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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


usually, an agent wants to make a big money from you. For a new comer/or non-Sr guys, the agent doesn't want to wast of the time to do. If you find out a job from an agent,

this agent can only get money from the company after you have worked with this company more than 6 months, or more. So, ...... This is only one of reasons. Sometimes, the agent never tell you about this, may be he/she will give you other reason after he/she thinks you are not too much strong. So, I think if you are a new comer, you had better find out a job from a company directly.

On other hand, if the company doesn't has too much money, then never to find out an agent to help them........

Be careful, I said, it's usually, not absolutely.
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 2005年9月版新移民,得offer的一点体会,敲的比较快,会有点错别字,见谅。--语言和运气
    • 这个是续集
      • 多谢您的分享,这个对我有很大鼓励。我投简历100多份还没有一个电话,比较沮丧中。
        • 那说明你的简历有问题,找一些在工作的业内人士帮忙看看吧。
      • 大哥,他们面试都问什么句子?你怎么回答。我急用。
    • Congratulations, Eric! Don't forget to help new comer in the future. Jay.
    • 请问,你是从哪里看到有Job Fair的?
      • workopolis上的一个公司招聘,正好是直接面试,所以就去了,所以说也是运气。每个人老天都会给几次运气票的。
      • There is a company is hiring people now. BLUECAT NETWORKS, http://www.bluecatnetworks.com/
        • Manager name is: Sheraton Parkway
        • 谢谢!我是找J2EE的,该公司好像是NetWork的,不知道具体要求什么?
          • They are looking for Java Developer now.
    • 非常感谢你,你的经历对像我们这样的,后来登陆的新移民非常有用处,问一下雇主面试时考的最多或者问的最多是那些技术问题啊(我也是要找J2EE Developer方面的工作)
      • 如果senior方面的,主要是OO设计方面的多,想各种内部类和静态类一定要能说出个所以然,一定要花时间把这些东西先写出来。切记!J2EE方面的考的很浅,什么Struts的几个重要的部分了,各个部分如何工作的,EJB的设计模式,知道哪几个
        • 太感谢你了,以后找工作中有些问题还要多问问你啊。
          • 好啊,大家在外面,应该尽量互相帮助的。:)
        • 不错啊.考你一下:既然Spring已经有build-in web framework,为什么还要用Struts?
          • 既然Spring已经有build-in web framework,当然可以不用struts. However, Spring MVC no good, struts no good neither, I would choose webwork for my mvc framework.
            • 我还想听到是:很简单,因为Struts比较成熟,IDE support的也全,会Struts的人比较多. Whatever we do, should finally be driven by business needs.
          • 个人认为,实际上这两年技术的发展实际上越来越接近人的常规思维,即现实模型<->实现模型的映射。早先的汇编应该是很麻烦的

            这个都是我自己瞎想的一些东西,主要参考了Genarld. M. Wenberg的系统设计的一般原理中的内容。如果这样和interviewer说,肯定死定,估计大多数人会认为你胡说八道。所以答案还是要找标准答案。
            • 很有意思啊比我强多了.能悟到这层应该做了不少,也读了不少了.可惜我现在不做CODING了.至于面试,我觉得还得说这些.人家不爱听,这工作也没傻干头,对吧?PAPER TEST?自己做去吧.
              • 呵呵,中学的时候就听赵传唱:生存和生命的尊严哪个更重要。
                • 做自己喜欢的才能做得好吧.只要你喜欢就一定能做好,只要做好了,就一定有饭吃.就是能不能坚持的问题.
                  • 做好了,没有市场,照样没饭吃.
                    • 是啊,再发展估计是1年后的计划了。毕竟新环境要熟悉熟悉的。现在实际上还是有种飘忽不定感。
    • Congratulation!

    • 写得很好,推荐大家都看看。英文的确很关键,不需要能像当地人那样,但是至少能够听懂别人的话,你说的别人也能听懂。也再次验证了某人以前说过的,如果有很多agent找你了,说明你离成功已经很近很近。
    • 你是把简历放在网上,然后中介就来找你?还是你直接找过中介?还是你在网上投了简历给某些招聘?
      • 他们找我的多,我自己投的什么CNCgloble,eagle,CGI,workbrain。。。根本不理我。
        • usually, an agent wants to make a big money from you. For a new comer/or non-Sr guys, the agent doesn't want to wast of the time to do. If you find out a job from an agent,
          this agent can only get money from the company after you have worked with this company more than 6 months, or more. So, ...... This is only one of reasons. Sometimes, the agent never tell you about this, may be he/she will give you other reason after he/she thinks you are not too much strong. So, I think if you are a new comer, you had better find out a job from a company directly.

          On other hand, if the company doesn't has too much money, then never to find out an agent to help them........

          Be careful, I said, it's usually, not absolutely.
        • 谢谢!也就是说,你把简历放在网上,然后中介就找你了?就是在worlpolis?
          • as to me, more chances from workopolis.about 10:2
            • thx!
    • 你们夫妇能够以谦逊和尊重互相用英语交谈,实为不易,找到工作也是指日可待。我朋友也曾这样试过,一方一开口另外一方就开始纠正对方的语音错误,用词不当,语法病症等等,还在其他朋友中模仿,嘲笑,最后双方发誓再也不互说英文了。
      • 我觉得大家目标首先必须明确和统一,就是把首先能把想表达的尽量表达出来,语言的首要目的不就是这个吗?要真正提高,还得得慢慢来。
    • 一个私人问题。Why you could NOT provide reference? 是跟以前的经理闹反了,还是其他原因?
      • HR的人说中国的reference他不需要。我和我以前的老板和经理,包括同事最后关系都很好。
    • I do know some Chinese people speaking English at home, and it helps a lot. However, no wonder how bad my English is, I really can't talk in English at home. It's so embarrassing.
      • embarrassing at home? then how it feels while out?
        • I won't say never, since some time ago I should be embarrassed speaking English outside, but at that time I felt embarrassed on lots of things.
          To speak English at home will make my family life way less fun, and my life is borning enough in Canada.

          On the other hand, I would say it proudly that I haven't failed any telephone interview in Canada unless it doesn't match my background at all (god knows why they want to interview me). However, I haven't met any Chinese in Canada who agree with my approach to improve English :)
      • I think maybe after we have outside english environment,we will speak English at home. :)
        • Speak Chinese at Home.