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Here you go – the official answer from St. John's College, Cambridge:

“Many thanks for your message. The Archivist has asked me to send you the following information:

The Bridge of Sighs when originally constructed was called the New Bridge, but Queen Victoria in her Diary recalling a visit to Cambridge in 1847,(the year her husband Prince Albert was installed as Chancellor of the University) explicitly compares it with the Bridge of Sighs in Venice, hence, we believe, the name. The earliest reference outside the royal diary which we have found is in William Everett, On the Cam (1865): 'the new bridge is poetically called by its owners the Bridge of Sighs'.

Best wishes

Catherine Twilley
Catherine Twilley
Development Officer
St John's College
Tel: 01223 338700
Fax: 01223 338727
Email: Development-Officer@joh.cam.ac.uk www.joh.cam.ac.uk”

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 徐志摩的《再别康桥》:
    • 英国的Cambridge:
    • 叹息桥Bridge of Sighs:
      • 在Cambridge坐落于St. John College内的:
      • 在威尼斯的:
        • 请教这个和你嚷嚷的康桥是什么关系的?谢谢;-)
          • 关系是:Sighs 就一个字。:-)
            • 我是说,为什么剑桥要建一个和威尼斯一样的sighs桥~;-)
              • Both are covered bridges. Not sure whether there're more other reasons. Will investigate when I get more time.
                • 等~
                  • Here you go – the official answer from St. John's College, Cambridge:
                    “Many thanks for your message. The Archivist has asked me to send you the following information:

                    The Bridge of Sighs when originally constructed was called the New Bridge, but Queen Victoria in her Diary recalling a visit to Cambridge in 1847,(the year her husband Prince Albert was installed as Chancellor of the University) explicitly compares it with the Bridge of Sighs in Venice, hence, we believe, the name. The earliest reference outside the royal diary which we have found is in William Everett, On the Cam (1865): 'the new bridge is poetically called by its owners the Bridge of Sighs'.

                    Best wishes

                    Catherine Twilley
                    Catherine Twilley
                    Development Officer
                    St John's College
                    CB2 1TP
                    Tel: 01223 338700
                    Fax: 01223 338727
                    Email: Development-Officer@joh.cam.ac.uk www.joh.cam.ac.uk”
                    • 这个回答好极了.连我们不是提问的人也受益匪浅.代表所有阅读此贴的朋友谢谢您的认真热情周到仔细一丝不苟~
                      • Ha ha… Aren’t you naughty?! If you were not the one who raised the question, then nobody else did. ;-)
    • “寻梦?撑一支长篙,向青草更青处漫溯,。。。”
    • 当我置身于康桥时,对徐志摩的这首“再别康桥”中的意境,无论如何没有身历其境的感觉。可能只有在康桥中生活了几年,故地重游时,才会有同感。康桥现在给我留下的记忆,恰恰是诗中没有提到的Building.
      • 康桥的生活费怎么样,我这样的闲杂人员要是住上几年不知道可行不可行~
        • 没在那里住过,只是“康桥一日游”过,印象中东西不便宜(镑本身就贵),你这样的“闲杂人员要是住上几年”,回来再写个“又别康桥”,喔噻, 我先喝口水。。。
          • 好啊, 明年计划去英国,请我的侄女带我去参观,回来就先喝一口水,然后就写"再别"什么的~~
      • 寻思ing。。。见到King's College的King's Chapel前圈养的奶牛吗?在Clare College的二十世纪风格的英式花园里漫步了么?闻吻过St. John's College内、New Court东部一排排小屋前的玫瑰花墙吗?。。。
        • 我是自己去的,也没有体会到诗里面的意境。不过很喜欢CAMBRIDGE...
    • 与徐志摩的幽怨的诗文风格相比, 我更喜欢梁实秋沉稳、通达、幽默的性格。
      • 徐志摩的幽怨???拜托,多读俩篇徐志摩的.
        • 你说的很好. 她旅英, 留美的时候写的诗文是色彩光鲜的生活真录.
      • 怎么俺觉着您也可能喜欢柏杨、李敖、和王朔。;-)
        • As far as I know, they don't write poems. I rarely have that much of time for novels or long articles. to me, reading some essays is an entertainment. Just as somebody said: life ?????, need relaxing...
          • same here~ old scholastic pedant. ^
        • See, I'm not alone. spend some time after work on arts is really beatiful thing, when you get busy, however, you will have to think how many things you can handle while still feel enjoyable? :-))
        • 您提到的几个人我都喜欢~
          • I know. That's why I mentioned them.
    • 徐志摩的《常州天宁寺闻礼忏声》
      • 谢谢,还是在中学时,在老师家看过,现在重读,又是一番滋味~
    • 轻轻的我走了,  正如我轻轻的来; 这是俺逛BBS常用的签名
      • I googled on BBS. I assume Rolia falls into this category then.
        • yeah, I mean others,not here.