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"O Canada"

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛"O Canada"

It’s amazing that our “Open Home” program becomes so popular in such short time. After Awa’s “once shouting”, warm responses flooded into our group message board and email accounts. Parents are eager to bring their kids to meet new friends. We are happy to have seen 19 kids from 18 families in tonight’s party. Most of them are under 6 years old (one baby is still in Mom's tummy).

Bring kids together is the fundamental purpose of our group. Thank our tonight’s hostess, Awa, she has token all of means to accommodate maximal number of children and their parents without compromising their safety. In my mind, we already achieved 90% of goal we planned when we see so many children coming together. What amazed me is the effort of our guest parents. They tried their share to make the remain 10% perfect.

In addition to their major contribution, i.e. bring their kid(s) here, they brought delicious food. I already took the pictures of some plates. If you have chance to taste it, I bet you would say, “here is the restaurant better than the best in Toronto” because our guests contributed their best plates made in their own home and represent the speciality from different regious of China. We also have the freshest vegetables because they are planted in our guest’s backyard.

Another important different features of today’s party is the KaraOK’s CDs our guests provided. The beautiful voice of our guests attracted our attention from time to time. The little babies come to sing a song too (Our photographer, Egg, will present the funnies pictures). Can you guess which song our children sing best? It’s “O Canada”! I am deeply touched when all of our kids sing the song together. Our children are Chinese, they are Canadian too! Next time if people ask me again how to merge into Canadian main stream, I will proudly say: we are the main stream, our children are the main stream.

Just like the word of the song, “Don’t ask me where I am from, My ex-hometown is far away…”. Here is our new home now. Let’s sing “O Canada” again. When we are together, our Canadian life will be better.

WuYing更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / "O Canada"
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛"O Canada"

    It’s amazing that our “Open Home” program becomes so popular in such short time. After Awa’s “once shouting”, warm responses flooded into our group message board and email accounts. Parents are eager to bring their kids to meet new friends. We are happy to have seen 19 kids from 18 families in tonight’s party. Most of them are under 6 years old (one baby is still in Mom's tummy).

    Bring kids together is the fundamental purpose of our group. Thank our tonight’s hostess, Awa, she has token all of means to accommodate maximal number of children and their parents without compromising their safety. In my mind, we already achieved 90% of goal we planned when we see so many children coming together. What amazed me is the effort of our guest parents. They tried their share to make the remain 10% perfect.

    In addition to their major contribution, i.e. bring their kid(s) here, they brought delicious food. I already took the pictures of some plates. If you have chance to taste it, I bet you would say, “here is the restaurant better than the best in Toronto” because our guests contributed their best plates made in their own home and represent the speciality from different regious of China. We also have the freshest vegetables because they are planted in our guest’s backyard.

    Another important different features of today’s party is the KaraOK’s CDs our guests provided. The beautiful voice of our guests attracted our attention from time to time. The little babies come to sing a song too (Our photographer, Egg, will present the funnies pictures). Can you guess which song our children sing best? It’s “O Canada”! I am deeply touched when all of our kids sing the song together. Our children are Chinese, they are Canadian too! Next time if people ask me again how to merge into Canadian main stream, I will proudly say: we are the main stream, our children are the main stream.

    Just like the word of the song, “Don’t ask me where I am from, My ex-hometown is far away…”. Here is our new home now. Let’s sing “O Canada” again. When we are together, our Canadian life will be better.

    WuYing更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • many thanks to awa. we had a great time tonight.
      • 美女MM啊,有点象空姐,爱吃你做的年糕,象极了在无锡过年时吃的~~~
        • 我没吃到....
        • 是呀,像这样手艺好,人又漂亮的MM真不多见乐,佩服得不得了。:))
          • 你们真会哄我开心:),那个年糕的做法贴在美食版了。
      • 照片已经整理了,如何发给你?
        • pls chk your PM
        • 昨天偶走得早,能不能给我看看照片呀,看你们后来是如何腐败的? :))
          • check PM
            • 谢谢啦!
        • How to get photoes? Could you please send PM to me as well? By the way, you are so luck to have a MN wife and so cute boy and daughter-on-the-way.
          • hi, please check your PM....
            • original的照片能开个ftp么?或者我开ftp你upload?
              • 3MB each, please let me know the file name, I will prepare them for you.
            • Got it, thx! Just saw BUAA from your website. Did you graduate from BUAA? If so, I am your Shi1 Jie3 La...;=)
      • 他贴水滩去了...快去看!
        • It is really fun, again thanks for our host. missed the photo show...
          • 谢谢你的美味法国巧克力 (有人流口水了吧)
            • so far in my life, 最好吃的巧克力!
              • 那当然,来自让大家惊艳的温柔与美貌并存的美女加菲猫的糖果能不甜吗~~~~
                • 原来大家称MNMN的,我还以为只是互相捧,这次见着了,那么多做了妈妈的还是能称得上MN,真是惊叹!别光吹别人了,你自己也是个很大的闪光的MN呢。
                  • 咱们就互相吹吧,早晚变成吹捧协会,呵呵呵
                    • 不是不是,绝对不是吹,是实事求是,原来你竟然是大SG。
                  • 嗨,别再提俺了,咱早是"过气ID"了,咱现在的任务是推陈出新,让一个ID变得著名瞩目起来~~~你家的音响不错~~~得接孩子了,今雪大,希望大家都一路平安~~~
                    • 接着吹! 第一次见到这么多的MN, SG, 著名ID, 至今还眼晕晕的说.
                      • 最晕人家眼的人是你哩, 咱家地板现在还湿漉漉的说
      • 强烈要求公布配方。。。 我家小兔子好喜欢
    • 今天很愉快! 见到好多可爱宝宝和他们的SG爸爸,MN妈妈. 还有好多好吃的.....最爱核桃年糕. 下次带上我家宝宝一起去.谢谢AWA!
      • 还有会唱歌会追兔子的猫咪MN。。。
        • 我争取下次让兔子来追我.(猫追兔子有啥希罕)
    • 昨天过得很开心,吃到了很多地道的美食,见到了很多朋友,谢谢awa了!
      • 谢谢你的歌声还有你家大SG为孩子们守楼梯 :)
        • 要不是小家伙不配合,我还不想撤呢,好些个偶像还没见着呢。。。:)))// 真是辛苦你了,谢谢!你家帅哥真是表现好,一直都很乖。。。
    • 谢谢组织者WuYing和AWA。有些唱OK的走得早,后来egg把声音调得很好,更过隐,只是我们前边几个小时用喉咙帮着迁就音响,喉咙已经不行了,下次有几会再来过。孩子不用我管,我玩得高兴,她更高兴。谢谢。
      • 是把“分数”调得更好吧。。。 :) 小超人美女今天还忙啊? 下大雪呢
        • 不是不是,我们还是靠实力滴:)))))。小姑娘上学了。
    • 昨天SG真多, 按下"冯巩"不表, 咱们有会唱歌的"潘长江", 好爸爸好叔叔"马峻伟", 微笑的"苏有朋", 有很man的boy, 还有很boy的man; MN们则个个不同流俗
      难怪模特队的姐仔口水一滴再滴, 我家地板从没用过这么高规格的洗涤剂 :)

      美食就不用说了, 下午是一席, 晚上是一席!破坏好多XDJM的减肥大计


      谢谢大家带给我家那么多欢笑。要是我家LD还不回, 咱们接着疯。。。

      (不过以后只在group上发消息了, 省得又摆乌龙 :) )
      • 很想接着玩. 看完最后一句又犹豫了.
        • ? LD的那句? 还是group 的那句?
          • LD那句. 不能把咱们的欢乐建立在你们分离的痛苦之上, 是吧?
            • 好心肠的MM
              不过分开有分开的乐趣哩, 你应该很有感受不是吗 :)
        • 当然接着玩儿了,你会的歌很多。怕你们家LD回来不让?
          • 谁说LD不让. 有机会带上他一起玩. 等我家MM回来了一定带她去.
      • 我好象错过了晚上那一席. 现在可后悔早走了. 要不既可享受美食, 又可不时冒充"巨星闪亮登场". 不过那天真是累了. 下次一定赖到最后. 帮你打扫清洁再走.
        • 你可以待到第二天都没问题, 咱们再找地儿饮茶。。。
    • I had a wonderful time last afternoon and evening.
      I never saw so many kids (18?) are playing together under one house roof. They soon make friends with each other and play with full energy. It's very hard for me to persuade my daughter to go home even after she has played for 7 hours, actually she fall asleep immidiately after I started my car.

      Thank very much for the hosts and organizers. I understand their contributions, efforts, and hard work behind. Salute to them again. It's a great idea to host such an event for kids.

      And it's an amazing experience for me to find out that some big name of Rolia happen to be a person sitting next cubicle to me. And some names turn out to be the person I saw their photoes everyday on the advertisements. Network gives us a chance to re-recognize a person from another insight.
      • 提个意见, 香肠太少了。。。:)
        • One more opinion: why don't you guys save some goody for me...
          • 4D4D, 其实我tried hard了, 很想每人给你们留一片香肠的说, 但是有人认为那样更毒辣哩 :))))))
      • 嘻嘻,清华帅哥与EGG夫人家的菜肴是最和俺口味D~~~
        • 这个典故又不知道了, 谁是清华SG啊? 明知道我崇拜清华的GGJJ也不给介绍一下 :(
          • 俺也听LG补充8挂材料才知道D~~~
            • 没天理啊!!!!!
              • 还有...
      • Dear Joyzhou (快乐小JOY): It's very joyful to read your excellent article.
    • 非常感谢wuying and awa。很高兴见到那么多的新老朋友。离开后在车上我问宝宝,“下次还来吗?”。“还来。"这是最好的赞美了。AWA非常热情大方,印象深刻。还有就是FOOD,真棒! Holly的方子已经打印好,晚上就试试,谢谢。
      • 一个孩子的破坏力就够我头疼了,向近20个孩子开放她的豪宅,估计awa要收拾到天亮的说。
        • 其实大家都很注意, 孩子们也没怎么捣, 而且平时有小兔子在。。。我已经是熟手清洁工喽, 才花1小时收拾而已 (不信? 昨天就 美滋滋的上网收表扬了哩 :) ) 明天我要做年糕
    • 你能确定这些是对的吗? JUST FOR FUN!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛'( )' 中是"O Canada" 中的可能错误.

      1) It’s amazing that our “Open Home” program becomes so popular in such (a) short time.

      2) Thank our tonight’s hostess, Awa, she (who) has token (taken) all of means to accommodate (a) maximal number of children and their parents without compromising their safety (needs).

      3) In my mind, we already achieved 90% of goal we planned when we see (saw) so many children coming (come) together.

      4) What amazed me is the effort of our guest parents. They tried their share to make the remain(ing) 10% perfect.

      5) If you have chance to taste it, I bet you would say, “here is the restaurant better than the best in Toronto” because our guests contributed their best plates made in their own home and represent the speciality (specialty) from different regious (regions) of China.

      6) We also have the freshest vegetables because they are planted in our guest’s (guests’) backyard(s).

      7) Another important different features (feature) of today’s party is the KaraOK’s CDs our guests provided. The beautiful voice of our guests attracted our attention from time to time.

      8) Our children are Chinese, (and) they are Canadian (Canadians) too!

      9) Next time if people ask me again how to merge into Canadian main stream (mainstream), I will proudly say: we are the main stream (mainstream), our children are the main stream (mainstream),.

      10) Just like the word (lyric) of the song, “Don’t ask me where I am from, My ex-hometown is far away…”. Here is our new home now.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 谢谢您了, 英语系教授兼托福满分获得者!
        • :O 高人哪高人哪, --- 想到以前我还敢乱翻译一气, 冷汗涔涔啊
          • I'm still expecting to read your article in Chinese. Your translation version is much better than my original.
            • 这世道! 老WU都开始捧人了。。。这么多高人面前, 我哪儿还敢现眼呐, 躲老鼠洞里哆嗦呢
        • 还有你。。。#2016239
      • 老WU的英语一定没有他法语好,人家在法国做的博士后啊...可能是他连夜写作,没有CHECK就发了...反正是高人,匝招也在病童医院上班啊...
        • 当JJ的朋友真幸福, 永远都是对的。。。
      • Dear Estuaries(海纳百川): Thank you for your expertise. Hope to see you in our group and then we could enjoy your articles
        • 我又发现你一个优点
          谦虚, 大度 (这好象是两个嘛 :-))
          • 9494, 要不然以前单位老是受表扬, 连本人这样见会就躲的人都听过TA名字。。。
            • 嗯. 真好. 昨晚看贴时还有点郁闷. 这会云开雾散.
    • Wow! It is already hot topic! Hope that it is not too late to say thanks again to Wuying and Awa, and all other SG / MN parents and kids.
      • Everybody is sleeping? Nobody talks with me about this hot topic now...