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去这个地方得飞哪里,贵不?ZT:Bucket-List Travel: Why You Need To Go To The Galapagos Now

The Galapagos is an enchanted place, and it has stayed that way largely because it has been protected. Thinking about conservation on Earth Day 2024.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 去这个地方得飞哪里,贵不?ZT:Bucket-List Travel: Why You Need To Go To The Galapagos Now
    The Galapagos is an enchanted place, and it has stayed that way largely because it has been protected. Thinking about conservation on Earth Day 2024.
    • 到我的部落去找找,“天堂也不过如此,Galapagos Islands” 系列。
      • 谢谢
    • Fly to Ecuador
      • 谢谢
    • 说中文pls 否则还要歪着脑袋想半天 :)
      • Are you living in China? Even Taiwanese use English as their second official language.
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            • 谢谢
          • If you rely on Chinese websites, you will only know places other Chinese told you.
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