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>>总的来说中产阶级趋向民主党大一些 - 这是不合事实的

统计数据表明, 炒股票的人, 60%以上支持布什。 在美国的中国人, 有稳定工作
的,几乎都支持共和党。 加拿大则相反, 跟LIBERAL的洗脑有关。 CBC得模式要是
搬到美国, 一定会被骂死。

知识分子有些有全球人的头脑, 看到全球90%的人都在美国的穷困线一下, 觉得心
里很不好受, 觉得那些富了还想更富, 房子大了还要更大的人不是东西。
大部分人投票, 是为了自己的经济利益。比如美国的两个富人职业, 医生和律师。
医生绝大多数都是共和党的铁杆, 因为怕医疗国家化。 律师则相反, 左派党最
喜欢制定法律, 管这管那,而法律越复杂律师也就越好赚钱, 所以美国的律师协

加拿大政府管的很多, 跟其有直接和间接利益, 象政府职员,政府企业,CBC 还
有那些基本靠政府合同吃饭的人数比例很高, 当然大家投票政府开支越大越好。(加

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 问个美国大选的问题哈

    • 中部比较穷的州多是白人,保守势力,宗教势力强大。小布十正代表了这部分人。
    • 共和党的支持者大多数都住在城市,都市比较集中的地方虽然富人多,穷人更多,比较偏僻的地方倒不是因为税和经济的问题选Bush。他们是思想保守,和共和党的社会方案比较一致。
      • Washington DC大约90%选Kerry,按你前半句理论推,这个地区应该90%是穷人?
        • 你沒去過dc吧
          • 她說的是反話嗎﹗
        • 上句话应该是“民主党的支持者大多数都住在城市”。穷人是相对富人的,总的来说中产阶级趋向民主党大一些。
          • 演员算富吧,我在电视中亲眼看到帮Kerry竞选的就有三位了,Michael Fox,Ben Affleck,Drew Barrymore(演Charlie's Angel中的一个);还有象Michael Moore等支持民主党的富人呀。东西没有绝对的啦。
            • 谁说有绝对了?很多人支持反对Bush不是因为他给富人减税加税的问题,大多数是因为国际事务,外交问题等等。我说的富人和穷人是传统上支持民主党和共和党的问题。比如说黑人传统上是民主党的票箱,
              • >>总的来说中产阶级趋向民主党大一些 - 这是不合事实的
                统计数据表明, 炒股票的人, 60%以上支持布什。 在美国的中国人, 有稳定工作
                的,几乎都支持共和党。 加拿大则相反, 跟LIBERAL的洗脑有关。 CBC得模式要是
                搬到美国, 一定会被骂死。

                知识分子有些有全球人的头脑, 看到全球90%的人都在美国的穷困线一下, 觉得心
                里很不好受, 觉得那些富了还想更富, 房子大了还要更大的人不是东西。
                大部分人投票, 是为了自己的经济利益。比如美国的两个富人职业, 医生和律师。
                医生绝大多数都是共和党的铁杆, 因为怕医疗国家化。 律师则相反, 左派党最
                喜欢制定法律, 管这管那,而法律越复杂律师也就越好赚钱, 所以美国的律师协

                加拿大政府管的很多, 跟其有直接和间接利益, 象政府职员,政府企业,CBC 还
                有那些基本靠政府合同吃饭的人数比例很高, 当然大家投票政府开支越大越好。(加
                • 加州的中国人多吧?为什么加州都是民主党占优?他们有什么台在洗脑?美国的法律现在就不少,都是民主党上台制定的?加拿大的律师比例高还是美国律师比例高?
            • 有倆演員支持共和黨﹕里根﹐施瓦辛格。。。
        • DC主要是政府工作人员吧,BUSH的政策就是小政府,很多人为了自己的饭碗投反对票一点也不奇怪。抛开富人穷人不说,企业界更欢迎BUSH当选。KERRY提倡的都是扼杀美国企业竞争力的,而BUSH正好相反。
        • DC的黑人比例大概在全美都是最高的之一,穷人很多.除了中心地带,其它地方很破,治安也是在911以后才加强了警力.
    • 没法回答你的问题。布什当选,天意。:-(
    • 沒有這樣的公式﹕民主=窮﹔共和=富。這一次﹐富裕開明的選民更希望經濟穩定﹐不要戰爭吧。
      • 对头,这里面还有生活价值观的因素。无论我多穷,去打工,我也会毫不犹豫地支持保守党,在美国我会支持共和党,主要是因为保守的价值观念。
    • 关于kerry为什么会输,这里有一篇分析文章,见解很独到,值得一看
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Why Kerry Lost: Backlash
      Kerry's Supporters Cost The Democrats The Election
      Posted By: Draginol
      Date Posted: 11/3/2004 3:36:26 PM

      Like many, I had predicted that Kerry would win the election. But he didn't. And now the question is, why? We may never be able to offer a definitive answer to this but I will offer a theory that I think is pretty plausible.

      It boils down to only two factors:

      (1) Backlash

      (2) Lack of defined principles (which I'll talk about in a future article).

      People get fed up. And they respond. In politics, that means they come out and vote.

      For the past year, Kerry's supporters had made it pretty clear that anyone who supported Bush must be some kind of "moron", "idiot", "racist", "fascist", "red neck", whatever. They referred to the President as a "chimp" and other vile names. And these people, many who don't normally vote, got mad and they decided to come out to vote this time.

      That's because the American people are not stupid. They're a vigorous, hard working, enterprising people who have helped make the world a vastly better place (and anyone who disagrees may want to look at 19th century Europe). The contempt and hatred from Kerry's supporters made a lot of people who were only nominally Bush supporters into energized Bush supporters.

      Millions of Americans simply don't want to be associated with Michael Moore and MoveOn.org and snobby Hollywood celebrities or uppity European elites. They got sick of having their views jammed down their throats. They got sick of the media flagrantly siding with Kerry. One might even say that the New York Times did a lot to help Bush win. Americans could see the unfairness in that these self-appointed elites got to have their say while they were expected to be quiet and take it. After all, why should some ha????een Hollywood comedienne get to be on a panel on Hardball when millions of hard working Americans never go to have their voice heard? So they fought back with the only weapon they have: Their vote.

      Kerry supporters increased the Bush vote one dinner party at a time. One little league game at a time. One office lunch room at a time. With their smug contempt for those who weren't as "enlightened" as they were. And their nasty attitudes towards Bush and his views on social, moral, and foreign policy, they effectively turned themselves into a Get out the vote drive -- for Bush.

      Last week my son came home and told me that his friend's mom told him that if Bush won that he would be sent off to war. My son is 7 years old. My friend's mom is a middle-school teacher. Kerry himself would imply that Bush was going to reinstate the draft (January surprise nonsense). Michael Moore spread the word that Bush was in bed with the Saudi Royal family. Foreign pundits claimed that Bush and Cheney were in Iraq for Halliburton's sake.

      And yet, without a trace of irony, Kerry supporters would argue that people who supported Bush had been swayed by all that "right wing" propaganda. As if the millions of public school teachers, who often are alone amongst their neighbors in their support for Democrats, do so strictly because of their free thinking ways and not because of the constant inflow of disin????ation from the NEA (teachers unions).

      And so every time a Kerry supporter, when confronted with a friend or neighbor who said they liked Bush (or didn't hate him at least) would say "Gosh, you seem like a smart guy, how could you not hate Bush?" they effectively energized someone who might have sat out the election because of Bush's deficit spending or other failings.

      If you look at the actual returns state by state (especially county by county when compared to 2000) it becomes pretty clear. Kerry didn't do bad really. He got 5 MILLION more votes than Gore did. It's just that Bush got 8 million more votes than he did last time. And most of those votes were from "average Americans" in rural or suburban areas.

      In short, millions of Americans voted for Bush not because they were "fearful" of terror (the exit polls demonstrate that). No, they voted for Bush because they saw the smug contempt that Kerry's pretentious supporters have for the values and beliefs that they have. And they did something about it - they came out and voted.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net