挣得多
    • Overall, the results indicate that Cesarean section has negative impacts on children’s senses of smell, touch, and vision and on sensory integration abilities.
      The increasing popularity of Cesarean birth has become a social concern in many countries. This paper reviews the literature on the effects of Cesarean section on children’s psychological health. The results show that Cesarean birth may have adverse ...
    • 瞎猜一哈,顺产儿是经过了一番努力奋斗才获得的新生,全身细胞经历过一场生死重大锻炼和考验,活下来的细胞都是杠杠的种子,后来的发展当然健康向好了。否则,剖腹产的话,未经锻炼筛选细胞种子可能会良莠不齐....