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讨论:Do we need ANOTHER recording of Rachmaninov's 2nd concerto?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I just checked out some promo clips on DG's website... in case anyone's interested, here's the link:

I don't give a rat's ass to what Lang Lang thinks about the music, the composer, or Russian influence on Chinese education, or his growth as a pianist, and family stories, etc. All I want to say is, the whole topic on Lang lang the rising star bores me to hell. I don't blame DG for marketing Lang Lang as a pop star, after all it's their global strategy and they are doing what they can to save themselves from depth of deficits. It might be the best choice for DG; is it for classical fans though? I guess not. How about giving some thoughts to us listeners? Personally, I have serious problem with recording with new artists popular repertoires that have received vast amount of exposure both in concert halls and on tapes, for example, Rach's 2nd in this case. It's not that I don't like the music. But why another recording of the same old piece when there are so many outstanding performances already committed onto disks? The great Richter, Janis, Ashkenazy, or the composer's own account, to name but a few. Unless if our young artist has something in particular to say, some message that has not been said in the past that he wishes to bring out, which I speculate, in Lang Lang's case, not very likely based on my perception of his Carnegie Hall recital which was marked by his romantic indulgence and sentimental overexaggerations, albeit showy in techniques, otherwise, I don't see a point in recording this piece; AND I don't see a point in making a purchase on this item. Thanks, but I can live safely and soundly in past glories.

DG, give me ONE DAMN GOOD REASON to buy your recordings!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 讨论:Do we need ANOTHER recording of Rachmaninov's 2nd concerto?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I just checked out some promo clips on DG's website... in case anyone's interested, here's the link:

    I don't give a rat's ass to what Lang Lang thinks about the music, the composer, or Russian influence on Chinese education, or his growth as a pianist, and family stories, etc. All I want to say is, the whole topic on Lang lang the rising star bores me to hell. I don't blame DG for marketing Lang Lang as a pop star, after all it's their global strategy and they are doing what they can to save themselves from depth of deficits. It might be the best choice for DG; is it for classical fans though? I guess not. How about giving some thoughts to us listeners? Personally, I have serious problem with recording with new artists popular repertoires that have received vast amount of exposure both in concert halls and on tapes, for example, Rach's 2nd in this case. It's not that I don't like the music. But why another recording of the same old piece when there are so many outstanding performances already committed onto disks? The great Richter, Janis, Ashkenazy, or the composer's own account, to name but a few. Unless if our young artist has something in particular to say, some message that has not been said in the past that he wishes to bring out, which I speculate, in Lang Lang's case, not very likely based on my perception of his Carnegie Hall recital which was marked by his romantic indulgence and sentimental overexaggerations, albeit showy in techniques, otherwise, I don't see a point in recording this piece; AND I don't see a point in making a purchase on this item. Thanks, but I can live safely and soundly in past glories.

    DG, give me ONE DAMN GOOD REASON to buy your recordings!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 抢个沙发坐坐~~呵呵~~好好好~~~回头在discuss
      • 跟王朔跑没错
        • "跟王朔错在没跑"~:))
      • 唉,好土,现在都坐龙椅了,谁还坐沙发~~
        • “夫唯不争,故天下无人与之争”~~:=))
      • 王朔占个位就跑了,等的累.
    • 是不是酱紫的:不同的演奏者对应不同的欣赏者~~初出茅庐的演奏者,所对应的是年轻人和入门者,而对地位已稳固的演奏家,所对应的是比较成熟的爱乐者。最后是超一流天才的演奏者,对作品的诠绎独到所对应的是您这样成熟的发烧友~
      其实唱片公司也有自己的商业考虑,这样说吧, 不同的演奏者和不同的欣赏者各自对应,各得所需, 对初出茅庐,少年气甚的,所制作的唱片适宜的对象是年轻人和初入门者, 而地位已稳固,技巧娴熟,具有了与不同乐队适应的能力的。这一类是为了比较成熟的发烧友的,他们分得清萝卜和青菜,并知道有时萝卜和青菜不能分高下。最后是那些德高望重的超一流天才,对作品的诠绎独到、有说服力,提升到新境界,并随音乐的展开提供音乐以外的东西。您文中例举的就是在此层次。这类演绎,听的是人生体验。与此对应的欣赏者能理会这种音乐以外的东西,有时会忘记音乐,沉浸在自身的人生体验中。
      • 至于唱片公司的宣传,不必太在意~~
        • 一眨眼就来了,Magic.
      • 年领和生活阅历很重要,除非是天才,Mozart这样的算吗?还会有吗?
        • 在下窃以为,文化和环境是最重要, ~~~~
          • 我觉得好象过于技术化了.我还是喜欢感性一点.
      • 我不同意您把演奏者和欣赏者分为三六九等。我觉得艺术诠释和艺术欣赏,只有理解上的difference,没有高低贵贱之分。比如我对拉赫的理解不一定比您对拉赫的理解更高深;也许我们俩争论半天,拉赫来一句:其实你们俩都不理解我,还是省省吧
        • 我的意思就是,没有所谓的初出茅庐者适合年轻乐迷、大师适合老乐迷这么一说。如果真是那样,当年16岁的海菲茨在纽约首次登台,艺惊四座,一代宗师克莱斯勒声称从此封琴,那岂不是违背了您的新秀<<大师的theory了~
        • 您误解了, 但是实际上, 听的多和听的少差别是存在的, 要求当然不一样,设想,你听了二十遍的曲子的,我只听了一次, 感受能一样吗, 所以唱片公司的策略是有侧重的~~应该是市场的营销策略吧~~~:)
      • 对这个新录音不爽的原因,主要是曲目的选择上。这首曲子都被录滥了,能不能换点别的,新颖点的,别这么大路货好不好? 像上一张专辑的门德尔松就很好嘛~ 录点儿我们不常听的,for fuck's sake~ (对不起,说话口无遮拦)
        或者录些独奏作品,我看舒曼的很多钢琴作品都很适合郎朗这种抒情的风格嘛,比如Kreisleriana,或Kinderszenen。 或勃拉姆斯的,勃拉姆斯的钢琴作品曝光率说真的并不高啊。
        • 门德尔松的钢琴协奏曲的名人版本也很多,像serkin , shiff,Goulda都录制过, 所以不能用以前录制的数量来限制现在的新人哦~~~;)
          • 当年有人问Richter为什么不录贝多芬第五钢协,Richter反问道:“难道这首曲子录得还不够多吗??”~~~~~~~~~~~
            • 很多曲目您是熟闻于耳,可是对新一带的爱乐者来说,仍然很新鲜, 您无形中无意间把普通的受众区别开了:))
        • 演奏过勃拉姆斯的就更多了, 像Richter, Pollini, Brendel, Argerich, Lupu, Zimerman, Barenboim, Haskil.......都有啊~~~
          • 是, "各有所爱, 各取所需"
          • I'm talking about Brahms' solo pieces, like his sonatas for piano, violin, and cello, and chamber works such as piano quartets, quintets. The choice is not confined to concertos ... geez.
    • 郎朗是家境好有才华的气质小帅哥,(看过他的访谈录),拽得跟肉联的蛋帅哥一样了,深受水坛MN的爱戴;
      • 蛋帅哥很朴实呀
        • 咦,发现你总跟我惊人的一致。
          • 爱胡思乱想
            • 咱俩见过没有?
              • 那天唱歌得高分的是你吧
                • 噢,想起来了,是在市长家,那次我克意戒了一个礼拜的烟,遗憾的是,最后马先生拿了烟出来,结果我延续到今天。//拼命唰网,拼命找节目,也掩盖不了ID后面的空虚和寂寞以及无限的惆怅。这烟还能戒吗?
                  • 是我吗?哪个市长?
                    • 谢了。不过爱情是什麻东西?:) 我抽了十几年,戒了好几年,有捡起来几个月,是一定要戒的,正在努力。加油。
                      • 这里烟太贵了!
                        • 所以要戒。这个烟厂就是毒品制造常,应该全部关门。
      • 他的气质是满肉的
        • 肉是什么意思?
          • 肉是指人的皮肤, 肌肉和脂纺层的总称~~~蔬菜的去掉皮核部分的也叫肉~~依此类推~~~:))
    • 当LangLang 在Carneigie Hall 演出时, 现场听众反应非常热烈, 掌声不断. 而在场的<纽约时报>乐评专栏作家则感到无法忍受LangLang的夸张表演而提前退场. 不同的乐迷对Lang Lang有不同的看法, 很自然.
    • 我不懂钢琴, 但感觉Lang Lang的技巧很好,砸琴时也很有气势.但他的夸张实在是不适合演译感情细腻的作品.
    • DG 对他的宣传是市场行为, 但对LangLang的未来也行是有害的. Lang Lang很有天份, 但他现在需要的是静下心来去理解更多的作品, 找个没人的地方好好研究研究奏鸣曲等室内乐.
      • 很同意。相比之下李云迪要低调多了。我觉得对于这种年级的青年演奏家,还是要继续深造,充实自己,扩展曲目,深入的研究一些重要的repertoire,心不能太浮。我就很欣赏当年的波里尼,现在也是仅存的大师之一了。
        • 李云迪要低调??呵~~国内有人要给他矗立铜像呢,国内一浪高过一浪, 这两人, 火的地方不一样,都很火~~:))
          • 我想上面的老弟是说他弹琴的时侯比较低调.
          • 顺便说一句: 李云迪现正在美进行寻回演出. April 28 要在纽约的林肯中心, 可惜我不能去了.
            • 回国可能还有机会.
          • BTW, I like Yundi better than Lang. I enjoyed his Liszt B Minor Sonata.
      • "找个没人的地方好好研究研究奏鸣曲"???--->可惜现在要找乔治桑很难啊~~~:))
        • 乔治桑可是把萧邦害苦了, Lang Lang 还是找个老头子吧.
    • 这么好的讨论,为什么不可以精华一下?
      • 对, 建议设为精华!
        • up!!好贴岂能跌入深谷!!
          • up!!好贴岂能跌入深谷!!
            • up!!好贴岂能跌入深谷!!