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Message from Harvard Medical School about propolis.

Although propolis has been suggested for many conditions, it has not been proven for any health problem. There is promising early evidence for using propolis mouthwash to reduce dental plaque, but further research is necessary in this area before a recommendation can be made. Propolis should be avoided in pregnant or breast-feeding women. Remember that tinctures can contain large amounts of alcohol and may cause nausea or vomiting if taken with the drugs disulfiram or metronidazole. Consult your health care provider if you experience side effects.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 忽然觉得有点担心,这蜂胶真的有这么好吗?这可是买给我老妈吃的。不会有什么问题吧我刚才看了一下第一个关于蜂胶的贴子,竟然发现那些跟贴直说好的多数是新ID?谢谢有心人解答。
    • ....等着,新ID们马上会来回答你问题的.....
      • 还有一个不知是不是托,有意思的是,注册自己住在西部,还在“活雷锋”的贴子后给人推荐多伦多的医生,另一个网友证明该医生专卖“蜂胶”:P
        • hoho
    • 是呀是呀,你一提醒,赶快去查了一下,说好的真的都是新ID,brand new呢,不过我今天已经买了,只有给父母吃吃看吧,如好再买。
      • 我信你的,如果你父母吃了说确实效果明显,我再买,否则还不如吃医生开的呢,这药可不便宜。
        • 我妈是南京的,据说南京很兴这个,我跟她一提蜂胶,她就说好非叫我买,我爸却说没用,也不知听他们哪个的。我妈爱跟风,我爸怕我花钱,想想后还是决定先买些给他们试试。
          • 试的好就直接到申家巷去买 :)
    • 11,至少有15个是今年4月以后注册的,如果有托儿,可够能耐的。嘿,砸我吧:)
      • 瞧咱这采购团一波波的,说明他们托得很成功呢。
      • 某些帖子的话说得太太太商业化了, 和电视广告片里的感觉一模一样. hehe.
        • 嗬嗬,直接从产品说明上往ROLIA搬,感觉比TEAREN都专业
        • 我就是上面春豆说的“另一个网友”。实在看不下去了才发的帖子。 当晚关电脑后就在想建议你把有关帖子放到广告区,第二天一忙就忘了。
    • 我们是不是买贵了,我在这个网站看一瓶才7.5刀。http://www.paylessbookstore.com/shoppingmall/Product_detail_display.asp?intProdID=M10
      • 这么暴利?难怪呢。难为大家一片孝心了。
        • 感觉很难受,被人利用了孝心。:((
          • 别难受,能退吗?这药给吹成这样,药房可能供不应求,你退了他们也卖得掉吧。
            • 算了,买个教训吧,估计退又要退出一肚子气来。
      • 不是一个牌子吧? 我看这个网站要卖美金$31.5呢。
        • Thank god and thank you...
    • 吃不坏是肯定的,我有个忘年朋友说枫胶对老年人好,ta妈妈吃了效果卓著。但是我个人觉得,有点用(话说回来,吃的都有点用,至少治疗饿,呵呵)但是远没有那么奇特。看看国内风行过的各种营养品就知道了,食疗永远是辅助性的。
      • 自由鸟不用担心了。
        • 希望有用,贵就贵点吧。:)
          • 有用#1888166:))
          • 我今天也去买了,刚才那个连接http://www.paylessbookstore.com/shoppingmall/Product_detail_display.asp?intProdID=M10 上价钱差好多呀
            • My~~Goodness~~~!!! I paid $40 for a bottle branded as Yei3 Hua1in Chinese. I don't know if it is tha same thing or not. Shoooot!!!!!!~~~~~~
              • Could anybody tell me how to revise my user data please? I am in GTA now but my user data showed Shenzhen......Thanks in advance.
      • 俺每天喝的茶, 治不了饿. :)
        • 苹果,忽然想起如果哪天我被人砸个头破血流,你可一定要为我作主,一定要把你手中的ID交给警方啊。另:如果自由鸟妈妈吃了说就是好,那我还是要买的:)
          • 不太好叫得那么亲切吧; 而且"苹果" 是注册商标.
    • 忘记在哪里看到的说一个医生说的,峰胶是天然的抗生素。我吃的那个时候身体好像的确不错,几次大流感都幸免遇难。但是停用以后就开始小打小闹的感冒。所以现在更是不太敢吃了。
    • 问题是没有,但真的要说有那么好吗?也不见得.
      • 性能价格比~~~
    • Message from Harvard Medical School about propolis.
      Although propolis has been suggested for many conditions, it has not been proven for any health problem. There is promising early evidence for using propolis mouthwash to reduce dental plaque, but further research is necessary in this area before a recommendation can be made. Propolis should be avoided in pregnant or breast-feeding women. Remember that tinctures can contain large amounts of alcohol and may cause nausea or vomiting if taken with the drugs disulfiram or metronidazole. Consult your health care provider if you experience side effects.
    • 蜂胶有好多种,大家说的是哪个啊?
    • 当时看了就觉得很惊讶,这么好的东西,我怎么可能不知道?而且卖这么贵。自从上次卖鱼油后,我已经有经验了,是个骗局。
      • 上次老公回国,带了一些银杏叶的保健品,我爷爷吃了直说好,据说可以调节微循环!
    • 我觉得这一类补养品基本都是精神疗法. ^_^
      • Better than nothing...Everybody tries the best to take good care of parents' health...I am one of them...
        One kind of deep ocean oil is useful for lowering down blood pressure which I bought from downtown Toronto. It is true...
    • 我们是买着自己吃的,So Far so good。