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you sure? [大多数加拿大人是反对同性恋“Marriage”的], see the link for the poll results, more than 50% Canadians answered YES to all 3 question about homosexual marriage, got it?

52% say there is nothing morally wrong with homosexuality

57% say that homosexual marriage does not threaten the institution of marriage

65% say homosexual couples should be treated the same as heterosexual couples

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / Minorities and same-sex marriage by the Lawyer Avvy Go is director of the Metro Toronto Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic.
    • [Chinese Canadians who had never once attended any protest in their lives, for instance, were chartered on a bus to Ottawa with their fellow churchgoers to protest ]
    • 吴谣谣是律师,她从法律立法角度上,提出了一个很有启发意义的问题:是由民选的国会议员,以少数服从多数的[民主]原则,来决定少数人的命运,还是由最高法院几位法官,立法保护少数人的权利?
      • 看来这个吴谣谣律师也不怎么样。你以为最高法院做裁决就不是以少数服从多数的[民主]原则啦?
        • 我信故我言:希望寄托于高等法院了!
          • 我是不报什么希望的。只是想提醒一下,事情并没有某些人想象中的黑白对错那么简单。加拿大人的立场也很微妙。否则,自由党也不至于走投无路要去问最高法院4个问题,而最高法院也不至于要等这么长时间才不得不来回答。
            • [希望寄托于高等法院了],请问你抱的希望是什么?[我是不报什么希望的],请问,你不抱的希望又是什么?
              • 问你个问题,为什么这么简单的人权问题,当年在议会占决大多数的人才济济的自由党会不得不去向最高法院(7个老人)谘询呢,还一问就是4个问题?
                • 政治家踢皮球的功夫,你又不是没见识过,烫手芋头,干嘛往怀里弄?至于是不是简单,想想你这样的民意在,就知道何其艰难,简单何在?
        • 1.记住中国人在加拿大,是少数民族;2,不管是一人一票的直选,还是民意代表(议员)的间接投票,会出现以“多数民意”的名义,作出的伪民主的决议,当年的希特勒对犹太人的迫害,就是一例
          • 搞了半天,原来你也知道大多数加拿大人是反对同性恋“Marriage”的,你也知道让议员投票不太可能通过的。Btw,请不要偷换概念,你说的这些加拿大人同时也是反对种族歧视的。
            • you sure? [大多数加拿大人是反对同性恋“Marriage”的], see the link for the poll results, more than 50% Canadians answered YES to all 3 question about homosexual marriage, got it?
              52% say there is nothing morally wrong with homosexuality

              57% say that homosexual marriage does not threaten the institution of marriage

              65% say homosexual couples should be treated the same as heterosexual couples
              • so, 48% still say there is something morally wrong with homosexuality?
                • 想想投票的人当中,有90%以上的异性恋者,你就会觉得,这样的结果,得来何其不易啊
              • That stats only confirms my suspision that it is a 50-50 game. Very hard to call. :)
                • 12:09 你还在说[大多数]加拿大人是反对同性恋“Marriage”的,现在你意识到是 50 VS 50 游戏?以总人口来说,可是90%VS10% GAME啊
                  • 9:1? 那加拿大有300多万同性恋? 那中国岂不是要有一亿多同性恋啦?不敢想象。
                    • 那些数据怎么能相信,否则Rolia上也得有成百上千了
                  • 得,你还没完了。偶一年多前就在这里和Table MM辩论过,劝她不要太激动。The game is still open, 不要好像game over一样。My message was: This is a decision all Canadian have to make and, there is nothing wrong to support or against same-sex marriage.
                    ti defend our trditional marriage.....

                    前面那句话里的"大多数"是笔误也好,是个人的认为也好,是指别的报告也好, 或是议会的现状也好,你爱怎么理解,就怎么理解。就不再多费口舌解释了。:)
                  • Traditionally Western socity believes Dr. Kinsay's story that 10% are homosexual. However, Dr. Kinsay got the data by survaying inmates in
                    the Jail. It is likey that the number was high due to the fact that Jail did not allow mixed sex. The recent statistics show that only 1% of Canadians are homosexual. Based on this number, the homosexual group can not even called as minority (5%). It just reflects that how the polictians sacrified the right of majority to satisfy minority's demand in this country. The power of determination shall lie in the democratic instituion - the congress, not the PM and high judges.
          • Do not legalize same-sex marriage == Presecuting?? What is the logic here?
            The liberals can not get their proposal passed in the congress. They get around this issue by submitting to high judges. This practice violates the basic democratic principles. It is violation of the majority rights to satify small group's interest. All in all, the judges are appointed by PM, and Mr. Paul Martin just appointed too exterme leftist judges in the high court. Marriage is a sacred notion and should be respected by the majority. the same sex relationship should recognized legal, but not to the level a marriage has.