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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Reader: Would it be better to take advantage of historically low mortgage rates and buy a new house (as a first-time buyer) at historically high prices rather than waiting for the housing bubble to pop and risking higher interest rates? Is it possible for the housing bubble to pop without rates climbing dramatically?

Also, even though housing prices are extremely high (in some markets) relative to the recent past, aren't those prices actually misleading due to the drop in the dollar? In other words, would historically low interest rates coupled with a much weaker dollar than a few years ago actually make the apparent high house prices actually cheaper then they appear? Would it be possible to realize a savings on the purchase of a house based on the depreciation of the dollar "in reality" through hedging, etc.?

-- J.F.

Howard Simons: Housing can be viewed as a bond whose implied coupon is the rental payments avoided over time of ownership less the foregone investment income on the down payment and the considerable holding costs of operation, maintenance and taxes. Housing has some measure of inflation protection and in the case of a fixed-rate mortgage, protection against rental increases.

It is something of an illusion to speak of housing appreciation. The structure itself can only depreciate; the land can acquire or lose some measure of scarcity value or location premium. Moreover, the replacement cost of housing, the next place you are going to live, also is rising in price.

Rents have been falling in many markets as many tenants have become first-time homeowners. This must place downward pressure on the economics of owning, and any increase in mortgage interest rates would have an immediate and decidedly negative affect on housing prices. Offsetting these risks is the prospect, yet to materialize, of higher inflation, against which renters have no protection beyond the terms of their lease.

Can housing prices fall without higher interest rates? Absolutely: All that is necessary is for enough buyers at the margin to remain tenants. In addition, any economic weakness that lowered the pool of potential buyers could lower both housing prices and interest rates simultaneously.

What is the relationship between housing and the dollar? Housing prices strengthened and the dollar weakened as the result of lower short-term interest rates. Viewed in this light, a given parcel of American real estate is now a weaker claim on foreign goods and services. As much as housing prices have risen, returns on non-dollar bonds have risen more, but this is a disingenuous comparison: You have to live somewhere, but you do not have to own bonds.

Hedging American real estate by trading the dollar presumes that any downturn in real estate prices will be the result of higher interest rates, which may or may not lead to a stronger dollar: If foreign rates rise more, the dollar could weaken while real estate prices collapse, and that would be a most unpleasant combination for the hedger.

Over long periods of time, home ownership has proven to be a wise investment by virtue of inflation protection and the ability to fix payments in a fixed-rate mortgage. You have no protection against higher taxes and maintenance costs as either an owner or tenant. The best advice always has been to own if you are planning to live in a place for more than five to seven years, and to rent otherwise.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 对于大多数人来说,经济条件只可能允许买一处房产,购房仅仅为了自住,是高档商品,这时候谈论投资回报是没什么意义的.因为无论房价升降,你不可能把房子兑现后去住到大街上.



    • 我认为你说的很对。所以我国内的房子价值涨了近1倍也没觉得想卖了。毕竟真正有钱到可以炒楼的人是很少的。
    • 逻辑根本就不通,把房子卖了就要住大街上,那没买房子的岂不全部睡街。即使买房子的,也有很多觉得房价已涨获利出手,他们仍然可以像以前那样租房住。
      • 我觉得在当前的形势下,加拿大房价的升降和利率的损益,同你每月白交的房租相比微不足道. - 我的前提.
        • 能够长期(5-10年)整套租住房子(月租金1100-2000)的人很多吗?
          • 有不少。我这个公寓有不少人都是签了20年以上的租约。租房和买房各有利弊。
          • 你连算账都不通。买房每月的供款假设是1100-2000,平均有2/3是属于你的固定资产,将来是退休或者回国时可以兑现成你的流动资金的。房租即使只要800/月,也都是白送给别人的。
            • 如果这么算,买房的也要算上: Downpay的投资损失、Mortgage的利息损失,房子本身的水电煤/地税/维护费用....
              • 只有极少数人才会把所有的钱都拿去投资(你所说的所谓投资无非在股票市场中投机罢了),更何况即使投资股票能长期赚钱人不到1成。普通人给你几万downpay又能增长多少呢?
                • 恰恰相反,股票从20-30年的长期投资角度看,都是增值的。5万投资,年收益8%的话,30年后事40万左右。
                  • 房地30年来的年平均收益何止8%,即使是有涨有落,但总是一个高点高于上一个高点。投资股票要保证平均年收益8%,80%的普通人都作不到。
                    • 我不可能在这里展开。房地产的回报,从长期角度看低于股票。你以上所说数据完全不对... 太晚了,书就不查了...
                  • 同意。尤其买指数股,HOLD20年的风险不一定比买房大,但收成一般远远超过房产升值。如果股票市场完了,房产市场也完了。房屋的砖砖瓦瓦原本是没什么价值的,人们的消费能力给了它价值。
                    • 个人住房其实应该从消费观点上多考虑,寄希望于自己的房子增值养老,风险不小。
            • 这种算法值得讨论,恐怕计算前提应为每月供款大约三分之一属于固定资产投资,另三分之二是白送给别人的。
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这里借用一下网友快乐小JOY的分析:

              “比如: 一个28万的房, 利率5%, 每月1300左右. 其中400元是pay principle. 其它是利息, 每月水电, 地税, 取暖费平均到每月, 约>600元. 维修费就算忽略不计.

              所以, 每月净支出是1500元, 这些钱和租房的租金一样, 是永远拿不回来的. 是另外的400元principle才使得你25年后有了套房子.

              其实, 还有一个成本, 即首期的利息, 按2%算, 每年都有1400元.

              租公寓房每月各种开支共1050元(含parking, 水电). 你这样一来可以每月存(400+450)*12+1400=950, 25年后, 你有320000元. (我没有考虑利息, 假如按每年2%复利算, 将会是大大超过320000的数). “


              另一方面,现在房价看跌,股市却看涨。如果用400元投资于股市,其风险收益比应远远好于买房。即使长期来看,股市和房产都会上涨,前者的投资回报也会大大好于后者。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 我认同你的看法。另外,租房很灵活,可以随着不同的需求,换不同的地方。买房还有个折旧的问题。万一买了不称心的,很少人会去买另外一处和现在的一处兑换的。目前,我对买房不以为然。
            • 不全同意, 只不过房产的风险相对小些罢了, 而且可以自住. 看看香港日本和新加坡的房市就知道了.
              且不说香港日本的房产泡沫, 跌的大概连一半都不只了. 新加坡政府非常小心, 年年出卖土地面积和房产市场挂钩, 即使这样, 房价已经连跌近数年了, 日前报载, 已经跌回96年的水平了. 所谓一个高点接一个高点恐怕不成立. 地光人稀的加拿大, 恐怕房价格还是有打压点的.

              不知道握太华, 多论多这里很多人是硬撑着付了手期, 靠出租来赚钱吧, 一家里面挤个四五家太平常了.

              不过, 作为长线投资, 房地产确实是个选则. 抵消掉通货膨胀.
              • 很理性的观点.
        • 简单的说,这是个消费偏好问题....
          比如说你有5-10万一笔钱,是Downpay买房开Civic,还是租房开BMW... 哪种生活品质高,见仁见智了...
          • 比喻不通,如果不考虑投资因素,肯定是住自己的房子像开BMW一样,至少自己活得自在,家庭也可以布置得温馨。租房子才像开civic一样,搬来搬去的,还整天捡旧家具,这也叫开BMW.
            • 你没看清楚他说什么。
              • 加拿大的家庭拥有自己住房的想法是很普遍的,但从纯财务观点上看,买方和租房是各有利弊的。现在由于房价几乎达到一个周期的高点,利率看涨,房价长期看跌是肯定的。
                • 也同意。不过我没那么多想的,这两三年内没打算卖掉房子。
                  • 有不少看空房地产市场的人士近1-2年已经把房子卖了,改租房了。
                • 啥时候破哩?俺等着
                  • 我预计2-3年内....
                    • 5年后买房也许最合算。
                      • 这都是估计;但现在看空房地产的是绝大多数,因为最新的美国就业数据出来后,近期美国调整利率的可能性大大增加。利率提高,将沉重大家房产市场。今天的Barron's的有篇文章: 看空REIT。
                        • 到顶的信号之一: 人们都疯狂了....
                        • 到顶信号之二: bagholders ...
            • 如果像我这种穷的连DOWNPAY都付不起,买房再合算,我也不可能去买。换句话说,我没有开BMW的命,我想都不去想它,开开CIVIC也满足了。
              • 那要看你是不是很想买,要买什么样的房子了。我有个朋友downpayment给得很少,大部分还是credit line支付的,也买了25万的房子。看大家倾向于什么样的生活方式而已。
          • 同意。
          • 假设你租或买同样的CONDO(20万,三室一厅),买的话付DOWNPAYMENT5万,每月的还贷和各类支出应该不比你的租金多.所以区别就是租的话你手里可以有5万现金自由使用.但这几万能让你干什么呢?BMW就别想了.
            • 如果有5万现金,同时保持正的现金流,开BMW是很容易的事。Church St.经常停一些好车,这些Gay年纪轻轻为什么开得起BMW? 他们一般租房还不养家。关键是要有正的现金流,开Porsche都不是难事...
          • 同意,但买房实际上是强制每月存了一定的钱在房子中了。
        • 租房住的人的生活就没有质量了? 背了一屁股债买了房再分租给n户人家就有质量了? 房租是付了就一去不复返了, 但难道银行就是做雷锋白借钱给你了? 利率现在是低, 10年以后呢? 大家的按接期限都是超过10年的吧? 算了,
          也不想多说了, 这话题实在太大了. 正反方的分析文章也是比比皆是, 到头来还不是该干嘛还是干嘛.

          任何事情就是这样的, 求多于供必然是价格上升, 就算是同样的商品. 很多上升的东西其实是硬给哄起来的.

          我刚来的时候, 租house, 住了一年半. 这些年来, 亲眼看到了这小区的变化. 刚来时, 夏天散步, 发现小区里人种挺多的, 白的黑的黄的. 后来for sale的牌子越来越多, 第二年夏天, 白的就少了一圈了, 黄的多了. 呵呵, 现在再去房东那串门, 基本就全看到咱的兄弟姐妹同胞了. 感情那些卖房的人全睡马路去了. 但也不像啊, 那些人也不见得就不比咱华人不注重生活品质啊. 比如, 刚来的时候, 每家门口停的车很多样华, 美国车日本车, 好车旧车全有. 现在基本就是一色儿旧的二手车了. 那时候还经常看到主妇们撅着屁股打理房屋前后, 很多的花园都挺漂亮, 现在, 呵呵, 不说也罢, 哪还有花, 练草都块死光了...

          所以, 我的感觉就是一窝蜂干某些事, 把价位活生生给抬疯了, 和生活质量是没啥关系的. 当然, 还是那句话, 话题太大, 个人有个人的活法. 俺下午也就是周末时有空见了熟人穷聊几句. 也没啥深刻含义. 呵呵.
      • 我觉得很多香港人这几年其实就在卖房,先卖CONDO,再卖镇屋,然后卖HOUSE。我认识一个有好几套,2002年卖出CONDO,2003年卖出TOWNHOUSE,今年,挂牌准备把自己住的豪宅出手,然后租公寓去。过几年,等房价彻底到底时再买回来。
    • 买房和租房都是一种消费,买房看起来省了房租,但引发了更大的消费,实际上也没省什麽钱,当然,在居住上消费高些,居住的环境也会好些;
    • 专家的看法....
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Reader: Would it be better to take advantage of historically low mortgage rates and buy a new house (as a first-time buyer) at historically high prices rather than waiting for the housing bubble to pop and risking higher interest rates? Is it possible for the housing bubble to pop without rates climbing dramatically?

      Also, even though housing prices are extremely high (in some markets) relative to the recent past, aren't those prices actually misleading due to the drop in the dollar? In other words, would historically low interest rates coupled with a much weaker dollar than a few years ago actually make the apparent high house prices actually cheaper then they appear? Would it be possible to realize a savings on the purchase of a house based on the depreciation of the dollar "in reality" through hedging, etc.?

      -- J.F.

      Howard Simons: Housing can be viewed as a bond whose implied coupon is the rental payments avoided over time of ownership less the foregone investment income on the down payment and the considerable holding costs of operation, maintenance and taxes. Housing has some measure of inflation protection and in the case of a fixed-rate mortgage, protection against rental increases.

      It is something of an illusion to speak of housing appreciation. The structure itself can only depreciate; the land can acquire or lose some measure of scarcity value or location premium. Moreover, the replacement cost of housing, the next place you are going to live, also is rising in price.

      Rents have been falling in many markets as many tenants have become first-time homeowners. This must place downward pressure on the economics of owning, and any increase in mortgage interest rates would have an immediate and decidedly negative affect on housing prices. Offsetting these risks is the prospect, yet to materialize, of higher inflation, against which renters have no protection beyond the terms of their lease.

      Can housing prices fall without higher interest rates? Absolutely: All that is necessary is for enough buyers at the margin to remain tenants. In addition, any economic weakness that lowered the pool of potential buyers could lower both housing prices and interest rates simultaneously.

      What is the relationship between housing and the dollar? Housing prices strengthened and the dollar weakened as the result of lower short-term interest rates. Viewed in this light, a given parcel of American real estate is now a weaker claim on foreign goods and services. As much as housing prices have risen, returns on non-dollar bonds have risen more, but this is a disingenuous comparison: You have to live somewhere, but you do not have to own bonds.

      Hedging American real estate by trading the dollar presumes that any downturn in real estate prices will be the result of higher interest rates, which may or may not lead to a stronger dollar: If foreign rates rise more, the dollar could weaken while real estate prices collapse, and that would be a most unpleasant combination for the hedger.

      Over long periods of time, home ownership has proven to be a wise investment by virtue of inflation protection and the ability to fix payments in a fixed-rate mortgage. You have no protection against higher taxes and maintenance costs as either an owner or tenant. The best advice always has been to own if you are planning to live in a place for more than five to seven years, and to rent otherwise.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 能不能用中文提炼一下中心思想?
        • The best advice always has been to own if you are planning to live in a place for more than five to seven years, and to rent otherwise.
    • 有人期望房事泡沫2-5年粉碎后再买房.还用我刚才的例子租或住20万的CONDO.
      就算你租金才1000元,两年的租金是24K,5年是60K,那房价会届时降到17.6万,14万吗?可能性有多大? 还有货币贬值的因素呢?


      • 也不抠细节了. 你的最大疏漏就是把银行当活雷锋了.
        • 我知道你会有这一问.贷款买房当然要白付利息给银行,但2年或者5年后推迟买就不付了吗?过程是一样的只是推迟而已.
          • 所以你的问题没有讨论性, 因为你的问题只是房价减去房租. 事情哪有这么简单的. 比如利率的变化, 房子的跌价等等等问题就不考虑了吗?
          • 按你的理论,房价永远不跌?Come on,美元一年就跌了20% .... 你看看近20年加拿大房价的走势.... 不过呢....
            普通消费者越是认为房子不会跌,越说明房价要到顶了... 在"转折点",大多数人总是错的....
          • 买房就等于你自己开始一个BUSINESS,如果你不出租,肯定是亏的。如果你出租,你也知道你的生活质量会是怎样。只有银行和经纪是最大的赢家。看来你一定买了房,正拼命找理由来JUSTIFY。但我跟你说的都是实话。
            • "买房就等于你自己开始一个BUSINESS,如果你不出租,肯定是亏的。"这个想法从何而来?太晚了,大家好好休息-留明天再接着讨论.
        • 我经历过在2年之内房价从25万跌到17万的房市.
    • 感觉外面和这坛子里看空房地产市场的人真的不少,能不能把这看成是目前(潜在)买家仍属冷静克制. 如果是这样,市场应该不会到顶.
      • 我会等2-3年,另一个主要(个人)原因是: 等美元反弹。现在的情况不能和2001-2002科技泡沫等同类比;经过那一次教训,现在每一次股票回调,投资者卖掉股票的速度快多了。很多人吸取了教训......

        对于自住房(非投资用),我同意这个总的原则:The best advice always has been to own if you are planning to live in a place for more than five to seven years, and to rent otherwise. 利率低毕竟使一些原来不可能负担的人买上了自己的房子,考虑自己拥有住房再生活和心理上的好处,稍买贵了一些并不亏;主要是要注意合理负债,不要出现以后无力承担Mortgage而不得不卖房大亏的情况。
        • 非常同意.不过美国加息只对加拿大长期息口有影响作用.加拿大目前仍有减息压力,长期趋势仍是向下.
          • 你不知道周五CIBC等几大银行3-5年Mortgage利率已经上调了吗?
            • 当然知道,正为这事发愁呢.可我说的也是昨天星岛上登的,说是源自CIBC.我马上找找.
            • 没错,就在周六星岛财经版头版关于各大银行调升利率的新闻,在最后,是来自CIBC的分析报告.
              • 那些XX分析师2000年还预测MORTGAGE利率要走高呢, 当时鼓励大家用FIX RATE. 可怜的Canadian连Refinance都不行(成本抬高)
        • 就因为历史不会简单重复,总感觉下一次房价的大幅回调不会主要是经济因素,而会是由于大事件而触发的.
          比如恐怖活动,象加拿大被恐袭,人们意识到大城市居住不安全,纷纷外迁... 加拿大人总以为自己很安全,实际谁知道.
          • 其实如果有多一次恐袭对房产只有好没有坏, 这次涨潮和拉登也扯的上. 美国就业都滑到大萧条以来最惨的一次,
            布屎上台后少了三百二十多万个工作机会, 但老美的房价却连闯新高, 没办法, 钱没有地方去. 还要把利率降到近五十年新低, 鼓励大家花钱.
      • 修正一下,应该是说等mjs()或pigking都 抢着 买房了,那楼市就应该见顶了
      • 其实空房地产市场的人比2-3年前已经少多了. 你可以SEARCH以前的贴字,象这种买/租房的比较, 论得热闹无比.
        如果你已买了的话, 就只管付MORTGAGE吧. 管它是涨还是跌. 反正你都要住的. 万一5年后等你卖房时跌了, 就全当是交房租了. 房家上涨其实对已买和未买的人都没好处. 只是便宜的BROKER, 建造商和政府.
    • 我老公和你观点完全一致. 觉得说的都有理. 刚住进新的CONDO, 一会儿觉得亏, 好像都说CONDO房价将大跌, 然后老公的说法呢, 又让我觉得很有道理.