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Maybe helpful.

I just had a visit of Halifax. It is a quiet and beatiful city neat to the sea. Maybe u will go to Dalhousie Univ. You just go there before 1 week of the beginning of term (I was told Dalhousie Univ. provides temp residence) and you can walk around the street and you will find independant house give the bullitinbord outside their house for rent OR you can go to Apartments running by companies to find a residence.

Sure, if you have friendsthere, you can ask them to find one for you. Shareing with persons, the price is around C$350.00. If you rent a room in a house staying with owners, price is similar.

Godd luck.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 我真怀疑是不是就我一个人去HALIFAX,怎么除了温哥华就是多伦多,想找个房子的信息都找不到:(
    • 70 percent sure
    • Hi, Tomato, welcome! I'm in Halifax now. Will you work here, too?
    • Maybe helpful.
      I just had a visit of Halifax. It is a quiet and beatiful city neat to the sea. Maybe u will go to Dalhousie Univ. You just go there before 1 week of the beginning of term (I was told Dalhousie Univ. provides temp residence) and you can walk around the street and you will find independant house give the bullitinbord outside their house for rent OR you can go to Apartments running by companies to find a residence.

      Sure, if you have friendsthere, you can ask them to find one for you. Shareing with persons, the price is around C$350.00. If you rent a room in a house staying with owners, price is similar.

      Godd luck.
      • 谢谢你,我申请了homestay,贵死了,1个月以内找好别的地方,还是在外面住好,可惜朋友都不在这个城市,要不是不是就能合伙租房子了,冤呐,我怎么选这个地方了呢。
    • I am here too. You can check the off-campus housing website. If you want, you can join the email group of Dal.
      • 我去St.Mary\
        • It is very near between two universities. And if you want, you can join the eamil group of chinese in Halifax.
        • 啊! St.Mary!...91年我去过那里,呆了一个星期,最后决定回多大.
          你不用急,那里的房子按星期租. 很便宜, 我当时去之前两天到Young/Bloor的图书馆找了当地的报纸,复印了下来.(我当时很穷,没有打长途电话预定, 你可以先定下来,到了那就不心慌了). 最后到了机场又买了份报纸,找上面的电话打过去就行了.那是个小城市,住的地方离哪都不会太远.半天就把它走偏了. 我记得我住的是一个宿舍式的旅馆,60块钱一个星期, 房间很干净,有床垫和家具,间单的床上用品. 有冰箱和水管,好像厕所也是单独的,时间太久不敢肯定,厨房是合用. 你可以先住下来,交一个星期的钱再慢慢找合意的住处. 中国人很少,一个星期里我只见到两个骑自行车的中国人, 走到哪小朋友们都会盯着我看,当然我也应此而认识了一个很漂的图书馆MM. 可能Dalhouse大学有一些中国学生,可能找得到合租房子的人. 小城市很沉闷, 刚从中国来到陌生的多伦多,好不容易安定下来.又要去到一个陌生的地方,心情可想而知. 如果天气阴沉的话,内心的郁闷孤独真是无处发泄. 你要有心理准备. 祝好运!
          • 谢谢你。我申请学校的时候也没考虑那么多,随便上了个网页就申请了。对加拿大也不了解,现在想换学校也不行了,签证都拿到了。没想到那么容易。。。。
    • Halifax is very beautiful. Envy.
    • 在哪?要是好,我们从TORONTO搬去
      • 西部天堂是温哥华,东部乐土就是哈利法克斯,近海,安宁,清洁,少黑人,美丽。
        • 少黑人?你这话有点。。。再说了,加拿大最早的Black Community 就在HALIFAX。
          • 呵呵,是人就行。
        • you've been there?
          • Yes but only 2 weeks.
    • 我的同事跟我谈到halifax,说那是东部的vancouver.
    • Halifax is beautiful travel city in summer and the whether is the 2nd to Voncouver. If u want to find a job, go to other cities like Toronto. It seems the rent fee there is not cheap compared with Montreal.
      St. M is near to downtown and sea.