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Gloomy Sunday Lyrics

Sunday is gloomy
My hours are slumberless
Dearest the shadows
I live with are numberless
Little white flowers
Will never awaken you
Not where the black coach
Of sorrow has taken you
Angels have no thought
Of ever returning you
Would they be angry
If I thought of joining you
Gloomy Sunday

Sunday is gloomy
With shadows I spend it all
My heart and I have decided
To end it all
Soon there'll be flowers and prayers
That are said I know
But let them not weep
Let them know
That I'm glad to go
Death is no dream
For in death I'm caressing you
With the last breath of my soul
I'll be blessing you
Gloomy Sunday

I was only dreaming
I wake and I find you asleep
In the deep of my heart dear
Darling I hope
That my dream never haunted you
My heart is telling you
How much I wanted you
Gloomy Sunday
Gloomy Sunday

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 【比较音乐】中文讲说由BILLIE HOLIDAY和PETER NERO分别演绎的《GLOOMY SUNDAY-郁闷的星期天》:
    • 请问PETER NERO版本中肖邦的前奏曲的曲名是什么?
    • 明天听
    • 还是瞎起哄有灵感!听了这个歌,今夜会有一个不眠之夜了。建议胆小的就免了吧。。。
      • 不是吧?俺可是一点GLOOMY都没觉着。只是觉得PETER NERO的演绎十分新颖。
        • 反正我听了这首歌,一点都不放松。。。:)
          • PETER NERO的演绎让俺放松。。。:)
        • 那你试试Billie Holiday的Strange Fruit, 这个有够Gloomy吧
          • 较新的一部片子里有放Strange Fruit。片子讲的是二战时候在英国,一个黑人美国大兵和一个当地白人女士(她丈夫也去打仗了?)相爱,一次两人约会时黑人美国大兵给众人捉住,军方以强奸罪将其处死。这部片名儿叫什么来着?
            • 不知道, 没看过. 不过Strange Fruit是讲lynch的, 看过一些有关事件的资料照片和文字, 真是很恐怖. Billie Holiday说唱了这首歌对自己心理都有影响.
              • 不得不提的是, 每当holiday唱这支歌的时候, 她会想起她的父亲被白人的lynching致死的悲惨,歌声里融入了歌手的真实感情~
                • I found the song "Where did you sleep last night," but it is by Niravan, not by Damien Rice---I guess I was cheated by mislabled pirated CDs. Will email it to you.
          • 歌手的经历决定了她(这支歌)的成功~在她的那个时代ella, sarah (Vaughan,不是brightman)要名气大的多~
    • Gloomy Sunday英文介绍:
    • Sarah Brightman的版本:
      • 不喜欢Sarah Brightman的演绎。没骨头、没份量、轻飘飘的、不痛不痒。
        • 估计楼上的是属狗的~
    • 歌词:
      Gloomy Sunday Lyrics

      Sunday is gloomy
      My hours are slumberless
      Dearest the shadows
      I live with are numberless
      Little white flowers
      Will never awaken you
      Not where the black coach
      Of sorrow has taken you
      Angels have no thought
      Of ever returning you
      Would they be angry
      If I thought of joining you
      Gloomy Sunday

      Sunday is gloomy
      With shadows I spend it all
      My heart and I have decided
      To end it all
      Soon there'll be flowers and prayers
      That are said I know
      But let them not weep
      Let them know
      That I'm glad to go
      Death is no dream
      For in death I'm caressing you
      With the last breath of my soul
      I'll be blessing you
      Gloomy Sunday

      I was only dreaming
      I wake and I find you asleep
      In the deep of my heart dear
      Darling I hope
      That my dream never haunted you
      My heart is telling you
      How much I wanted you
      Gloomy Sunday
      Gloomy Sunday
    • 据说很多人听了自杀。。。这首歌用了些比较那什么的元素,但是我想那些自杀的人是不管听不听都可能会自杀的。这首歌有催化剂作用。。。其实自杀的那些人都是听音乐很仔细很投入的才会中招。可惜了爱乐者
      • 诱导自杀,后果这么严重?
        • #2431134, #2432310
    • 老迷,此帖 #2430038 有解了,您可以做以上 #2432270 里的讲解人状,把您和他人library里的搜集与大家共享。这样,pipibug的电台也可以大派用场了。;-)
    • 月黑风高之夜,听这样的歌真是恐怖。最后还是The other side of the sun让人有了睡意。。。
      • janis ian说是rock的,但是很受billie holiday的影响~
    • 听不到这个曲子,能否重贴一下?
      • http://www.panda123.cn/Panda123/html/zt603.ram
        • 这个连接连不上,有没有其它的?
          • I doubt that I’ll be able to find other links for this particular version, which presented two styles. However, try here for individual versions:
            • Thanks! I'm listening now...
    • 警告:这曲子万万不能听!听后极不舒服,感觉精神有点错乱。
      • Hmm, 看来是真的。
      • 我早就警告过。。。#2432304, #2432577
      • 我只连上前面5秒,听着就非常不舒服,不敢再听了,呵呵,这作曲家真有本事!
      • Ha ha… You guys are making me feel that I’m from a different planet. 王朔, maybe you’re too. ;-)
        • 听了5秒,这半个小时了还晕乎乎的。你听了啥感觉?
          • Last night's feel was #2432310. ;-)
            • 每个人感觉不一样。我刚听了Sarah Brightman的版本没啥感觉,可是听了这个版本数遍后立即感觉不对劲----->
            • 马甲多了记不住了。hiahiahiahiahia
          • 到现在还没缓过气来。X38,你能不能唱个轻松欢快的歌曲,如奸夫的爱之类的,冲散一下?
            • 不要,我要唱朱哲琴跳大神儿的歌。:-)
        • 俺现在双眼通红,昨天夜不能寐。。。
    • 在听朋友传过来的 Hernadi Judit版本的 :(,郁闷 鼻酸ing