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支持换人的,请重温一下 Stephen Harper 向美国人表忠心,并谴责自由党的文章

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Canadians Stand With You

By Stephen Harper and Stockwell Day

28 March 2003

The Wall Street Journal

Today, the world is at war. A coalition of countries under the leadership of
the U.K. and the U.S. is leading a military intervention to disarm Saddam
Hussein. Yet Prime Minister Jean Chretien has left Canada outside this
multilateral coalition of nations.

This is a serious mistake. For the first time in history, the Canadian
government has not stood beside its key British and American allies in their
time of need. The Canadian Alliance -- the official opposition in
parliament -- supports the American and British position because we share
their concerns and their worries about the future if Iraq is left
unattended; and we share their fundamental vision of civilization and human

Disarming Iraq is necessary for the long-term security of the world, and for
the collective interests of our key historic allies. It is, therefore, also
manifestly in the national interest of Canada. Make no mistake, as our
allies work to end the reign of Saddam and the brutality and aggression that
are the foundations of his regime, Canada's largest opposition party the
Canadian Alliance will not be neutral. In our hearts and minds, we will be
with our allies and friends. And Canadians will be overwhelmingly with us.

But we will not be with the Canadian government.

Modern Canada was forged in large part by war not because it was easy, but
because it was right. In the great wars of the last century against
authoritarianism, fascism, and communism Canada did not merely stand with
the Americans. More often than not we led the way. We did so for freedom,
for democracy, for civilization itself. These values continue to be embodied
in our allies and their leaders, and scorned by the forces of evil,
including Saddam Hussein and the perpetrators of the attacks of Sept. 11,
2001. That is why we will stand and I believe most Canadians will stand with
us for these higher values which shaped our past, and which we will need in
an uncertain future.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 选举了选举了! 这次联邦选举大家会不会选一个和上次选的不同的党? 从哪个换成哪个? 为什么?
    • 这次该保守党了。自由党坑定不行了,连任了四届,自以为这把交椅就是天经地义自由党了,于是腐败贪污丑闻不断。上一次大家还认真地比较一下两党platforms之间的区别。这次眼睛一闭就选了。换人
      • 刚才看CBC,上面有个人对这四个党的第一天的口号总结如下:Con, "Change!"; Lib, "Jobs"; Bloc, "Scandal"; NDP, "People".个个都能吹
    • 中国人民,当然是共产党了。
    • 我更加赞同柿油党的立场和观点,坚决不投NDP。
      • 我更加赞同柿油党的立场和观点,但是他们累了,糊涂了,要休息,要冷静一下头脑。
        • 而且做了坏事总要受点惩罚吧...
          • 也不能算惩罚. 当当在野党也是一个挺好的体验.
            • 那是你的想法,Martin 可不想
              • 哪位把这段古文译了给Martin读读: "天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨..." :)
                • 别翻了,这次Harper和Martin谁输了谁就洗洗睡了。
                  • 唉,不管是谁洗洗睡了,都比咱活得自在啊
                    • Happiness和金钱没有直接的关系,只要钱够用了剩下的就是心态了。Happiness is yelling "Bingo". haha
    • 选谁无所谓,重在搀和
    • 我准备选个华人,哪党有华人候选人?
      • 支持,这种议会制度,选自己喜欢的候选人比选政党重要,比如说尽管不喜欢NDP,但华人应该支持Oilvia Chow.支持华人参政,除非你的选区所有候选人没有明显区别,才会考虑政党因素.
        • 支持华人参政, 不等于要投华人候选人的票. 政纲以及操行纪录才是最重要的.
          • totally agree.
          • 我没说支持华人参政就是个华人就选啊,如果将来有个FLG参选(非常有可能),选他当了议员,天天穿着"法轮大法好"的衬衫在议会上练功,岂不把华人的脸都丢尽了...
            • FLG是反华的,怎么还是华人呢?你转糊涂了吧?
              • haha, you r clever.
        • 支持华人参政不等于见个华人就选。Oilvia Chow即使上了台,也不见得替华人说话,她只替穷人说话。
        • Only one? 各党都有华人候选人才好选.// 什么时候候选人也能来ROLIA上拉票,直面上万网众呀,费用肯定比坐飞机/BUS到处跑低多了. 咱们ROLIA可以出翻译,比如表妹.
        • 华人就该支持华人,你不知道上次是谁背后高调她的吧?
          • 谁?她老公?如果是大陆来的这一代说不定可以看看是不是该支持,修铁路的后代已经不怎么算中国人了
            • 唉!我打错字了,我想说的是“谁搞掉的”。
              • 谁干的?肯定不是我,哈哈
                • 著名侨领伍卓生啦!也算不上背后下黑手。
                  • 这个五先生是啥人?怎么把Chow(这个名字不好,象狗食的商标,不信自己到Walmart看)给黑了?俺在农村孤陋寡闻的说。不过Ottawa少这么个人应该不是坏事。
        • 好不容易支持你一把!
        • 强烈支持,华人议员多,华人投票率高,才能显示出华人政治力量强大,华人的利益才能受到重视。
      • 政党和种族是完全两回事. 如果哪个国家把这两个联系起来了, 那这个国家肯定出问题.
        • 美国、英国、加拿大等西方国家,历史上有没有选出过一个黑人或华裔总统来?南非黑人做了总统不是被认为是一个惊天动地的事吗?
          • 这哪跟哪呀. 你见到哪个西方国家把种族和政党绑在一起? 你见到哪个西方国家规定非白人不能从政? 加拿大总督美国国务卿国防部长还是黑人呢. 南非当时轰动世界, 恰恰是因为取消了把种族和政党绑在一起的制度.
            • 大马是民主国家吧?它对华人及其它非马来裔人从政有很严格的限制。华人连在马来西亚入大学都有限制。
              • 很好的问题! "民主国家"不是一个象布尔变量的概念只有true/false. 民主化是一个程度化的概念: 有学者就将当今世界各国的民主化程度分成六个不同等级. 相对而言, 西方各国在民主化程度上发展得最好, 但也仍然在继续发展之中.

                大马虽然比中国民主, 但显然不是一个高度民主的国家, 还有很长的路要走.
              • 让俺想到被不少中国爱国精英所推崇的李光耀的‘亚洲特色”
                • 那是新加坡, 和大马又有不同.
                  • 以前就是一个国家
              • 大马是算不上民主国家的。想想几年前安华的案子,一个副首相就那样被诬为同性恋,出庭是脸上被打的伤还没好。跟中国都有一拼。
        • 到那步太远了.眼前"谁对移民好就选谁". 可什么是对移民好? 移民要什么? "搞好经济把新移民从LAYOFF的第一线退下来","加快父母移民让我的税花在我爸身上","按考分分配工作","移民紧急援助基金",?. 我们要先定位自己.
    • 支持换人的,请重温一下 Stephen Harper 向美国人表忠心,并谴责自由党的文章
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Canadians Stand With You

      By Stephen Harper and Stockwell Day

      28 March 2003

      The Wall Street Journal

      Today, the world is at war. A coalition of countries under the leadership of
      the U.K. and the U.S. is leading a military intervention to disarm Saddam
      Hussein. Yet Prime Minister Jean Chretien has left Canada outside this
      multilateral coalition of nations.

      This is a serious mistake. For the first time in history, the Canadian
      government has not stood beside its key British and American allies in their
      time of need. The Canadian Alliance -- the official opposition in
      parliament -- supports the American and British position because we share
      their concerns and their worries about the future if Iraq is left
      unattended; and we share their fundamental vision of civilization and human

      Disarming Iraq is necessary for the long-term security of the world, and for
      the collective interests of our key historic allies. It is, therefore, also
      manifestly in the national interest of Canada. Make no mistake, as our
      allies work to end the reign of Saddam and the brutality and aggression that
      are the foundations of his regime, Canada's largest opposition party the
      Canadian Alliance will not be neutral. In our hearts and minds, we will be
      with our allies and friends. And Canadians will be overwhelmingly with us.

      But we will not be with the Canadian government.

      Modern Canada was forged in large part by war not because it was easy, but
      because it was right. In the great wars of the last century against
      authoritarianism, fascism, and communism Canada did not merely stand with
      the Americans. More often than not we led the way. We did so for freedom,
      for democracy, for civilization itself. These values continue to be embodied
      in our allies and their leaders, and scorned by the forces of evil,
      including Saddam Hussein and the perpetrators of the attacks of Sept. 11,
      2001. That is why we will stand and I believe most Canadians will stand with
      us for these higher values which shaped our past, and which we will need in
      an uncertain future.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 千万不能让哈怕上台啊,以后就出兵伊拉克,帮美国付军费,然后本地恐怖分子来个鱼死缸破,多伦多危险大了。
      • 么的关系。小不时马上就下去了,稀拉痢上台,不主战。
        • 马上?
      • 换个人也不一定是世界末日。不好再换回来就是了。
      • 不住多伦多的应该没事
    • 我一贯的做法是,市级选举投NDP,省级选举投PC,联邦选举投LIB。保守党组成联邦政府?NEVER!
      • 大下巴马如泥可是保守党地。酒。克拉克也是。怎么说成是NEVER
        • 没见我那是在呼吁你别投保守党麻。既然都说起马罗尼了,你难道忘了他在台上是如何腐败的?说老实话这些右派政党都让我厌恶。NDP又太左,还是食油党稳当些,不过吓他一吓还是有必要的。
          • 现在是缺乏领袖人才。歪嘴当年还是相当有魄力的。现在是黄鼠狼下豆鼠-一茬不如一茬啊。
    • 要是哪位坛友能百忙之中抽点时间参选,俺一定鼎力支持。事关大家的福利,请您千万不要推辞。
    • 永远支持保守党.
      • 永远支持保守党他爹,小布什, 哈伯只是一条狗
    • why some postings disappeared??