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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


I am with the Liberal, not because I cannot be with other parties. The point is that compared with other parties, the Liberal is still slightly better in my eyes.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛If other parties are over the Liberal in terms of morality, I will change my standpoint,
but at this point, no one stands out as the Liberal, so I am still with it.

The Liberal has a long honourable history in building up Cananda into today's free, democratic and modern status.

The current universal medical care system was first promoted by the former Liberal premier Makenzee.

Liberal Pierr Trudeau launched the Multiculturalism Act to protect minority identities and cultures so that some public schools have Chinese or other minority language lessons for students whose first languages aren't English or French.

And it is because of the policy of the Liberal that the Canadian immigration policy becomes colour blind, which means we Chinese can immigrate to this country without head taxes, and we will not be prejudiced in immigration process just because we are Chinese.

All the above have been achieved by the Liberal. At least any other parties in Canada have never achieved the same level of positive outcome. So I am with the Liberal.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 向所有的Rolian大虾们建议,由于自由党的领导侮辱在加拿大的华人,加拿大华人们应该联合起来不投自由党任何一票,并且要以牙还牙,以漫画的形式去侮辱自由党。。。
    • 很多人还是自由党的扇子的。被比做狗估计也不会觉得什么,没准还觉得是荣誉呢。
      • 那你说投谁呀? 保守党去年也有只议员说移民都是垃圾, 现在只有NDP没这话, 我是坚决不投NDP的
        • 保守党那个人后来出来道歉了。这个自由党的人风骨很硬啊。只是把网站关了,死不道歉。再加上上次自由党一上台就违反自己的诺言,最近出来的这么多经济丑闻。自由党这次是肯定不选了。另2个还是保守党似乎好些。
      • 我把他们比作野驴,比作蠢猪,我把他们放到猪圈里。。
    • CHOW=在加拿大的华人?如果这样的话,Paul Martin可以说,谁感骂我谁就是得罪了所有加拿大白人,大家白人都不要投他的票。
      • Good point. A reminder. The key is not that Chow is a Chinese, but first and most, Chow is the WIFE of Jack Laydon, the president of the NDP.
      • 他如果骂chow是狗, 当然并不是骂华人. 但如果骂的是她中国狗, 你怎么想?
        • Still I don't think he is cursing all Chinese. I think he is only cursing the wife of Jack Layton, no matter whether she is Chinese or European. Unfortunately, Chow happens to be a Chinese.
        • If the wife of Jack Layton happens to be a Vietnamese, he will call her as a Vietnamese dog. I think I have made a point, and the end of this conversation.
        • “中国狗”?原话都没看过? 人家一说到到狗你就条件反射地想到骂得是你,或许你有这习惯,但别可把这屎盘子往全体华人身上扣嘛
          • olivia 姓是chow,这本身没有错。然而那个自由党领导知道chow在中文是什么意思,那是中国的狗。把oilivia的头像和中国的狗放在一起,就是:Olivia是一只中国的狗,而不是中国的人,而把中国人当成中国的狗,还不是对中国人的侮辱吗?
            还有什么比这样的侮辱更加下流卑鄙的?所以,完全可以确定,那个自由党领导把一个中国人看作一只中国的狗。如果你认为这还不够侮辱,你还有一点Common Sense吗?
            • chow chow是狗的品种,chow在汉文是"中国的狗"?你在哪学的汉文?关于“污辱”,那是您的习惯性条件反射,巴浦洛夫已经解释过了.
              • 那不是中国的狗又是什么?那是中国的猫?中国的驴?还是中国的猴?
                • 你从chowchow联想到中国狗,又从"中国狗"联想到“加拿大的华人”,又从此得出“要以牙还牙”,我说的是: 那是您那习惯性的条件反射,跟巴浦洛夫的狗听到铃声就以为有食物一样
                  • 巴普罗夫到底是你的什么人?你的老祖宗?你的爷爷?你的叔叔?你的父母?如果确实是你的老祖宗,你的爷爷,你的叔叔,你的父母,我服了,把你的老祖宗都搬出来了。。
                    • 看#2684297,就此打住,OK? cheer up
            • OK, we keep our own points. You as a Chinese have the right to feel offended, and I as a Chinese have the same right to feel NOT offended.
              • 谁是巴普罗夫我不关心,他所说的话我也不在乎。我只知道我自己的感觉,我自己的感受,还有你的论点,你的辩论。
                • I respect you for whatever you feel, but I wish you speak for yourself, not for all Chinese in Canada. Thanks.
                  • 对不起,跟错了
                    • That's OK. :)
                • “自己的感觉,我自己的感受”,终于把你教懂了那keep it to yourself就可以啦,所以没必要把全体中国人贴上去,
                  • 那是我的感觉,那是我的建议,你可以拒绝我的建议,那是你的权利,我如何敢强迫你?我是中国人,我说的是一个中国人的感觉,我认为我受侮辱,我就说出来,因为我是中国人。。
                    • 算了,不玩你了,看来你也是个善良的同志. 只是奉劝阁下一句: 咱海外华人活得不卑不亢,没必要把别人的玩笑话那么当真,上纲上线否则只能显示心里的自卑, 何况那人也resign了
              • 嗯, 好象有的人对被比喻成或当作狗阿猪阿的已习以为常了。
    • 自由党根本就是利用少数族裔, 看看自由党那位花瓶华人部长陈某某, 一到选举就 一把鼻涕一把泪的拉票, 白人看了都哈哈大笑。自由党的政策里没有尊重两个字, 全是利用。
      • This is only the problem with the Liberal? How do you know the NDP and the Conservative don't use voters? Politicians are people who use others to get what they want,
        and politics is a business to use others to reach its own goal.
        • 很遗憾, 不能同意你的观点。你不能把靠想像说话。你的主子就是靠每次选举时恐 吓选民上台的。(俺很差, 他们就更差了)。 这次可能不灵光了。
          • I am with the Liberal, but this time I will not vote for any party, because I don't want to encourage the corruption.
          • By "I am with the Liberal", I mean some policies of the Liberal are more attractive to me than those of other parties, but I am disgusted by the Liberal corruption as well.
          • I don't negate a party or a person by just some mistakes they make, so I am still with the Liberal for whatever it has done to Canada and to make Canada Canada.
            • 所以自由党赞助丑闻也是一个小小的个人或政党的一个小小的错误,你也不在乎,仍然站在自由党一边。为什么?因为你是自由党人,自由党从赞助丑闻中获利,所以你当然也获利,你当然要为自由党说话。
              • I am with the Liberal, not because I cannot be with other parties. The point is that compared with other parties, the Liberal is still slightly better in my eyes.
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛If other parties are over the Liberal in terms of morality, I will change my standpoint,
                but at this point, no one stands out as the Liberal, so I am still with it.

                The Liberal has a long honourable history in building up Cananda into today's free, democratic and modern status.

                The current universal medical care system was first promoted by the former Liberal premier Makenzee.

                Liberal Pierr Trudeau launched the Multiculturalism Act to protect minority identities and cultures so that some public schools have Chinese or other minority language lessons for students whose first languages aren't English or French.

                And it is because of the policy of the Liberal that the Canadian immigration policy becomes colour blind, which means we Chinese can immigrate to this country without head taxes, and we will not be prejudiced in immigration process just because we are Chinese.

                All the above have been achieved by the Liberal. At least any other parties in Canada have never achieved the same level of positive outcome. So I am with the Liberal.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 自由党人不站在自由党一边还站在谁一边?
                • 自由党人不站在自由党一边还站在谁一边? Are you sure? Do you remember that the Conservative member Balinda Stronock crossed the floor and changed herself to a Liberal member? Anything and anyone can change, you know.
      • 天下乌鸦一般黑。
    • 巴浦洛夫的实验品当听到铃声就很兴奋,而你一听到别人提到狗就以为是骂你,两者性质一样,你自己有这爱好也罢了,但没必要把华人给贴上去阿.
      • 看来你是没有一点Common Sense了。我没有说错。
        • 天资差不要紧,后天补救就是,上面教了你一下,楼上学去.
          • 谁是巴普罗夫我不关心,他所说的话我也不在乎。我只知道我自己的感觉,我自己的感受,还有你的论点,你的辩论。