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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 马丁是不是经济能人?是!加拿大经济是否归功于马丁?基本不是,只有一点点是。马丁确实曾经是个好财长,但不因此而证明他是个好总理。管理国家如果完全像做生意,国将不国!马丁的“经济诀窍”之一:扭转财赤-李代桃僵

    • 有理. 将经济成果归功于自由党是贪天之功为己有.为何同在自由党的领导下, NDP的BC经济和保守党的ALBERTA有天壤之别?
      • 你不知道为何BC经济和ALBERTA有天壤之别?这都不知道,石油啊...原油价格翻番,ALBERTA经济能不火吗?
        • 拜托了, 想想再说. 在2000年左右, 油价是10美元左右.那时ALBERTA的经济是全加的龙头.BC的人大量往ALBERTA跑. 另外, BC的自然条件远强于ALBERTA.
          • 油价一直在涨,2000年也是如此,自然条件好有什么用,中东都是沙漠,自然条件恶劣吧,不也因为石油富得流油.难道你觉得那些ARAB酋长们懂经济所以中东富裕?
            • 没有好管理, ALBERTA可能和IRAN一样穷. 或像NDP治下的BC一样进步.
      • Rich? How about centralize Alberta's resouce and share its richness with rest of the country like what ON has been doing for years?
        • 多年以来, Alberta一直是人均对联邦贡献最多的省. 从1961年到1997年, Alberta对联邦的净贡献是1670亿元.只有Ontario和BC是其它的净贡献省,缴款是850亿和90亿.
          • Source? And if there is no oil in AB, what would happen?
            • I learned it from Ted Morton's website.http://www.tedmorton.ca/. He is a professor in political science in U of C.
              • Utopia
                • It is a well-known fact that Alberta gives highest contribution per capital to the Confederation. If you chose not to believe it, so be it.
                  • What is less well known in Canada is the Americans helped Alberta to develop its petroleum industry when Bay Street turned them down.
                    • Canadian oil helps Americans become richer.
                      • What is the point? Win-win is the best. Only lefies want poverty.
                        • Win-Win should not only be granted to AB. The Oil in AB is national resource.
                          • Man, you truly are greedy and ignorant. That makes you a good liberal.J
                            • Well, greedy or not except oil and beef, or Banff, there is nothing else makes AB competitive. Perhaps Klein's drinking record.
                          • 我只能说你的想法很混乱,甚至没有逻辑。
                            • Show me your logic and LYRICS then.
                    • Canadians and the Federal Government together have made AB a rich place.
                      • When the oil price was low, Ontario imported oil from abroad to get better deal. Now when the price is up, you are talking about sharing.
                      • Why don’t we share the hydro revenue in Quebec or the allowance to auto industry in Ontario?
    • 是的!马丁是 经济能人, 能人所不能。用买一条潜艇的钱买四条旧的 ,只要是经济形势大好,死伤不 是问题,丑闻算什么。
      • 说得好. 自由党砍教育, 砍国防,砍科技, 看医疗.唯一不砍的就是他们的薪金.上次他们投票给自己加薪, 所有反对党议员都反对.有的保守党议员将加的薪金捐出来以示抗议.
      • 下次买潜艇的时候要买extended Warranty. bumper-bumper那种
    • 前几天看人说马丁的公司为了避税不在加拿大注册,是不是真的?
      • Only half of the ships in his company using Canadian flag. The other half are registered in Bahamas(?).
        • 挂方便旗,航海业非常常见的做法
          • Canadian Tax avoidance. Barbados has tax treaty with Canada. Barbadas levies 2% rate on corporate net income which is not subject to Canada Tax when it is transfered to Canada from offshore.航海业非常常见方便旗 is Panama
          • To someone without common knowledge, it's useless to argue.
            • This is how this business is run. It is business, that's all. When you are in a business, you are responsible for making the business successful.
              It makes no sense running down a business that feeds real Canadian people, for "patriotic" reasons.
              • 马丁不是说自己毫不犹豫的爱国吗?不以身作则怎么当总理?
            • Hi, don’t be so defensive. I was just trying to say HALF of Martin is loving Canada.