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A major IT issue is affecting banks and airlines in Australia due to problems with Microsoft's cloud services, causing widespread delays.

The issue appears to have been caused by a piece of software developed by a company called CrowdStrike.

Cybersecurity expert Dr Shaanan Cohney:

"It's a computer security vendor that provides a monitoring service to large enterprises so they can see on computers within their control if there's any indications of suspicious activity or things that would require a security alert or to lock down the computer.

However, because it's in such a privileged position, if something goes wrong with it, if there's a programming mistake, it has the capability to bring down the entire computer.

If someone makes the wrong type of mistake, it can bring the whole system down."

Source: ABC News

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  • 工作学习 / 学科技术 / 计算机软件产品和工具是非常危险的东西。如果有坏人利用,将会造成不可弥补的损失。如果不细心设计,死人的事情就会发生。微软云计算崩塌,造成重大经济损失!做IT工作的人们,有承担起你们的社会责任,也是你们的义务:安全第一。 +1


    A major IT issue is affecting banks and airlines in Australia due to problems with Microsoft's cloud services, causing widespread delays.

    The issue appears to have been caused by a piece of software developed by a company called CrowdStrike.

    Cybersecurity expert Dr Shaanan Cohney:

    "It's a computer security vendor that provides a monitoring service to large enterprises so they can see on computers within their control if there's any indications of suspicious activity or things that would require a security alert or to lock down the computer.

    However, because it's in such a privileged position, if something goes wrong with it, if there's a programming mistake, it has the capability to bring down the entire computer.

    If someone makes the wrong type of mistake, it can bring the whole system down."

    Source: ABC News

    • 老家不睡觉的吗?😊
      • 睡觉啊。昨天晚上听川普演讲睡着了。早上两点醒来
    • 搬到云上去,就会有这问题。不过很奇怪,为何backup没有被启动起来。一般都会有一个备份,而且一直会做镜像同步,一个down了,另外一个就应该自动启动。刚才去linkedin上看了看,这家公司印度人和东方亚裔都不少,但是印度人比例上多不少。 +1
      • 一个可能性,被黑客了
        • 外包公司CEO说不是黑客,是他家自己软件出错
          • 估计背自己错的锅比自己产品背有漏洞的锅影响小点。
      • 外包公司没用微软云吧,微软忽悠他家的云可以实施切换 +1
      • 听到新闻的第一感觉就是跟印度人有关,果然。。。 +1
    • 不是微软的云出问题,而是整个windows出问题了,所有Windows server都down了 +1
      • 重大软件更新居然不挑周末
        • 周五就等与周末了
        • 轻敌了呗。 +1
    • 印度人的责任。如果让白人和华人管事,不会出事的。我们公司90%的unplanned outages都是印度人搞出来的,每次patch,upgrade,migration 不出事是意外。 +3
      • 波音的事故,也是 A3 整的吧?
        • 没错。A3对美国来说就是癌症。 +1
      • 神奇的是越出事,越有活干,虎虎生风,显得重要了 +2
        • 现实确实这样。
    • 只要中共还在,危险就永远在。
    • 吓 S 宝宝了。一个公司的不丁点的 subcontractor 的一个补丁,能让地球感冒,P 民的生命妥妥掐在别人手里啊。 +2

      俺的马仔机场里 4PM 等到大半夜,结果说取消了!俩人说赶紧给我们租车,开回去。我说 14 个小时呢,他俩说俩人轮流开,怎么也得回家!同个机场租车 1000 刀。D2 个机场没车了!D3 个机场 170 刀。我只好大半夜接他们,送到另一个机场。估计再有几个小时到了。😂

      • 太惨了。
      • P民没感觉,老板被宰痛了~
        • 好歹机票算全额退了。但是马仔的时间总得付吧。F 微软。😂 马仔说 gate 区全是骂街的。
          • 按时挣钱的应该比较淡定,其余的人不冒火也冒烟。
    • 那是制度问题啦,美国允许微软,谷歌,亚马逊这些公司做世界范围的行业垄断,早晚会物极必反 +2
      • 推荐一个可以避免垄断的制度呗 +1
        • 过去的美国啦,过去行业垄断的公司都被拆分,又不新鲜 +1
          • 能给详细说说吗?什么样的公司应该被拆分?标准的是什么?具体案例?这几家公司与案例公司的比较?。。。
            • 自己去看看当年怎么对待AT&T和IBM的
              • 如果拆分谷歌的话,应该怎么拆呢?
    • 没事儿别瞎裁员,工资每年不涨10%, 立马死给你看。俺自己的话,服务器端从来不用微软的垃圾,只不过一大批客户都是OFFICE 365,政府也是微软的忠实客户。那个TEAMS就是垃圾里的战斗机。 +1
      • 对头,只用opensource Linux或者BSD做homelab server