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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛登陆加拿大之前已经作好打工和上学的心理准备,没想到一年半之后找到了自己非常喜欢的工作,很想与大家一起分享,希望能互相鼓励和促进。

和大多数朋友一样,登陆后先到ESL补习英语。(英语水平真是不好意思说,SO POOR)半年之后开始了各种WORKSHOP. 先是JOB FINDING CLUB, 紧接着CALL CENTER EMPLOYMENT PREPARATION PROGRAM. 目的是 尽可能多的把自己放到英语环境中强化训练,同时交了一些加拿大朋友。没事就给他们打电话练英语。结束了CALL CENTER PROGRAM 后经历了许多CALL CENTER公司的面试机会, 可想而知结果如何, 因为对我这个新移民来说英语的确还是problem。后来在加拿大朋友的push之下开始在JOB FINDING CLUB作voulunteer. 和找工作的人们切磋和交流面试的经验和教训,又认识了许多新朋友。我的老本行是电话交换机的维护,一直认为没有加国的学历和工作经验在加拿大找相关的工作简直就是做梦。因此开始迷失方向了,我的简历开始focus on the office job such as office assistance etc.尝试了两个月以失败告终。其中一个情节让我难以忘记的是:网上一个职位$8 per hour office position and company only need one当我打电话给manager时,他告诉我手上已经有了50多份简历。在job finding club 我也遇到了大把的加拿大人找类似的工作,公司怎末可能会对移民感兴趣。这时我的加拿大朋友告诉我:根据我的情况,应该focus on any position in the telecommunication ,最好 drop my resume in person. 于是我带的我的简历开始了door to door sale. Then I got lucky. The first door I knocked in the telecommunication is Telus cell phone store. I opened the door and asked the manager there if they are hiring and what’s the qualification. On the 3rd day I dropped my resume then started my sales presentation while the manager was taking a look at my resume. That’s : “I know you’ll worry about my English but I also know there are many students who are from China in the university now. I hope I can use Mandarin and English to make more money for your company. ….
I know there are many people here who speak better english than me, what’s difference between me and other candidates is attitude driven, I’m open-minded, willing to learn everything etc.” Then I got second interview with the head manager. One week later they told me they liked to put me in their team. After one month waiting ( I continue to call them at least once a month) I got started my telecommunication career as Telus sale repsentative in June 6. And I became the first Chinese Telus sales repsentative in London.

我的找工经验告诉我首先是“扬长避短”:利用自己的优势,我的优势是:电信的经验和双语的能力;避免激烈的网上竞争,寻找hidden market, 打cold call 是一种很好的方式, but it depends on individuals. 对我来说 面对面交流是最好不过。然后是勇气 和持之以恒的精神, 通常在山重水尽疑无路, 便是柳暗花明又一村. 多数的中国人 believe education myth.认为加拿大的学历 is everything。在决定上学之前一定要三思。

很高兴和朋友们在这里沟通,非常乐意在此听到你们的经历和想法。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 策略和幸运——请分享我的找工经历
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛登陆加拿大之前已经作好打工和上学的心理准备,没想到一年半之后找到了自己非常喜欢的工作,很想与大家一起分享,希望能互相鼓励和促进。

    和大多数朋友一样,登陆后先到ESL补习英语。(英语水平真是不好意思说,SO POOR)半年之后开始了各种WORKSHOP. 先是JOB FINDING CLUB, 紧接着CALL CENTER EMPLOYMENT PREPARATION PROGRAM. 目的是 尽可能多的把自己放到英语环境中强化训练,同时交了一些加拿大朋友。没事就给他们打电话练英语。结束了CALL CENTER PROGRAM 后经历了许多CALL CENTER公司的面试机会, 可想而知结果如何, 因为对我这个新移民来说英语的确还是problem。后来在加拿大朋友的push之下开始在JOB FINDING CLUB作voulunteer. 和找工作的人们切磋和交流面试的经验和教训,又认识了许多新朋友。我的老本行是电话交换机的维护,一直认为没有加国的学历和工作经验在加拿大找相关的工作简直就是做梦。因此开始迷失方向了,我的简历开始focus on the office job such as office assistance etc.尝试了两个月以失败告终。其中一个情节让我难以忘记的是:网上一个职位$8 per hour office position and company only need one当我打电话给manager时,他告诉我手上已经有了50多份简历。在job finding club 我也遇到了大把的加拿大人找类似的工作,公司怎末可能会对移民感兴趣。这时我的加拿大朋友告诉我:根据我的情况,应该focus on any position in the telecommunication ,最好 drop my resume in person. 于是我带的我的简历开始了door to door sale. Then I got lucky. The first door I knocked in the telecommunication is Telus cell phone store. I opened the door and asked the manager there if they are hiring and what’s the qualification. On the 3rd day I dropped my resume then started my sales presentation while the manager was taking a look at my resume. That’s : “I know you’ll worry about my English but I also know there are many students who are from China in the university now. I hope I can use Mandarin and English to make more money for your company. ….
    I know there are many people here who speak better english than me, what’s difference between me and other candidates is attitude driven, I’m open-minded, willing to learn everything etc.” Then I got second interview with the head manager. One week later they told me they liked to put me in their team. After one month waiting ( I continue to call them at least once a month) I got started my telecommunication career as Telus sale repsentative in June 6. And I became the first Chinese Telus sales repsentative in London.

    我的找工经验告诉我首先是“扬长避短”:利用自己的优势,我的优势是:电信的经验和双语的能力;避免激烈的网上竞争,寻找hidden market, 打cold call 是一种很好的方式, but it depends on individuals. 对我来说 面对面交流是最好不过。然后是勇气 和持之以恒的精神, 通常在山重水尽疑无路, 便是柳暗花明又一村. 多数的中国人 believe education myth.认为加拿大的学历 is everything。在决定上学之前一定要三思。

    很高兴和朋友们在这里沟通,非常乐意在此听到你们的经历和想法。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • .
    • 小弟正打算去买个学位, 听您这么一说又打算缩沙了
    • congradulations! You're so nice to share your precious experience with us!
    • 你那股子干事情的劲头令人欣赏,我要是雇主我也会雇你。我相信你会干的非常出色,特别在走出这第一步之后。祝你好运!
    • 非常精彩,关键是你的人生观做事的原则很对,你这样的金子到哪里都会发光的.恭喜!
    • 电话交换机的维护--我在TORONTO碰到几个移民也有同样背景,一个在大公司做PBX维护,一个在长途电话公司做电话交换机的维护.我不是看不起销售,不过是提供另外一个思路而已.
      • I appreciate so much for your information. I know this position is only good start for my life in Canada. I still have a long way to go. Hope to get more information from you and your friends later.
        • can u tell me what is the CALL CENTER EMPLOYMENT PREPARATION PROGRAM phone #
          • call center employment preparation program is provided by WIL Employment Connections in London.
            call center employment preparation program is provided by WIL Employment Connections in London. Unfortunately it's already been terminated by government in JAN, 2005. But there is another program which's name is Employment Preparation for International Professionals there. That 's a very good one, specially for new Canadian. WIL website: www.wil.ca/
    • 佩服
    • 好!
    • 好样的!
    • Great! 很多经验值得学习。请教一个问题:
      如果面试的人问到一个问题正是你的弱项,你应该回避, 还是强调你的强项可以弥补你的弱项,你可以胜任这项工作。我觉得你是后一种。请说说这样的策略,可以给面试人怎样的影响。THX!
      • this is the only way out, to use your advantage to cover the weaker part of ur skillset
        at least the interviewer will know u put somethought in thinking of it.
        • Thanks for your reply. I am preparing for my interview, so I am thinking any situation interviewers might put me in and how I can deal with it.
    • 很困惑,为什么这么多人叫好?Sales Representative 并不是很难找的工作,大把国人在做
      • 作人NICE点吧,无论什么工作,总是个开始,总会积累一些经验,祝贺人家就是了。
      • 因为叫好的时候,自己高兴,人家也高兴,大家都高兴不好吗?
      • 叫好是因为欣赏他的自信和勇气, 还有和大家分享经验, 对正在找工的人很有启迪. 难道只有找到比所有人的收入都好的工, 或者最难找的工才值得别人叫好么.
        • 一点不错。应该为所有通过自己积极的努力,找到一份工作的人叫好!为什么不尼?
    • 在中国,有一定学历的人,谁会去当营业员,加拿大真是改变人啊
      • 为什么这么刻薄,营业员怎么了。不是很多人还说TTC driver工作好嘛,在中国也没听说过谁想当公车司机。别在分3,6,9 等了。为什么不祝福人家呢?
        • SALES和TTC DRIVER还是很不同的。
          一般TTC DRIVER都收入不错,而且工作稳定,简单,一般这种司机都是union member薪水只会年年胀,而且都有带薪假,各项福利待遇齐全。


          相对TTC DRIVER来说,SALES并不是理想的选择
          • 您还真认真:),偶是想说别拿中国的观念放到这。Anyway,谢谢解释。
            • 不用谢,我也理解楼上的说法是出于什么心理。
      • 环境变了,人当然要变。适者生存。
    • 条条道路通罗马。加拿大的学历并不是万能的,但是对有些人还是可能有用的。自己选择和决定吧
      • 对, 对于sales的工作, 学历真就画蛇添足了.
    • 严重祝贺!但本地学位学历的用处虽然大家都明白,但还不是完全明白。加拿大学历学位对于在加找工来说是绝对的开山斧,助推器。综合我所知道到的,可以说:读书好,越早开始读书越好。可以说磨刀不误砍柴功。几乎是相对的真理。