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There must be something else that is different, not just the size. For bread maker, one feature is very useful: Bake-Only button. With it, you can stop the machine before it begin to bake, and then wait until

the size of the bread is ideal, then press this button to begin bake. Otherwise if something is wrong and the machine begin to bake when the bread is not big enough, the taste is totally different. I dumped the first one bought at WalMart(used it many years anyway) for this reason and bought another one with this button. Of course, if the lady can make it just right everytime, then no worry.
Another feature: the type that is lower and wider (so the bread is lying down, not stand up right) makes much less noise than the up-stand one.
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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 去年一个意外的机会使我有空闲刷网。从ROLIA上学了不少厨房知识,添了几样厨具,非常有用。小结一下,抛砖引玉,如果你有好东西也来SHOW一SHOW。
    1。BLENDER 一位网友推荐用来做豆浆,很好。现在还用于打碎食物喂女儿,太太特别满意。
    2。SLICER 从涮羊肉的帖子引起,ROLLOR推荐。解决了我切肉的刀功问题。因为切的可以很薄,所以炒出来常常很嫩。
    3。压面机 压出面条很软,非常适合老人。我觉得味道比挂面要略好一些。太太也常用来压混沌皮。

    败笔: 净水器。没多久就要换FILTER, 太贵。
    • 请问:这几样东西都多少钱?在那里买的?谢先!
      • blender 20-30 at wal-mart/zellers, slicer, walmart 49/zellers 48, pasta machine, the bay, 60.
        • 谢!
    • SLICER是 切肉的刀吗?在哪里可以买到呢?一元店吗?谢谢。
      • 不是, 在ZELLERS也有卖的, 大概便宜的45左右, 贵的要几百也有
      • Can the slicer be used to cut unfrozen meat? Thanks!
    • 以前,LP发面做馒头,又小又硬。这次圣诞节买了个面包机,做出的面包又大又香。终于制服了加拿大"顽固"的面粉。
      • NICE, 我也试试。不过做馒头好象挺容易的,我太太只失败了开头几次(有一次做的象发糕),现在已经得心应手,做上瘾了。
        • Btw, 面包机还可以当和面机用。(CAD 58.3, WAL-MART)
          • It is what I need . could you tell me the name of it?
          • sorry,没看见答案,你在哪个沃玛买的,我去的kennedy&sheppard.没有
            • 大多数wal-mart都有.
      • 我正找面包机呢,去了好几个店都没找到,你在哪买的?多少$?
        • Wal-mart 面包机有两种,2 lb(Cad 119) 和 1.5 lb(CAD 58.3). 我买的是1.5 lb.效果不错。平均一天做2个。可定时13小时。
          • 刚才去了趟沃玛只有样品了,喜欢2lb 的样子,但比1.5lb贵一倍,不知有啥区别?
            • There must be something else that is different, not just the size. For bread maker, one feature is very useful: Bake-Only button. With it, you can stop the machine before it begin to bake, and then wait until
              the size of the bread is ideal, then press this button to begin bake. Otherwise if something is wrong and the machine begin to bake when the bread is not big enough, the taste is totally different. I dumped the first one bought at WalMart(used it many years anyway) for this reason and bought another one with this button. Of course, if the lady can make it just right everytime, then no worry.
              Another feature: the type that is lower and wider (so the bread is lying down, not stand up right) makes much less noise than the up-stand one.
      • good
    • 忘了一样:洗牙器。虽然不是新买的,但以前没好好用,自然没效果。看了这的一个帖子后开始勤洗,效果的确很好。几十年的刷牙出血问题解决了。太太的酸牙问题也解决了。
      • 洗牙器是什么东东,能具体介绍一下吗,我牙也老出血,想买个试试
        • 搜一下旧贴叭,有很多讨论
          • I searched the whole forum. But can't find 洗牙器. What is the English name? How much it cost? Where can I buy it? Thanks!
            • check it in history forum or check waterpik
              • searched the history forum from 1992 jan. 1 to 2004. Jan. 17, didn't find anything older than today's posts. Please spend five minutes to let me know. Thanks!
                • i searched before my last post. at least 3 old posts. and a lot under waterpik
      • 牙线FLOSS好像更便宜和有效
    • 用BLENDER 做豆浆,我以为我是第一人呢!原来人外有人。
      • 怎么做?
      • 我的blender都快做坏了。
    • about 3. do you have some machine which can make dough. I need a huo mian ji( chinese pinin)
      • 楼上介绍的面包机可以当豁免机
    • war-mart化了8元8买了开罐头机器,太好用了,它的磁力转盘自动吸住罐头 自动旋装一周,大小罐头都可以,虽然比开罐头器要贵好几元。它还有磨菜刀 的功能。
    • 那个净水用的 pitcher 不错啊,是总需要换FILTER, 可是平常就很少烧水了,尤其是夏天,很方便。
    • coffee maker. 以前每天咖啡费用都可以节省啦. 还可以买更好的咖啡豆. 钱是省不了多少, 但是每天咖啡的香味让人陶醉.
    • wine stopper. 喝不完的红酒可以用这个stopper盖住放冰箱里, 避免了浪费. 可以保证总有酒喝.
      • 在哪有卖?多少钱一个?
        • 在kitchen stuff, 价钱根据质地不同, 有便宜的, 也有钢制的比较贵的. 便宜的也就3刀吧.
          • Could u please tell me where is kitchen stuff? Thanks.
            • sorry, just too busy to get on rolia this weekend. 商店的全称是"kitchen stuff plus", 在kennedy & HWY401东南的mall里面有一家. 其他的mall 里是否有, 就不清楚了.
              • Thanks, buddy!
            • 刚搜了一下, kitchen stuff plus 的分店地点如下:
              29 William Kitchen, 'No City' 416-291-0533.
              Yonge & bloor, 416-944-2718
              2887 Yonge St., 416-544-0515
              2287 Yonge, 416-504-0515
              76 Orfus, North York, 416-907-5195
              3050 Vega, Mississauga, 905-820-0392
              Mississauga, 905-820-0392
    • 拜託樓主貼一下用blender做豆漿的方法。超市買回來的冰箱放2天就壞了﹐很掃興的說。
    • 请问怎么用BLENDER做豆浆? 我的BLENDER买了大半年了,很少用.
    • 请问压出的面条是圆的还是扁的?如果是圆的就好了,可做热干面。
      • 扁的