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Non-Canadian or Non-Mexican family members of TN status
holders are entitled to TD visas, which can be issued in
non-Canadian or non-Mexican passports. However, only the
Canadian and Mexican reciprocity schedules in Appendix C
provide data for TN and TD visas. Therefore, the number
of entries, fees and validity for non-Canadian or non-
Mexican Family members of a TN status holder seeking TD
visas should be based on the reciprocity schedule of the
TN principal alien. For example, a Chinese national
married to a Canadian would be issued a TD visa in his
and/or her Chinese passport based on the Canadian
reciprocity schedule. In this case the applicant would be
the recipient of a visa valid for multiple entries, no
fee. However, a Mexican married to a Canadian would be
issued a TD visa in his and/or her Mexican passport valid
for multiple entries with a fee of $100.00 based on the
Mexican reciprocity schedule.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / my husband works in US now with TN visa, now i am ready to apply TD visa in Canada.Who knows what materials i need to prepare for the visa application?Thanks a lot.
    • http://www.expertlaw.com/library/pubarticles/Immigration/tn_visas.html
    • http://www.visanow.com/US_IMMIGRATION_VISA/visadirectory/visas/td.asp
      • i want to know what materials i need if i apply TD visa( TN dependant)?
        • him
          最好和你一起, 或是他的护照, TN复印件.

          结婚证, 最好律师公证 -- 我没经验, 想当然需要的吧.

        • 1. a photocopy of your husband's I-94 2. proof of your canadian citizenship (either citizenship card or passport, passport is preferred) 3. marriage certificate
          • now i hold chinese passport, i also apply TD visa , right?
            • Yes.
              • i hold chinese passport, should i apply TD visa in us consulate or on the border?
                • 我有点不明白为什么一定要申请TD签证,B1/B2不是也可以在美国居住吗?
                  • B1/B2 only 6 monthes, TD is different
                    • Thank you so much.
                    • 但是B1/B2 十年有效,TD每年都要签一次。哪一个更麻烦一些?
                      • B1/B2 only can stay in US for 6 months, TD can stay as long as your husband/wife has TN. You can not travel in US for ever :)
                  • B1/B2永远不能成为居民,享受福利.
                    • TD也是个临时身份。请问TD能比B1/B2多享受哪些福利?
                      • 我对TD不清楚, 但是H4可以享受in state学费, 报居民税, B2/F2都不可以. TN的优惠比H1多, TD是不是比H4好?
                        • H4我知道一些,是长期身份。但TD有什么好处呢?尤其是用中国护照申请TD。TD身份可以成为加拿大非税务居民吗?
                          • 自己查一查问一问吧,TN有好多H1没法比的好处, TD应该能沾点光吧, 最重要的是能不能工作, 能不能成为居民. H1/H4也非长期, 3年, 总共不能超过六年, TN可是无限期的呀, 虽然要每年更新.
                            • 我自己不是正在查正在问吗?TN相比H1的好处我知道。现在我对TD与B2相比不太清楚。网上可搜索到的有关TD的信息比较少。
                              • 移民局的网上应该会有吧. B1/B2的I94半年有效,总要RENEW RENEW. Anyway, good luck.
                                • RENEW 这个B1/B2的I94,每半年只要6美元。如乘飞机进入美国,还是免费的。
                                  • 我怎么听说是25?不过既然能半年专门乘一次飞机,当然不用在乎了.^_^
                                    • 明白了。如果这份TN工作距加美边境很远,必须乘飞机来往的话,申请TD签证很有必要。谢谢答复。
                                      • you're welcome. good luck.
                                      • 你还是没明白. 别只考虑RENEW的费用. B1/B2不可以在美国居住. TD是可以的. 你要是认为B1/B2可以代替TD的话, 那就按你的想法去试试.
                                        • 如果按照I-94规定的逗留期限居住,为什么会被驱逐出境呢?不明白。请指教。
                                          • 当你进入美国时移民官员要问你去美国干啥, 如果是B1/B2, 你能说去居住吗? 你在美国要不要上银行, 考DRIVER LICENSE等等. B1/B2都不能的!!!
                                            按照I-94规定的逗留期限, 只能是以访问,旅游的目的. 你事实上是居住, 可以告你非法入境.
                                            • 明白了。谢谢!不过可能现在的政策改了。我以前(多年以前)持B1及一年逗留期的I-94,上银行, 考DRIVER LICENSE,申请SSN都是没问题的。再次表示感谢!
                                              • after 911, b2/h4 holder couldn't apply SSN.
                                            • 对不起,我还有一个疑问。我想知道同样是在美国逗留6个月,居住与探亲访友有哪些明显的区别?不会只是说法不同吧?
                                              • 对不起.我不是移民律师也不是移民官. 不知道有哪些区别. 不过据说美国的移民官都比较TOUGH, 说你是非法入境, 你就是非法. 还是按它的OFFICIAL DOC说的作最稳妥.
                              • TN, H1, which is good? why?
                            • TN也不是无限期的。TN是要排除移民嫌疑的。如果长期在美国工作,签证也会有问题。
                              • TN可以是无限期的, 只要你没有移民倾向.
                                • 如果以TN签证在美国连续工作六年,是不是能够比较容易的证明自己无移民倾向?
                                  • H1B有6年的LIMIT, TN是1年. 你要移民也没人查你. 不过每年RENEW的时候会查你是否提交了移民申请. TN是不可以申请的.
                                    • "TN是不可以申请的" - what does it mean? Does it mean that if I have my relative sponses me for greencard application, I can't get TN visa any more? Thanks in advance.
                        • 据我所知,配偶是H1身份的B2/F2,可以享受in state学费, 报居民税。但此H1要在美国工作一年以上。
                          • B2/F2 不能入学, 必须先转为F1, 付国际学费. 另外, H1的配偶怎么可能申请到B2/F2呢?
                            • 我说错了。是不是应该这样说:H1身份的配偶,可报居民税。如转为F1,可以享受in state学费?
                              • no way. I have quite some friends facing this choice. F1 has to pay outofstate tuition but can do TA & RA, while H4 can pay instate tuition but cannot do TA/RA. No difference in tax status.
                                • H4不必转成F1就可以在美国的正规大学入读吗?
                                  • sure.
                                    • 不知道TD是不是也可以不转成F1就可以在美国的正规大学入读?
                                      • You don't need to apply F1. F1 holder is considered as internation student and TD holder is local resident after the first year he has been in USA. Tuition fee is totally different.
                                        • 哪里可以看到官方的具体规定呢?
                      • TD holder is resident. B1/B2 is traveller. Huge difference.
                • TN visa holder's accompaning non-canadian dependents(including spouse) must apply derivative visa (TD) at US consulate in their resident country.
                  • where did you get this information?
                    • Google 'TN,TD' etc. , you'll find a lot info about them.
    • what is difference for H1,H4,TN?
    • anyone has experience to apply TD visa in Toronto recenty, please help
      • your hubby has TN then you have to apply TD.
        Hubby You
        H1 - H4
        TN - TD

        TN/TD for Canadians only, if you still hold Chinese passport, I don't think you are eligible for TD.
        • so , what visa she has to get if her hunsdand is TN holder?
          • TN holder's dependents are eligible for TD no matter they're canadian or not.
            If TN holder's dependent is canadian, things are easier cuz they can apply TD at borders. Whereas non-canadian dependents can only get TDs at US consulate at their resident country.
        • 持中国护照到底可以申请TD签证。这里是美国官方说法。

          Non-Canadian or Non-Mexican family members of TN status
          holders are entitled to TD visas, which can be issued in
          non-Canadian or non-Mexican passports. However, only the
          Canadian and Mexican reciprocity schedules in Appendix C
          provide data for TN and TD visas. Therefore, the number
          of entries, fees and validity for non-Canadian or non-
          Mexican Family members of a TN status holder seeking TD
          visas should be based on the reciprocity schedule of the
          TN principal alien. For example, a Chinese national
          married to a Canadian would be issued a TD visa in his
          and/or her Chinese passport based on the Canadian
          reciprocity schedule. In this case the applicant would be
          the recipient of a visa valid for multiple entries, no
          fee. However, a Mexican married to a Canadian would be
          issued a TD visa in his and/or her Mexican passport valid
          for multiple entries with a fee of $100.00 based on the
          Mexican reciprocity schedule.
          • 打错字了。应为:持中国护照可以申请TD签证。
    • TN, H1, which is better ? why?
      • 如果工作不稳定或不令人满意,TN较好。如果工作稳定并且公司答应给申请绿卡,H1较好。
        • 除了容易申请,我看不出来TN有什么比H1B好. 那也是那么多加拿大人也申请H1B的愿因.同样TD也没有H4好, 所以如果公司给申请H1,何了不为??
          • If you were laid off, you will see the difference. With H1B, you will be kicked out of US in a short time since the H1B visa you got before is invalid.
            And the new H1B visa isn't so easy to get under current situation even you can get another job immediately. The only choice for you to stay legally in USA is to go back school. Thus, you can easily get F1 visa.

            For TN holder, it's a different story. If he can find another job in 6 month, it's not hard to RENEW it or apply a new one.

            The only cons for TN is that the holder can't apply GC directly.
            • 加拿大国籍的H1-B持有者也必须在失去工作的短期内离开美国吗?其加拿大公民的身份不是被允许在不持有签证的情况在美国逗留吗?
              • H1B已失效,就不可以工作. 加拿大身份可以允许你在不持有签证的情况在美国逗留(3个月? 6个月?).
                • 找到工作再申请TN或申请到H1B签证再工作.
                • 6个月以内应该没有问题吧?
                  • 60个月应该没有问题.
                    那是我说的 ;-)

                    以前好象是6个月. 不知道现在是多长. 911以后美国移民局管理严格了. 加拿大人在美国的非法逗留是很多的. 美国移民局的OFFICER也比较苛刻. 如果我是你的话, 就一定要把所有的情况查清楚. 免得哪天被OFFICER敲门都不知道自己责么死的.
                    • 这就是为什么我在这里反复打搅你的原因了。我还是很想把这些问题搞清楚的。
                      • DX, 你还是问GOOGLE吧.(#1763368).
                    • what is G.C.?
            • what is G.C?
              • Green Card
            • 我听说的是,如果TN被LAYOFF的话, 一两个星期是可以,但是之后如果想继续留的话, 最好是申请更该状态, 不然的话,下次的TN申请有可能会困难. 最长6个月.
              • 从哪里听说的?
                • From friend
                  • 要是有官方说法就好了。道听途说的可信度不高。
    • TD,H4 which is better?
      • 你先去问一问持中国护照到底可以不可以申请TD签证。如果不可以,你根本就没有选择。
        • that is right
      • H4 is for family members of H1B holder. TD is for dependent of TN visa holder. You can't get H4 visa.
    • 要TN1的I-94, 和申请I-94的DOCUMENTS, 本人的护照, marriage certificate . 不同的海关可能会不同.
      • 持中国护照可以在海关申请TD签证吗?
        • 不行,需要在US CONSULATE申请,in person.
          • 持中国护照的TD签证延期也需要在US CONSULATE申请(in person)吗?
            • not sure. did your first TD application go smoothly? is there anything that one should pay attention to during the interview at US consulate? Thanks!
          • did you get your TD at consulate?
    • What document required for TN Visa?
      Do you remember what document required for your husband to apply TN visa. I just finished an interview with US company. They want to be sure TN working fine and easy for them.
      • hire letter, degree certificate and transcript from university,resume, reference contact information,working experience prove in canada
        • Thanks
        • Does Transcript from University has to be original document? I only got copy one handy.
          • Yes, if you want to get TN do whatever you can do. If you get refused, you are done with US
            • 没那么严重,顶多再去办一次就是了,东西带齐了,不会有问题的
    • did anyone get TD visa from US consulate?How's the interview going?any tough questions? Thanks!
      • I think it should be easy,but I just guess
    • Up
      • did you try to get TD?
        • yes. you?
          • got it?any question asked?
            • no. Have u got TD?
              • My wife will try this month
    • anyone got TD?
    • 感觉TD签证的好处太有限了。
      • 拿到TD了吗?
        • 你准备去美国哪个城市?
      • My wife got TN, thanks
        • congratulations!
          • thanks, you will got it too. My wife siad it was so easy. no question asked. They even do not want to see marriage certificate
        • 拿到TD后,10年有效的B1/B2签证就失效了吧?
          • no such thing, TD is TD, nothing to do with B1/B2
            • 我所指的是以中国护照申请的TD。
              • if you use canadian passport apply for TD, why you still need B1/B2?
              • Once you use H, L, F, J visa to enter US, by law, your B1/B2 status is automatically void. I am not sure for TD.
                • I thing you can still B1/B2
                  • 那太好了。我觉得B1/B2也不是那么容易签的。