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Raymond Chan Liberal
Michael Chong Conservative
Inky Mark Conservative
Meili Faille Bloc Quebecois


Partial List of Federal Candidates of Chinese Descent (2006 Election)

Bloc Quebecois

May Chiu Quebec
Meili Faille Quebec

Conservative Party

Michael Chong Ontario
Joe Li Ontario
Inky Mark Manitoba
Kanman Wong British Columbia

Liberal Party

Raymond Chan British Columbia
Soeung Tang Quebec
Dobie To Alberta
Simon Yu British Columbia

New Democratic Party

Pam Boyd Yukon
John Chan Alberta
Olivia Chow Ontario
Mary-Woo Sims British Columbia
Helen Yum Saskatchewan

3. 希望自由党获胜,因为他的纲领方针与我自己的政治理念最接近.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 我对这次大选的3个期望.(按重要性排列)..

    Raymond Chan Liberal
    Michael Chong Conservative
    Inky Mark Conservative
    Meili Faille Bloc Quebecois


    Partial List of Federal Candidates of Chinese Descent (2006 Election)

    Bloc Quebecois

    May Chiu Quebec
    Meili Faille Quebec

    Conservative Party

    Michael Chong Ontario
    Joe Li Ontario
    Inky Mark Manitoba
    Kanman Wong British Columbia

    Liberal Party

    Raymond Chan British Columbia
    Soeung Tang Quebec
    Dobie To Alberta
    Simon Yu British Columbia

    New Democratic Party

    Pam Boyd Yukon
    John Chan Alberta
    Olivia Chow Ontario
    Mary-Woo Sims British Columbia
    Helen Yum Saskatchewan

    3. 希望自由党获胜,因为他的纲领方针与我自己的政治理念最接近.
    • 我的顺序, 第一减税, 第二减税, 第三减税!!
      • 对, 减税,然后,政府动脑筋赚些钱。//请问减税是哪个党?
        • 羊毛出在羊身上,common sense. 大实话,赞帅哥一把。
          • 啊?那帅哥好像是指我,那个赞好像不是真的赞呢。美女,政府可以开个建筑公司,把10/%房屋包下来,这样,本来这些钱进承包商一个人腰包,现在就进政府腰包了。
            • 人赞你,你还怀疑咱的真心实意,你又不是新警察,理应知道我跟你同一战壕啦,如今这些哥儿们,一沾上[帅]字儿就不容易搞定了,嘿嘿,人生难啊。(BTW,不是美女,怎么着,俺偏还是要回你这个贴。)
              • 嘿嘿嘿,你不是美女就没人是美女了。
      • 俺的顺序:第一懂国内经济,第二主张温和外交,第三支持华人参政。
      • 减税?那帮人马上就会cut服务。交多少税都不要紧,关键在于是否正确有效使用。
        • 如果所以党都cut服务,那我们成立个党,#2697443,最大卖点就是赚那10%直至50%的市场,然后支持政府开支,减税。
        • 让它CUT好了! 我自己的钱, 知道怎么花
        • 自由党在台上13年,没减税,也不是尽CUT服务了?税高等于服务多而好。这里搞IT的大虾多,枪支注册需要20亿吗?中国送人进入轨道,也不过花了这么多钱。这是服务吗?但这确实是从税款理出的。
          • 枪支注册费用为什么要问IT大虾,这是怎么个逻辑?
            • 哦,因为现在注册枪支不再使用纸笔了,注册系统都用邪教计算机的东西。所以整个枪支注册系统的基础是被称为大数据库之类的东西。所以IT大虾们比较了解需要花多少钱。
              • 他妈的, 花那么多钱那么多时间,居然还不能用, 还不知要花多少钱在这上面. 这个项目上不知养肥了多少人.
              • 多弄几个大数据库的计划,挨踢的春天就来了。
      • 支持
    • 农民
      • 理解万岁呀!
    • 老实说,自由党确实比较多说的是我想听的。问题是1,他们只在大选时这么说;2,他们极少做他们说的。GST,安生医疗税,强制注册,例子太多了,他们总是说我想听的,然后做他们想做的。可惜他们想做的不是我想听的-也就不是他们说的。
      • 自由党执政时间太长,确实应该换一换,但为什么能够执政那么长时间?就是因为没有替代,其他党要么太左,要么太右.原来的JOE CLARK 的TORY还行.现在的HARPER看他过去的言论,实在太恐怖了.
        • 我到以为只要是小政府(minority government)就还好,无论NDP还是保守党都不可能专断独行。而且NDP也不像以前那么做了,保守党也不像以前加联那么右了。要是看以前,马丁还把自己的公司注册在海外逃税。这么个总理更可怕!
          • 在商言商,船务公司注册在类似巴拿马这样的国家在国际上已经成了惯例.合情合法.
            • 这不是法的问题。如果说不做总理就可以不给加拿大缴税,不做反对党领袖发表个人言论更合法。为什么你认为harper会将过去的言论现在付诸实施,而马丁过去有损加拿大的自私行为作了总理后就立刻改邪归正了呢?猜测人下一步的作为要公平。
              • 你根本就没有明白,如果你对船运行业稍微有了解,就知道船务公司在类似巴拿马这样的国家注册是相当普遍的现象,董建华的东方海外不也是海外注册,有人以此攻击他当香港特首吗?根本不是你所说的有损加拿大的自私行为.
                • 关键是它凭什么要大企业政府津贴?
    • ZT. Ianno, Chow spar again...In 1997 Ianno beat Chow by 1,800 votes. Last year, he fought her off by only 805 votes.希望这次CHOW能赢.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Ianno, Chow spar again
      Residents' groups hold 2nd debate in a week

      Sabotage and sign-stealing in Trinity-Spadina
      Jan. 11, 2006. 01:00 AM

      Candidates sparred over gun crime, child care and cash for cities at an all-candidates meeting in Trinity-Spadina last night.

      Liberal MP Tony Ianno defended his party's proposed ban on handguns as a way to stop the violence plaguing Toronto's streets, but acknowledging "One fix won't solve all the problem."

      However the NDP's Oliva Chow, trying to unseat Ianno in the downtown riding, said what's needed is a major investment in youth programs.

      "That prevents crime from happening in the first place," she said.

      Chow also attacked Ianno on his government's national child-care program, saying the funding won't even begin to flow until 2010.

      Ianno shot back, saying the money has already gone to early learning centres that Chow and husband NDP leader Jack Layton have already visited.

      Conservative candidate Sam Goldstein drew chuckles from the crowd when he tried to defend his party's $1,200 per child per year payout to families for child care.

      "You can't hire a nanny for $1,200 a year," someone in the crowd yelled.

      The meeting, sponsored by six residents' and business associations in the north end of the riding including the upscale Annex, drew a crowd of 300 residents and the seven candidates.

      For the past two decades the NDP and Liberals have engaged in a tug-of-war over Trinity-Spadina, a riding that also takes in Kensington market, the University of Toronto, Chinatown, Little Italy and the Toronto Islands. Last night's debate was the second all-candidates meeting this week organized by powerful residents' groups bent on influencing the vote. On Sunday, members of a waterfront residents' group called Community AIR heckled Ianno over his stance on the island airport and the federal-controlled Toronto Port Authority, which operates it. Chow has vowed to close the money-losing airport if elected.

      Another heated issue is the unpopular Chinese head tax, which has divided the community in Chinatown and could also affect the outcome of the vote. A powerful lobby of Chinese organizations has been pushing for an apology and individual compensation from the Liberals for months. They finally eked out an apology from Prime Minister Paul Martin recently, but the Liberals have so far refused to agree to individual compensation for head-tax payers and their survivors.

      In recent weeks the battle between Ianno and Chow has been marred by allegations of sign sabotage and sign-stealing. Chow organizers say hundreds of signs have disappeared from entire streets, while Ianno's campaign claims numerous signs have been stolen from front lawns, including the MP's own on several occasions.

      Ianno spokesperson Kelly Ouimet also said they are investigating the possible tampering of phone lines at his Beverley St. campaign headquarters.

      Many expect Trinity-Spadina to be a horse race to the bitter end, although the Liberals' slide in the polls this week could prove otherwise. Ianno, who has been MP since 1993, has a large following in the Italian and Portuguese communities. Chow, wife of NDP leader Jack Layton, has worked hard to build up support as the area's city councillor for 14 years. She resigned her seat to run in this election.

      This is the third time the two have gone head to head.

      In 1997 Ianno beat Chow by 1,800 votes. Last year, he fought her off by only 805 votes.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 桌子,你觉得这里的"A powerful lobby of Chinese organizations"指的是哪些华人团体?
        "A powerful lobby of Chinese organizations has been pushing for an apology and individual compensation from the Liberals for months. They finally eked out an apology from Prime Minister Paul Martin recently, but the Liberals have so far refused to agree to individual compensation for head-tax payers and their survivors. "