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Why don't you take a break, if you think this is a rumor? I do not think it is a rumor and I absolutely believe it is possible. Why do you so enthusiastically join our discussion ,

even if you do not understand at all what we are talking about from the first moment?

Is it that some of our discussions disclose some truth in someone's life?

You do not need to answer all the questions that I have given to you, because I believe you have common sense.

Again, thanks for your reply, and please do not write to me any more,because you do not understand what we are talking about. I am sorry to say so. Again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

And this is the last reply I give to you, and welcome you to other discussions beyond this topic.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 为什么总有一些中国人怕别人丢了他/她的脸呢?我从来就不担心哪个中国人会丢了我的脸.所以有需要的同胞尽管去FOODBANK领食物,并不是所有中国人都怕你们丢了他们的脸..
    • 从小集体主义教育的结果。
    • "有需要的同胞尽管去FOODBANK". Yes, I agree with you on this point, because that is the job of the government who should help people in need, but the point is
      that 有需要的同胞 should go there by themsevles instead of sending their grey-haired old parents on their own behalf.
    • I wonder how the people feel by seeing their old grey-haired parents standing in the cold weather for food banks. I will never and ever do that to my own parents. Our parents deserve much better than that.
      • How did you know people sending their parents to food bank? I never saw or heard such things before.
        • I have never been to any food banks, so that I have never seen that with my own eyes. My post is based on the previous discussions in which someone else saw with his/her eyes.
          What do you think of those old grey-haired Chinese speaking Mandarin?

          Do you think they can come to Canada without the sponsorship of their children? And if their children can sponsor them to Canada, why should they go for food banks? I think we all may have some common logic sense, don't you think so?

          Thanks for discussion with me on this topic. No more comments. True or false, I am pretty much sure that we all know.
          • Why don't you take a break if you only heard it as rumor
            • Why don't you take a break, if you think this is a rumor? I do not think it is a rumor and I absolutely believe it is possible. Why do you so enthusiastically join our discussion ,
              even if you do not understand at all what we are talking about from the first moment?

              Is it that some of our discussions disclose some truth in someone's life?

              You do not need to answer all the questions that I have given to you, because I believe you have common sense.

              Again, thanks for your reply, and please do not write to me any more,because you do not understand what we are talking about. I am sorry to say so. Again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

              And this is the last reply I give to you, and welcome you to other discussions beyond this topic.
              • The reason is that I really feel disgusted on your personality. Hate people make a judgement simply on a rumor.
        • And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
          • 多谢,and you too.
    • 丢人显眼, 还有脸发帖子!!!!!!!
      • 这有什么可丢人,谁又能保证没有困难的时候?不要站住说话不腰疼,BS你这种为富不仁的心态
        • 长点志气, 要想被人看的起,首先自己要有志气,你又不缺胳膊腿,为什么去FOOD BANKS ???
          • 无家可归的人大部分都是不缺胳膊少腿,你知道为什么政府还要资助他们?因为很多这种人都是心理不健全,需要他人帮助
    • 不知道那些去领食物的同胞有没有吃“嗟来之食”的感觉。我不相信他们是非要靠这点食物来救命的。我也不相信那些工作人员看到这么多的中国人来领食时还能从心里敬佩我们的国人。国格啊!
      • 怎么都上升到“国”格啦??他们难道是以中国人的身分去那里的??
        • 当然是国格了,身在异乡,你的一举一动都代表着你的国家。如果外国人要笑话你,不会只是说XXX,而是说那个中国人XXX。我也相信这些去领食物的人,一大部分都是为了贪小便宜。
          • 且不谈领食物是不为贪便宜,先看看你的思路:作为移民,你的国家到底是那个?这个对新移民,说得好听点是个模糊概念(对老移民很明确这里就是你的国家)。还有,谁是“外国人”?不会是你自己吧?你以为还是站在中国的土地上说话?
    • 也许有些人是占小便宜(至于让老人去,那是他们家的私事,管那多干哈?),但对那些真有需求的人和家庭,我们要同情。他们可能有各种原因,暂时无法用自己的手脚去挣钱。不该笑话。他们最需要的很可能不是食物,而是工作和自信心。
      • 不要指责去FOODBANK 领食物的人。不管是真需要。还是贪便宜。贪便宜的,家里生活也不见得好,没瘌痢谁愿意戴帽子。
    • all the chinese here are not qualified to get food from foodbank even they do not have income.
      • care to let us know why, chief?
      • Are you joking or what?