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犹豫不决了半天, 还是给你吧

你这一个接一个的高潮, 我怕你得心脏病啊. :D

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / Sony noise cancelling earphone: $79.99, Dinner for two at Susur Lee, $375.00, COC opera season ticket $136. Musical experience with Bizet, Verdi, Hanel, Bellini, Berg and Wagner, PRICELESS!
    • Dinner at Susur Lee!!! Hey, 迷老, you're just becoming aggressive. ;-) I went there for site inspection just to take a look at but not to actually taste their tasting menu.
      I’m saving the experience until next time when I win a $10 on Super7. ;-)

      Senses Restaurant within Soho Metropolitan Hotel offers excellent tasting menus too.
      • haha
        i was just using it as a comparison to show how cheap opera ticket are.
        • xixi
          I know. ;-)

          I think 王朔 mentioned somewhere that he’s interested in stuff that tastes well. So I took the liberty to 走题. ;-)
          • deserts at Senses are seductive :)
            • This type of seduction is not discouraged. ;-)
              • 又跑题了. :)
                • 没有走题~~你们的风趣给我们提出一个新的课题:中国的堂会如何和幽雅的西方歌剧结合起来, 在品尝美食品中感受精神上的赏心悦目~~一个未来的主题~~
                  • 罗西尼可是这方面的专家, 不光曲作得好, 菜也烧得好, 四十岁以后退休"隐居"巴黎, 创出了不少recipes.
                    • 请老乐迷公布罗西尼的recipes~~这样我们就可以在巴浦洛夫的理论指导下达到在赏心悦目的同时做到心到,耳到,嘴到,味道的"音乐与美味齐飞,乐感 美感一色”的辉煌境界~~在音乐的高潮中达到一个食欲的高潮~~
                      • 犹豫不决了半天, 还是给你吧
                        你这一个接一个的高潮, 我怕你得心脏病啊. :D
                        • I’m afraid that either of you will have to cook these dishes for us. And I believe that by doing this, your romantic spirits will climax with the composer’s music and taste. ;-)
                        • (激动地咽了一下口水)
      • 96.3FM每天都在做卡门的广告,我都心动了,看老迷的帖,toronto应在9月。
        • 一定去!
    • 太古二楼,往民族村走,第三还是第四个店,左手,4张20元,太多看不过来,要花起码一个小时慢慢翻。全是dvd,没有全集。一楼有家卖《指环》全集,$40.DVD, 我笨看不出指挥。George Szell 和George Scolti该不是一个人吧。
      还有我听96.3FM讲,Hamilton and Waterloo也要演Carmen.
      • 都是Sir, 都去世了. 但不是同一年代的. George Szell 更老.
        • As far as I can remember, Szell did not record Wagner's Ring Cycle. He merely did some orchestral music with the Cleveland orchestra, which was issued on Sony Classicals. Classic recordings.
          • 说的对szell确实没有录制过"指环",但是, 他指挥过, 他说过,他还在没有排练的情况下在一周内指挥演出过全套"指环",牛人啊~~
          • 好想录过指环的指挥家不超过六个~~请指正~~
            • 我知道的有: Furtwangler, Solti, Bohm, Karajan, Levine, Boulez, Wolfgang Sawallisch.... 已经超过六个了. 也许你说的是Studio Recording, Solti的是第一个.
              • 不卖一个破绽你是不会回我的贴的~~嘿嘿~再请教:Solti不是studio的第一人,Furtwangler的录音也是studio的, 但是里面有听众,而且是单声道, Janowski, Moralt,Karajan,Swarowsky以及JAmes Levine的也是在sudio??
                • 我印象中Furtwangle的录音是在La Scala的现场录音. 他的Studio录音只有<女武神>一部. Levine也是现场. Karajan及Bohm的应是Studio的, 但我不能肯定, Lifesucks 也许知道.
        • 谢两位。。。找了半天,都没有找到Scolti的,就看到了一张Szell的CSO Historic Telecasts.迷老对CSO也应该比较熟吧?Opera基本上都是大都会的,指挥是James Levine.有张魔笛。希望有机会大家一起去淘。
          • 好, 一言为定!
      • How to get tickets to Wagner Festival's Ring
        • Did you get this from your daughter? What's the DM900?
          • I wish. This is an old guide, which is still valid today. DM900, 900 Deutch Mark. So this was written before 2001, I guess.