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Check mail, the account of Hotmail can not access


> 日期: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 08:32:11 +0800
> 主题:
> 大小: 1141328 bytes 字节
> 动作: 失败


g13579ho@hotmail.com, 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
lost_xu@hotmail.com, 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
hjinem@hotmail.com, 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
gkwq@hotmail.com, 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
tellme_w@hotmail.com, 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation

不会再有任何动作来尝试发送你的邮件了。 请联系你的系统管理员或先通过其它非电子邮件的方式向你的朋友发送信息以免耽误。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / Any one need e-MAP of Toronto, PDF file, 814KB
    • 我要: wooway@hotmail.com
      • send , check your mail
      • 没有能够发送到以下的收件人: wooway@hotmail.com, 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
        • Sorry, please try this: wuw@writeme.com and wooway@yahoo.com, Many Thanks
          • 收到.我靠,老兄哪里搞来这么大的PDF? 谁能借我一台绘图仪使使? 要能打 A1 幅面的. 谢谢, 谢谢所有人
            • Why U need print? Put on Wall? My location is Singapore, so just keyin English
      • I need one, my email is ccc888ccc888@yahoo.com
    • plz share it with us, k? Thanks.
      • your mail address?
        • akayi@263.net Thanks
          • <akayi@263.net>: This Message is not welcome Pls check your mail address, so many reject
    • 给我一个 happy_4_7@yahoo.com.sg thx :x
      • SEND
        • 还没到,still thank you first la
          • 没有能够发送到以下的收件人: happy_4_7@yahoo.com.sg ; Connect to failure
    • gucalji@yahoo.com
      • SEND
    • lost_xu@hotmail.com, please
    • 谢谢你!请给我发一份。e-mail address: sadiewang@21cn.com
    • hallyding@yahoo.com, thanks a lot.
    • Pls send me a copy.Thanks
    • 我更感兴趣的是,你是从哪里找到这个E-map的?
    • send me please, hjinem@hotmail.com
      • Check mail, the account of Hotmail can not access

        > 日期: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 08:32:11 +0800
        > 主题:
        > 大小: 1141328 bytes 字节
        > 动作: 失败


        g13579ho@hotmail.com, 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
        lost_xu@hotmail.com, 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
        hjinem@hotmail.com, 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
        gkwq@hotmail.com, 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
        tellme_w@hotmail.com, 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation

        不会再有任何动作来尝试发送你的邮件了。 请联系你的系统管理员或先通过其它非电子邮件的方式向你的朋友发送信息以免耽误。
    • 谢谢, 我要一份。tellme_w@hotmail.com
    • Please email the e-map of toronto to me. Thanks.
      • Your mail address ?
        • zig01zhang@hotmail.com
    • kindly email it to louisti@sohu.com, many thanks.
    • would you please forward one copy to my mail box at a12288@home.com? thanks a lot!
    • danny9821@yahoo.com - Thanks a milllion!
    • gkwq@hotmail.com. Thanks a lot.
      • SEND
    • here! richardlujava@yahoo.com
      • Thank you in advance!
    • thanks, give one piece ! paul_li20@yahoo.com.cn
    • I need one, m_fandi@yahoo.com.cn
    • me: lihwang@china.com
      • 我也来一份:billyliu@163.net
    • 请给我也发一个jgl200107@163.com,谢谢!
    • 也 给 我 来 一 份. 放 谢 谢. yixuan_w@hotmail.com
    • 快给我也邮一份来也!!dogtail_c@yahoo.com
    • 能给我一份吗?我的地址BURTONDU@HOTMAIL.COM。谢谢先。
    • 对不起,刚刚写错地址。现在更正。能给我一份吗?我的地址BURTONDU@YAHOO.COM。谢谢先。
    • Send me one copy, please. My email address is "ericg503@home.com" Thanks.
    • slwu000@yahoo.com THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
    • send,pls to david20000103@yahoo.com.cn
    • 请给我一份songcang@hotvoice.com谢谢!
    • pdf格式的不好用,不如上网查,还方便。
    • 请给我也发一个wantsfan@china.com,谢谢!
    • Please give me one copy. Thinks. Email: mingq_99@yahoo.com
    • 请给我一份, steven7631@hotmail.com 或者 frogman@163.net,谢谢了.
    • please give me a copy . Thankz . acezl@yahoo.com
    • http://www.city.toronto.on.ca/ttc/pdf/rideguide.pdf I don't understand why you don't give the link to others?
      • Is his map from TTC?
        • I think so. No one can find any other pdf map detail than TTC rider guide.
          • http://www.brocku.ca/maplibrary/atlas96/cities.htm (Some interesting resource here.)
            • Hey , 你对地图的研究够专业的,我还是没找到toronto详细的地图,除了TTC外.
              • 商店里到处都有,比如WAL-MART, 3-5 DOLLARS 一份,不过年底买可能更便宜一些,因为每年都要出新版本,旧的往往会折价处理。
          • Thank you sir
    • 我也要:dennis315@21cn.com
    • me me me too!!! echolql@yahoo.com Thanls !!!
    • count me in.my address is gujingling@hotmail.com thank you very much.
    • I want. Please send me. Thank you very much! E-mail:chengary@chinese.com
    • 我马上就要到多论多了,请发给我一份,谢谢:why066@sina.com
    • I need an e-MAP of Toronto, pls send me one to edwardliu668@163.com, thanks a lot.
    • pls send me one copy to edwardliu668@hotmail.com, thanks.
    • Please send me a copy,thanks in advance! joecml@yahoo.com
    • Could you send me one ? thank you in advance add: ygh@bj-beston.com
    • Pls send a copy to jeff@onramp.ca
    • pls give me one ,sent to huwei88@163.com,thanks a lot
    • Good trick. That's a very exclusive, new mainland immigrants' mail list, good for spam ;) BTW, my email is my @$$@UrMonth.shit
    • SUNNYSOFT,给俺也来一份:xiegangnew@263.net
    • 我也继续一份,谢了。
    • give a copy please,thanks in advance.zhongminsun@hotmail.com
    • I want the map. Plz sent to: hoenst2001@etang.com
    • Do you scan the downtown part from TTC map? Tell you, you can scan it with a new version of TTC map! 要懵人也用个新图嘛!
    • I need a copy. please send to jobcanada@yahoo.com Thank you very much.
    • pls copy to me muou5799@sina.com,ths a lot
    • i want to get one at adamjob@yahoo.com. thanks in advance
    • give me a copy wilen_ding@263.net
    • 麻烦你给我一份,我会登陆了,panzeen2001@yahoo.com.cn
    • Me too. eric_xuy@yahoo.com
      • I need this map, my email is ccc888ccc888@yahoo.com
      • I want one copy too, pls email: jean_xie@msn.com; thank you so much
      • please send one to me : davisxiao@yahoo.com
    • 来一份 laoyazi@yahoo.com
    • thanks a lot ! me too! my email is wy_bict@yahoo.com.cn
    • Thanks, I need one: ly0130@hotmail.com
    • Please send me a cope. My email address: lucygan@2911.com Thanks in advance.
    • Send me a copy please. Email: lucygan@2911.com A thousand thanks!!
    • Me too. yuhualiu@corroserv.com
    • 谢谢你! 请给我一份.我的地址:huajingli@hotmail.com
    • Me too.ch_007@sina.com
    • could u send me this file?xu_f@yahoo.com.thanks.
    • could u send me this emap,neighbour_2001@yahoo.com.thanks
    • canadatom@hotmail.com Please!
    • You are doing a great job. Send me one to xujunzu@hotmail.com. Thanks.
    • 我急要,真急 lwwy@163.net
    • I want it too. LEISUN123@yahoo.com Thanks a lot!
    • 谢谢,也给我一份xinyu_yuxin@sina.com
    • 我的朋友,放在哪个FTP上,让大家下载吧。哪位大侠可以提供FTP?
    • I need an e-MAP of Toronto. thanks!
    • Please send it to me. Thank you. zj@gddc.com.cn
    • Send me one pls. Thx in advance. zhihuiy@263.net
    • me too ! yohan_zhang@hotmail.com thanks 图个新鲜
    • Me! Help me! I need one.
    • me too,Thanks. xluoca@yahoo.com
    • Please send it to me at tianqi21ca@yahoo.com. Thank you.
    • 请给我一份:qqq333@sina.com 谢谢!
    • Please give me a copy.
      johnsem@hotmail.com. Thank you!
    • I wanna copy too, much thanks christinee@163.net
    • 还有我 hahaamy@eyou.com
    • 谢谢,请给我一份chrislibin@yahoo.ca
    • 请传我一份,derek2008@hotmail.com 多谢!
    • would you please give me a copy, my email:cy.qian@163.net.cn. Thank you very much.
      • Please! Please! cy.qian@163.net.cn
    • 我们都应该谢谢这位DX, 真的到这儿以后, 第一件事就是下地铁问售票员要一份新的TTC地图, 另外听说EATON二楼问讯处也有免费的多市地图.
    • 请给我一份好吗?我将于明年去多伦多!请寄xnshi@yahoo.com
    • Pls send me an e-copy map.
      pls send to zig01zhang@hotmail.com
    • please send me a copy to: asdf_25299@hotmail.com
    • 请给我一份,多谢。(wella0531@sina.com)
    • I need one, thank you.
    • I need one map of Toronto, thank you. My email is yanran@163.net
    • Thanks. yjz@hotmail.com
    • 我也要. two_dou@yahoo.com
    • Please send me a copy to wuping01@hotmail.com. Thanks.
    • Please send one for me :shuangjie@hotmail.com
    • 我也准备LANDING了。给我一份吧
    • 早就想找一份了,多谢sunnysoft 大虾,mail me one copy :wwhhll@citiz.net
    • Could you please send me a copy? By the way, it is inconvenient for you to send the big file every time. Maybe it is better to put it on a WEB site. Just suggestion.
      • My mail address is small_bird@263.net. Thanks in advance !
    • count me
    • a map, please. uselessness@sohu.com thanks
    • Me too, Mail:rabbitwww@21cn.com
    • Would you please send it to me? my email: xczheng@public.info.fj.cn
    • I want a copy...rayman_computer@21cn.com... Thanks..
    • Thx, canadatom@hotmail.com
    • 谢谢,请发一份到 marcegcn@public.fhnet.cn.net
    • Me too. Thanks. dingweid@hotmail.com
    • Also send me zhouwei00@sina.com please. Tks a lot
    • 到这里来 download 吧: http://wooway.myetang.com/map_of_toronto.zip
      • "under construction", why?
    • me too quanqr@263.net
    • 请给我发一份,谢谢!E-mail:kenyck2001@yahoo.com.cn
    • hi,sunnysoft, wound u mind sending me a copy of emap of Toronto? hgfanlily@hotmail.com, thank u in advance!
    • Pls send a copy to davidsfn@netvigator.com. Thanks a lot.
    • send me a copy.Thank you. email address:yuxin@precomtech.com
    • I need one! Thanks.Leunghans@hotmail.com
    • 麻烦您,我也要一份crystalsui@yahoo.com.cn谢谢!
    • 能给我一份吗?hxxhxx0279@sina.com
    • 我要51020@21cn.com
    • I need one. e-mail: hdllhy@hotmail.com Thanks
    • you can download TTC maps here
      TTC Ride Guide PDF 1 mb, 06/2001

      Subway/RT Route Map PDF - 463 kb

      Downtown Routes PDF 219 kb, 06/2001

      GO Transit System Map PDF 160 kb, 01/2001

      Blue Night Service Routes PDF 211 kb, 06/2001
    • send one to me, thanks.
      i like to have one . thanks a lot.
    • 给我一份,谢谢啦! tjsmail@sina.com
    • could I have the map of Toronto also ? It's useful for me because I will go to Toronto Feb next year, my email address:paulhuca@yahoo.com.au thanks!
    • can you give me a cope?jeanyeforever@yahoo.com
    • I need it: storysd@yahoo.com. Thanks.
    • I need one, thank you. my E-MAIL IS liansheng_zhang@hotmail.com
    • 请给我一份,多谢!skglea@hotmail.com 另外其他城市的在哪里可以得到。
    • please send me a e-map of toronto.my email: moym@mcmaster.ca
      please send me a e-map of toronto.
      Thank you .
      my email: moym@mcmaster.ca
    • Can I get one? My mail is iriscn@yahoo.com Thank you & hope 2 c u in Canada!
    • would you please give me one?
    • 来一分,谢谢!smtpth@yahoo.com
    • 谢谢你! 请给我一份.我的地址:lxwan_2000@yahoo.com
    • I need too, jane01jiang@hotmail.com
    • Give me ,Thanks! liyizhao@yahoo.com.cn
    • 好象我知道得太晚了,麻烦也发一份给我好吗?xuxiaoli66@hotmail.com万分感谢
    • 给我一份好吗?多谢 jmsnonger@yahoo.com.cn
    • please send one to me, ececinfo@sina.com. thanks.
      please send one to me, ececinfo@sina.com. thanks.
    • Send me a copy please! thanks a lot.(wycjyx@yahoo.com)
    • please send me one copy,zsb650805et@etang.com,thanks
    • Me 2! jefferyu@hotmail.com thanks!
    • 我也想要,alluunn@263.net ,谢谢
    • 我把这个文件zipped后放在我的主页上,可以download freely
    • Yes,please. komcnd99@hotmail.com Thanks
    • Please sent me a copy. thank you very much. uncom@sina.com
    • TTC的网站上就有啊,不用这么麻烦。http://www.city.toronto.on.ca/ttc/schedules/index.htm
    • do u have 1 for palm?
    • please send one map to me: hongwenshi@hotmail.com Thanks
    • 谢谢,请给我发一份.suzhibing@yahoo.com
    • Please email the PDF file to me at : szhou_china@mail.china.com
    • give me one please! liuhg8888@sina.com
    • 我要一份,谢。autsc@hotmail.com
    • ----------*---------- 来我这儿下载吧! ----------* ---------- http://wooway.myetang.com/canada.html
    • 请给我一份, 谢谢. 地址: davidsfn@hotmail.com
    • Hi, friend. Please send a map to me at gyang@js-vc.com. Thank you.
    • May I have a copy? Thanks a lot! E-mail: imbane@yahoo.com
    • Can I have one? drinkingbuilder@hotmail.com. THANKS A LOT
    • I want one copy, send me at christinee@163.net, thanks
    • 若还可能,给我发一份,谢了.
    • 我也要,给我一份好么?51020@21cn.com
    • 我也想要一份
    • 谢谢,我也想要一份: wang_yanhong@hotmail.com
    • I want one. Thanks. email: bing2er@163.com
    • I need it . thanks you. lingshui@0451.com
    • 万分感谢先,麻烦寄到tomlin07@hotmail.com.
    • I want have one copy
      I want to have one copy . thanks. bingwei2001@hotmail.com
    • xuebujin@sina.com 谢谢!
    • I need the map ,please send to :xiezhiq@sina.com.thank you!
    • Hi Sunny, Would you pls send one copy of your e-map to me? Really appreciate your help. Yuan
    • please send me one. thank you so much. westwindode@sina.com
    • I need it. My email: sduoft@yahoo.com. Thanks a lot.
    • Please sent one to yaojr16@hotmail.com
    • 希望您能给我发一份谢谢!我将不胜感激!lxf@chaglobal.com
    • 能给我一份吗?谢谢!我的地址:lwvicki@sina.com
    • thank you very much, my email: daqingy@hotmail.com
    • would you send me a copy to my email :hongtianz@yahoo.com, thank you first.
    • I want it. Please email me at sweiwu@hotmail.com. Thanks.